I’m Alex from Alpha Destiny! My ultimate goal is to help you acquire the body of your dreams, while empowering you to live a better life. I have helped thousands in achieving their goals, and look forward to assisting you too. Prepare to hear many discussions on concurrent periodization, natural muscle building, full body workouts, yoke training, health/nutrition, and unique strength training methods. It’s time to make real gains!

My Top 3 Pullups For Wide Lats

Bad Training = Bad Recovery

Why I Prefer Good Mornings Over RDLs

My #1 Chinup For Lower Lats

Better Than Face Pulls? Try This!

This Seated Cable Row Will Humble You!

Strap Up for Heavy Alternate Curls!

My Favorite Overhead Extension

Wide Grip Pullup Trick for Bigger Lats!

Build MASSIVE Legs with Hatfield Squats!

The Most Underrated Lat Pulldown

The Best Pushdown For Big Triceps?

The BIGGEST Full Body Training Myths!

Start Benching With Bands!

Improve Your Seated Overhead Press!