This is a novice program designed for first year lifters. If you cannot bench 225×5, squat 315×5, and deadlift 405×5, then you are probably a novice lifter. A simple way to assess your training level is if you can still make linear progress workout to workout. If the answer is yes, then you’re a novice lifter. This means you must build your foundation with a simple program like this. So check your ego at the door, and prepare to make the best gains of your entire life. The good news is that it will only take you 6-15 months at the absolute max.
Workout A
Box Squat 3/5×4-6 Floor Press or Pause Bench 3/5×4-6 Pendlay Row 3/5×4-6 Overhead Barbell Extension 3×6-10 Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10 Stiff-Legged Deadlift/Good Morning 2-3×6-10 Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Workout B
Box Squat 3/5×4-6 Paused Overhead Press 3/5×4-6 Trap-Bar Deadlift 2×4-6 Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8 Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5 Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
The Alpha Destiny Novice Program FAQ
How often do I follow this program?
You train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Weekends are off.
Each session, you alternate between the two workouts. So for week 1 you would do A,B,A, and week 2 would be B,A,B. This process would continue forever.
How long should I rest between sets?
The lower the better, but as a general rule it should be 2-5 minutes for the major compound movements, and 1-2 minutes for the accessory work.
Can I add some extra accessory work or change some of the exercises?
Do not modify any anything unless indicated down below
When am I intermediate?
As a general guideline, you can move onto an intermediate program once you can box squat 315×5, bench press 225×5, and deadlift 405×5 (will have to test that on your own time). Depending on the lifter, these standards will either be slightly lower, or slightly higher. Either way, since this is a linear progression program, you want to milk it for all it’s worth. That also means your linear progress can tap out before OR after hitting these numbers, so keep that in mind. If you don’t like low exercise selection and basic linear progression, you may need something else.
How do I make progress?
For the major compound exercises, you’re either doing sets of 3 or 5. You never do sets of 4, for reasons that are much too complicated for this section. It’s one or the other, no questions asked.
If doing 3 sets, the total amount of reps should add up to 15-18. The manner in which the reps add up to 15-18 does not matter as long as you are still within the rep range. If doing 5 sets, the reps should add up to 25-30. Still, the method in which you achieve 25-30 reps is irrelevant as long as you stick within the rep range. Once you hit the desired total amount of reps (15-18 or 25-30) you will increase weight. For squats, this will be 5-10lbs per progression, deadlifts 10-20lbs per progression, and bench press 5-10lbs per progression. Obviously, the stronger you become, the smaller the jumps in weight. Nonetheless, if you reach the desired sets/reps, make sure to add weight the next workout. Never repeat the same weights if you’ve already mastered them. You’re looking for constant linear progression.
By the way, if you can handle performing all sets, go with it. However, if it is impeding your ability to recover or is causing you to stall, only perform the minimum amount of sets needed for all exercises. Ex: 3 sets vs. 5 sets is not a big deal. (In the end, it will only make a small difference)
What do I do when I stall?
Very simple. First, identify which exercise you are stalling in. Then, you subtract 10% of that weight and build back up from there. You are more likely to experience stalls if you are under-recovered (not eating and sleeping enough) or if you are nearing the intermediate phase. Another option is to use microplates (1-2.5lbs), which allows for very small progression.
What if I’m an intermediate on my upper body but not the lower and vice versa?
Run this novice/intermediate program hybrid instead.
Do I go to failure?
You should avoid failure as much as possible. If you are, it’s because you’re not eating or sleeping enough. This is a properly designed program that when followed, should prevent most stalls.
Leave a rep in the tank, unless it’s your last set.
Should I bulk or cut?
It really depends where you stand. The further away you are from my standards, the more loose your nutrition can be. The truth is that novice lifters can recomp fairly easily, particularly at a higher body fat. However, if you notice that you’re having difficulties recovering from a workout, it might be a good idea to eat at maintenance or slight caloric surplus. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, your nutrition will hold back how much muscle you can gain and how much fat you can lose in the future. You may need to learn about basic dieting and nutrition if this is a problem.
If I’m cutting can I change anything in the program?
If cutting, use the lowest amount of sets listed for all exercises. Possibly consider removing the accessories as well (depends on your recovery).
Is this a Powerlifting program?
No, it’s for drug-free recreational lifters who want to develop base strength and size. However, after competing this program you can easily transition into Powerlifting.
What equipment do you recommend?
All movements are to be done beltless, without wrist straps or knee sleeves. The only item I will accept are wrist wraps for benching but even at that they are not necessary one bit.
Can I do one rep maxes on this program?
Can I do exercises with bands and/or chains?
No, everything must be straight weight.
Can I free-squat instead of box squat?
If you don’t have a box/bench/platform/object to sit on, then you really don’t have any other options. Otherwise, squat off a box. It will allow you to recover better than a free-squat, give you less knee pain, develop explosiveness, provide immediate deadlift carryover, and strengthen the posterior chain like you’ve never seen before. Plus, your depth will be below parallel 100% of the time.
How do I box squat?
Watch the ultimate box squat tutorial here.
Do I squat with a low bar or high bar style, and how close should my foot stance be?
Use a high bar style, ensuring that the scapula is fully retracted, the elbows are down, and the bar is NOT resting on your neck.
For your foot stance, it should be on the wider side. Not only does this give you far better leverages than a close stance squat, but it will also strengthen your hips and have direct performance carryover to all forms of leg athleticism.
Can I do front squats?
You may only front squat if you choose to once you can back squat 275×5 or are late-novice. At that point, you can replace back squats for front squats ONLY on Wednesdays (ideally on the B day).
Can I squat in the smith machine?
NEVER under any circumstances squat in the smith machine. I’d rather you quit squats completely than to resort to that style.
Why floor press? Shouldn’t beginners bench press instead?
Why should they bench press if they are already doing overhead press, close-grip bench press, and overhead extensions? All these exercises are difficult and will automatically build standard bench strength. Therefore, it’s smart to include floor pressing to train what these exercises cannot do as well, which is the ability to develop complete dead-stop strength (relax overcome by dynamic).
But Alex, I literally cannot floor press! What now?
You mean you don’t have access to a power rack? Well, you should consider switching gyms, but if you really can’t here’s some other options. As a novice, anything under 225lbs should be easy to hip thrust, so if you can use that to unrack the weight there shouldn’t be a problem. Another option is to stack boxes and use them as an unracking tool. Finally, you can have a spotter deadlift the bar thus setting it in the correct starting position. If none of these options appeal to you due to safety or psychology, then just do flat bench press instead (paused). Do what is most convenient for you, which will probably be bench press.
What about the upper chest? Won’t it lag if there aren’t any incline presses?
There is no need for upper chest work. The overhead presses done with a pause (off the chest) will do more than enough to hypertrophy those upper pecs. As a matter of fact, once you reach the intermediate stage your incline press will automatically be very strong.
Besides, a novice lifter does not have lagging body parts, because their ENTIRE body is weak. Therefore, they need not perform incline presses if they’ve not even developed a basic foundation of mass and strength. Worry about lagging body parts once you reach the intermediate stage.
Where do I pause on the overhead press?
Off the chest/collarbone area. 1-2 count is all you need, just make sure you’re not bouncing the weight off your body.
Do I have to do overhead extensions?
You should, because it’s the best way to hit the long head of your triceps, which is the meatiest part and gives the most mass to your arm. Why do flat extensions or standard skullcrushers which emphasize medial and lateral head? Overhead is much better.
Can I do my extensions with dumbbells?
Sure, but I’d prefer you use a bar if you don’t experience elbow pain.
Can I replace extensions for weighted dips?
Absolutely not.
Can I add extra trap exercises to the program?
No, your traps will grow just fine from heavy deadlifts and rows. Once you have a foundation then you should start isolating. Doing heavy shrugs and overload training will negatively impact your recovery, especially since the workload is already high enough.
What if I can’t do weighted chin-ups?
If not strong enough to do weighted chin-ups, either perform slow negatives on bodyweight chin-ups, or lat pulldown/assisted chin-ups. You can also do pullups with bands and see my ultimate guide.
I don’t have a trap bar. Now what?
You should do 1×5 Conventional.
Trap Bar Low or High Handle?
Whatever you prefer. If using high handle, you will lift about 40-60lbs more than your conventional. Therefore, the strength standard increases to about 455-475×5. If using low-handle, you’re probably intermediate if you can do anymore between 385-425×5. At any rate, once your linear progress ceases that means you’re no longer a novice, and this can occur in both styles so it doesn’t matter where you pull from.
What about the Behind the Back Deadlift (hack deadlift)?
No, conventional is a better choice for now.
What about sumo deadlift? Is that fine?
Not my #1 choice because the wide box squats already take care of these muscles. In general strength programs like this one, we always want contrast in exercises. But if you really want to do it, be my guest.
What about Jefferson deadlifts?
It could be done but I don’t advise it. Do the standard 2×4-6 reps. One set left leg, the other right.
What about snatch grip deadlifts?
Too taxing on recovery, so no.
Deficit deadlifts?
What about pulling off 2-4 inch blocks?
I’d consider that a last resort for people with lower back issues. If you do that, follow 2×4-6
Can I do rack pulls instead of deadlifts (or add them)?
Unless you can’t pull from the ground or blocks, do deadlifts. You’ll have more than enough time to rack pull when you’re intermediate.
Should I do good mornings or stiff-legged deadlifts?
Both will work fine. Choose the one that you personally prefer in terms of strength development and safety.
What about reverse hypers, can I do them in this program?
Sure thing, if your gym has one then make use of it. Either add it at the end of both workouts, or simply replace the good mornings/stiff-legged deadlifts. Your choice.
If my shoulders hurt, can I do extra work for them?
Rotator Cuff and/or Rear Delt work can be added.
Where’s the ab exercises?
There’s weighted planks to assist in intra-abdominal pressure, and you may also do extra ab work if you feel that it is necessary for whatever reason. Plus, because everything in this program is done beltless on heavy compound movements while using the valsalva maneuver you should be fine.
Do I have to do weighted planks, or is there another substitute?
If you really don’t want to do them for whatever reason, such as not having a person that could put plates on your back safely or possessing a timer, then yes there are some substitutes.
Your best bet would be hanging leg raises off a bar, as this will traction the spine while developing the abs. Another option would be to do standing cable/band crunches, as this will help you with your squats and deadlifts. 3×10-20 works best for both. Weighted crunches (not situps) are another choice.
Should I do anything on my off days, like GPP?
No GPP, because the volume of this program is high enough. Mobility work, and low intensity cardio is fine though.
I am extremely busy, can I do this program twice a week and still make gains?
Yes, you won’t see much of a difference by training 2 or 3 times a week. You might only lose 10-15% of gains.
I don’t want chicken calves or a pencil neck. Can I train them at the end of the program?
Can I add additional forearm work?
No, that’s overkill seeing as you’re doing tons of indirect forearm and grip work.
Does this program really work?
Of course. Thousands of people have had great success with it, just read some of the testimonials in this comment section. You’re next!
If you have any questions, leave a comment here and I will add it to the Q&A!
Nice balanced program. However all the pressings emphasize the pec sternum/lower chest.
I prefer a program that emphasizes the upper pecs. How can I do this? Izit ok if I swap Floor Press for low incline(25-30 deg) bench on A and sub shoulder press with high incline bench on B?
Greetings Armesh,
There is no need for upper pec work. The overhead presses done with a pause will do more than enough to hypertrophy the upper chest. As a matter of fact, once you reach the intermediate stage your incline press will automatically be very strong.
Besides, a novice lifter does not have lagging body parts, because their ENTIRE body is weak. Therefore, they need not perform incline presses. Worry about that in the intermediate stage.
Thinking about running this program as it seems very well done. Just to be sure, at which point in the overhead press should the pause be?
Awesome progression structure. No nonsense simple yet amazingly effective program for anyone to make fantastic gains on. Would highly recommend! Thanks Alex for the gains.
Weighted Chin-up, yeah I already hit all the numbers for the big 3. However I still struggle with Weighted Chin-up at 240 lbs weight. I will get there when i lose weight 27% bodyfat at the moment but Weighted Chin-up may be too much for a novice lean or overweight.
Hi Alex,
first i wanna thank you for all the free knowledge and advice you are giving!
At the moment i am doing the following exercises 5×5:
OHP: 110 lbs
bench: 170 lbs
deadlift: 330 lbs
squat: 220 lbs
Would you recommend your novice programm for me?
Keep up the good work and best wishes from germany – Fabian
I would definitely recommend it for you!
Heey Alex!, first of all thanks , all you do help me and alot of other folks alot.
Here some questions about the workout – total vertical press its dangerous for me ( disjointed shoulders 4 months ago, medical exams ok but as you know, after one disjoint, its easy disjoint again) , as well, my worst body part is chest, could be an option change overhead press by incline bench?( i still can do ohp but not full of confidence, the ”less worst” replace its incline bench?- my favorite exerrcise is ohp : /) As well, really internal rotated shoulders, facepull ok right?
I already workout for about 2 years and shit results 68kg 1.85cm height and 14% bodyfat( yeah the same brazilian guy making questions on your videos ) , as well, my lower back was injuryed so i am re loading slowly, i know anyone thinks that but for me its really hard gain mass , like, even with proper diet, i gain almost only fat and a little strenght .Thats why i am changing my nutrition aproach.
After so many tries of bulk and cutt, now i am starting an different aproach – eat only what i need, maybe some 150kcal more as well dropping carbs at morning, so, my recovery capacity its not maximun, would be a better idea do 4 instead of 5 sets per important lift?
As an ”extra” question, what you think about ” controlled overtraining” while novice focusing on bodybuilding?
Actually thats all, afraid of do total vertical moves by now, like ( ohp and pull ups- the two exercise i like most ) ,reduce a bit of volume due not maximum recovery by the nutrition option. And focusing at facepull to change my internal rotated shoulders .As always, i know my english isnt good ; )
Thaks, really much. Alphalife is the both of a man world – been better at all life ways, and thats fucking eawsome, good job.
Thanks man. Justva question, how about the abs bruh? 🙂
You don’t really need to train abs if you follow this program beltless and use the valsalva maneuver. However, if you wish to do extra ab work that’s perfectly fine. (I’ll add that to the Q&A)
Nice routine. Def will recommend it
Can you explain the set/rep/weight progression better please? For example, do you only progress to 4 sets once you can complete all 3 sets for 6 reps? then you can progress to 4 sets of 6,6,6, then maybe 5. And you only progress once you can do all 4 sets of 6? Then you would go to 6,6,6,6,4 until you can get all 6 sets of 6? Thank you
So just to reconfirm, if I don’t have a trap bar available I do 1 set of 5 reps of conventional. Not the the 2 sets recommended for the trap bar deadlifts?
Yes, you do 1×5 conventional if you don’t have a trap-bar available.
Can you do weighted dips in place of close grip bench?
Alex if we do this program while cutting would u recommend progressing every other session like you would in the ICF 5×5 cutting version?
The progression style always stays the same.
The only variable that changes is volume.
The Q&A section covers that my brother.
Does this program work for skinny guys like me. I have tried other beginner programs for months and NEVER put on any muscle.
This is seriously the best novice program I have ever seen in my entire life.
you should charge money for it Alex
I wish I had known about this program when I first stated lifting. I would’ve made all kinds of gainz..all kinds!! My only criticism is that the squat, bench, and Deadlift are basicly close variations to the main actual lifts. In my humble opinion to get better at a movement, you have to actually train that movement. Other than that amazing Job with the program! Like I said, I wish I had this when I first started lifting.
Hey Alex,
Great program, whats your view on novices doing the JM Press?
Although the JM press is a fantastic exercise, I would not start with them right away during the novice phase.
Why is it that there is no normal bench press? I mean Floor presses are good but it works more your triceps rather than your pecs due to the range of motion. When you’re benching the pecs are mostly worked at the bottom part of the motion. what do you think? Cheers.
See Q&A and check this video
I prefer Good Mornings over SLDL. Is doing Good Mornings off pins a good idea or shall I stick to the regular Good Mornings??
That’s a good question. Roll with the regular good mornings given the fact that you are doing higher reps.
If you were doing reps between 1-3, I would recommend the pin version, but since that isn’t the case do them the standard way.
At the bottom. Every time you reset at the chest level basically.
1) I am not a physiotherapist, and don’t feel safe prescribing you exercises given your current conditions.
2) 3 sets for cutting, 5 sets for bulking. Or, 3 sets if your recovery isn’t good, and 5 if it is good.
3) There’s no such thing as controlled overtraining. Overtraining is a serious medical condition that leads to many heath problems.
Just a few questions, should we stick to barbell floor press or dumbbell floor press? Or Could we alternate between the two? Secondly you mentioned that we should substitute trap bar deadlift for conventional, what’s your view on the seated/chair deadlift that Louie Simmons advocates is it a good way to learn leg drive like a trap bar deadlift?
Hey Roberto,
1) You will definitely want to stick with the dumbbell floor press. No need to alternate them, especially in this stage.
2) The seated chair deadlift is good because it teaches you to pull back. I would not be doing them during this program. If you want to, at the end of your workout you can do them with a broomstick or empty bar just to teach form, but other than that I would not mess with them.
Hey Alex,
Would you recommend that the dumbell floor press should be done with a neutral grip or with a slight tuck , do you think the dumbell floor press has a better carryover than barbell for bench?
Hey Tim,
I would not do the dumbbell floor press on this program. Although it is a fantastic exercise, they are far too advanced in this stage of the game.
Stick with the barbell version.
What advantages does this program have over a full-body bodybuilding program which uses 8-12 reps throughout the program, even on squats and deadlifts?
Will I put on more size with a program like that than with this program? I am concerned that I may not do enough overall volume with this novice program.
What’s up my canadian friend!
I really want to try this workout program for a few months to gain strengh and put alot of muscle mass on my little frame. Before starting it, I have a few questions for you:
1) I have scoliosis in my back and my doctor say that I shouldn’t deadlift, so what should I do instead ?
2) I also have a little and light frame, thus when I start lifting very heavy for weeks my shoulders and joints start bodering me, how can I overcome this ?
Hey Matthew,
This program is very high in volume, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.
It will also pack on maximum amounts of size. It’s more of a powerbuilding program than anything.
As for the 8-12 rep crap, please realize that this is outdated bodybuilding broscience magazine advice. You will get big on 4-6 reps. Plus, I have you do higher reps on assistance work anyways, so there is no issue there.
1) I can’t answer that first question because you spoke to your doctor already.
The only advice I can give you is to check out my article “How to Cure Bulging Discs – Fix Lower Back Pain FOREVER!”
2) Your light frame doesn’t mean anything. If you have joint pain from lifting, it’s because your form is really really bad, you are not eating enough, AND not sleeping enough. You need to fix those things first.
Ok thank you! What exercice should I replace the deadlift with ? Because otherwise I will do the program without the deadlift
Hi Alex! Is there any problem in changing the order of exercises, mainly speaking of S.L. Deadlifts before biceps/triceps? I started the program today!
Alex can I replace the floor press for just regular bench? I am really enjoying the box squats and this is my 3rd week on the program but floor press just feels bad to me and it’s actually been getting weaker while my squat and deadlift are going up at a fast rate. I’m cutting btw
“I’m cutting btw”
That is why your bench press is not going up.
The order is in such a way where optimal recovery is achieved between exercises. No need to change it.
Reverse hypers.
Just a quick question on box squats. Iv read a lot of conflicting ideas on their usefulness to free squats, if i remember correctly Jason Blaha said pause squats were better and there was also an article by Dan Green where he felt box squats had no carryover. Do you think box squats are useful for free squats?
Also see:
Box squats rule!
Hi Alex!
Quick question for you: Can I do farmer walk instead of deadlift(unfortunatly can’t do them) for full body developpement ? If so, how many sets ?
I’v just got in to box squats but it seems that I can’t keep tight and controlled as I ‘fall’ to the box when i’m a few inches away any suggestions to fix this? With the ovehead extensions are these to be done seated or standing?
1) You need more posterior chain. That will come with time. Although for now, you can start with a higher box and gradually move down.
2) Seated or standing. Doesn’t really matter.
Alex, my question is how to increase weight in the 1×5 deadlift, since there isn’t a rep range cited. I’m not double-jointed but in general my body structure is similar to yours: wide legs, short arms, tiny hands (161 cm, 69 kg). I’m making progress consistent in all the other lifts but in the deadlift, a weight that last week was easy this week could be hard as hell.
Alex what about them quads? box squat targets hamstring and glutes
Just gotta keep following the program.
That’s why I included trap-bar deadlifts for a splash-over effect. Plus, you’d be surprised that box squats build the quads more than you think.
what kind of calorie/macro range do you recommend for this program ? eating above maintenance ? (or depending what our goal is…cutting vs lean bulk)
If cutting, do lowest amount of volume listed, and if bulking, use highest volume. Calories +/- 10% depending on goals.
Alex if I wanted to switch over from trap bar deads to conventional deads do you think their would be a huge drop in weight? I’ve made ridiculously fast progress on your program srs especially considering I was cutting up until this week. I can do 315 box squat for 3×6, 425 Trap bar deads 2×6 but my bench is at 205 it was so godamn hard to make bench progress while my weight was going down but now that I’m gaining weight again it should be smooth sailing to 225..
I Guess my real question is do you think this 425 for 2 sets of 6 trap bar will transfer over to a 1×5 405 conventional? I want to switch to conventional since I can’t add anymore weight to the trap bar the weights literally fly off and the clips at our gym fit loosely on it.
LOL that’s actually pretty funny man.
I think if you switch, you will hit around 365×5. The difference is usually around 40lbs.
Do not worry though, because the gains come quickly.
what about cardio? I am trying to be toned, I am trying to eat clean but I don’t see anything for cardio? what should I do?
You don’t need cardio, although you can do some light cardio on off days if you really want to.
Realize that you will only appear ”toned” once you have a good amount of muscle mass. This process takes 6-12 months. Cardio won’t solve the problem.
I am at 180lbs, and am 5’10 with body fat at 14%. I track my macros using myfitnesspal app. I am shooting for 50% protein, 25% carbs, and 25% fat. What do you recommend? or based on my information do you think this is a good workout for me as well? please and thank you for your responses!
Would I be able to still leg press with this program? I really developed my quads and don’t wanna lose those gains
Protein is way too high, and carbs are too low.
And based off your information, I suspect that you probably have a decent amount of muscle mass, but are nearing the end of the novice phase. Running this program for some months may be of good use to you.
I would not leg press on this program. Besides, trap-bar deadlifting and overall leg strength gains will ensure that your quads maintain its impressiveness.
When you were like 17 or whenever you did this program, did people in the gym look at you like “what the fuck”? when you floor pressed or did good mornings? But then were they like holy fuck a few months later? I’ll really don’t like the judgement and eyeballiny i’ve been getting. Will I for certain show people I know what the hell I am doing and disprove them through this program?
If I can bench 280 already, should I do regular bench press instead of floor press?
Hi Alex
How would you determine the starting weight for the main exercises?
Hi Alex
How would you workout the starting weight?
Hi Alex.
How would you workout what the starting weight is for the main lifts, do you start very like or at certain percentage and work up?
Thank you
Hypothetically, would you be able to reach intermediate stage with dumbell floor press instead of barbell? And if so what would translate to 225 × 5
Nope, that would not work.
You keep adding 5-10lbs to the barbell until you find a weight that is comfortable. After the first two sessions you should already be messing with progressive overload.
You keep adding 5-10lbs to the barbell until you find a weight that is comfortable. After the first two sessions you should already be messing with progressive overload.
This program is far too advanced for you. Check out The Alpha Body instead.
Hey Alpha Man,
Will we be okay deadlifting twice a week conventional up until 405lbs or is there a certain point we should stop to only once a week for recovery purposes. What should we then replace the 2nd deadlift with if that is the case?
Hey Alex, I was just wondering, If I have a glute/ham raise machine in my gym can I possibly substitute the stiff leg/goodmorning for the glute/ham machine? My Hammies are lagging quite a bit and It’s hard for me to engage my hammies in the 2 other options. Thanks man, enjoying this program immensely.
Well the deadlifts are different. You do a stiff-legged and a trap-bar, which is fine for recovery.
Sure if that’s all you got.
Can I do normal squats for one of the workouts? and Should the box squat be at parallel?
Also do you believe this workout program is suitable for a 14 year old? and should the same strength standards be expected?
No way in hell will you get the same strength gains as an adult.
I think you would be better off with Starting Strength than this program.
If you are going to free squat for whatever reason, you do it on all the workouts.
And for box squats, it’s either at parallel or below parallel. (which I recommend over free squats)
Ok. Thank you and what do you think I should expect for strength results for stating strength?
I can’t answer that. You are only 14. Results will vary.
One more thing, is the floor press done on a grip similar to flat benchpress? Or in a semi close grip elbows semi tucked?
Hey alpha Imma do your novice program cause I have novice numbers. What do you mean when you say chin up? Palms facing you or away or hammer grip? Please give light
Facing you. Although I have no problem with overhand or neutral grips if you are strong enough to do so.
Semi-close grip or regular. Choose what feels best.
Any particular reason for preacher curls or are they interchangeable with say incline or standing, my arm length makes me smack the pegs and I’m a big fan of incline
Do incline curls if you want to. It’s not that big of a deal. (I prefer the preachers though)
Tought as much. Cheers man keep up the great work
Hey Alex!
A few questions:
1. How long to you find it takes to run the short (lowest number of sets) version of the program? I really don’t like to stay in the gym for a long time (1h-1h15 max) because I start losing focus and getting fatigued.
2. The numbers you tell us to aim for are for the regular movements (squat, bench and deadlift) or for the movements you prescribe (box squat, trap bar deadlift and floor press)?
3. My upper body is lagging when compared to my lower body (I’m already happy with the size of my lower body and wouldn’t like to add a lot more mass to it, even if I don’t hit your recommended numbers for the Squat and Deadlift). What changes, if any, would you make to the program if I wanted to emphasize the upper body relatively to the lower body?
Thanks a lot!!!
1- If you keep the rest times low, the total workout will be shorter. However, you will still end up in the 1h-1h15 range (which is actually short for the volume of this program) Thus, if you want to run a faster program, try Starting Strength.
2- Either or
3- I wouldn’t make any changes to the program. Perhaps you can remove the accessory work for the legs, but that’s about it. You sound like you would like The Alpha Body, but you’ll need a minimum 205×5 bench to run it so roll with the novice program for now but with few modifications to the legs.
Another question Alex. Can I add pullovers in one of the workouts? I love the stretch but if your intuition says not good for recovery, then I’m good though.
Not for this program. In the late novice/early intermediate phase that’s when it becomes more acceptable.
One more thing, can I do dumbell tricep extension or should I stick with barbell?
Hi, nice blog! If I want a body similar to Jeff Seid, do I have to pass trough the novice stage. In other words, am I supposed to bench 225, squat 315 and deadlift 405 before I start to workout like he does. And what If am an absolute skinny fat, and full body strength workouts 3 times a week, are too much to recover from?
Not for the legs. A 225×5 squat is all you need. For the bench, I’d recommend between 205×5-225×5 before starting.
And if 3x a week is too much, go twice a week.
Hey Alex!
You’ve mentioned Greg from Kinobody in your videos. What do you think of his low volume, Reverse Pyramid Training approach?
It’s simply another word for back-off sets. I think they are good, but that one should still perform straight sets.
Hey Alex!
I’ve been experimenting with some Olympic Lifts for Upper Back development and I’ve grown really fond of the Snatch Grip Deadlift. What do you think of something like this to specialize on the Snatch Grip Deadlift and the Bench Press?
Workout A – Snatch Deadlift + Bench Press + Push Assistance
Workout B – Pull (horizontal, vertical, biceps)
Workout C – Snatch Deadlift + Bench Press + Legs
Also, could you start doing more videos on Olympic Lifts?
Hi John,
I know absolutely nothing about Olympic lifting, therefore I am unable to help anyone in this field. I can’t really critique what you’re doing either, but it looks weird to me atm.
How do we progress on the accessory lifts?
What’s up Alex?
Can you please explain why one shouldn’t consider doing 4 sets? Other similar programs also prescribe either 3 or 5 sets, but what’s wrong with 4? Can you enlighten me on this?
Because people will abuse the progression system. By manipulating total volume they will lift weights that they are unable to handle, and as such they will plateau and call me out for my program being ineffective even though it was their own fault.
Don’t worry about it. Just follow the desired sets and reps, and once you can successfully lift the weights in an easy fashion, add weight.
Still concerning the 4 sets, wouldn’t they be the midterm between 3 and 5 sets in terms of volume? How would one negatively manipulate the volume using 4 sets?
What if I already have well developed legs and I need to improve only my upper body? What should I do?
I had a calf injury a couple months ago and I gotta say these box squats are AMAZING! Zero calf pain whatsoever in comparison to free squats. Thanks for this program Alex!
Yo Alex, just started the program yesterday loving it so far, my one concern is are you suggesting we only box squat the whole program? I was concerned that for a novice raw lifter the box squat may not carry over as well too my atg squat once the program is done? Just curious i’ve never heard anyone recommend box squatting too a novice lifter and a lot of people are talking shit to me saying I should be doing atg squats for maximum beginner gains and learning good form? anyways just curious your requesting that we only box squat till the program ends?
Hey Alex,
I was wondering if by any chance would the Alpha body program ever be Available on Amazon. I was wondering because I don’t have a PayPal account and I would really like to have the program. I also think that you could make a lot of money putting your books on a big retailer like amazon.
Not sure about the amazon thing. I may in the future, but not anytime soon. If you’re worried about the paypal thing, don’t worry. You can add cards to the paypal account. (it’s actually faster this way. saves you time in the future)
Yes sir, you box squat throughout the entire program.
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, this program is designed for recreational lifters, not powerlifters. That’s why there’s box squats and trap-bar deadlifts. It still gets you mad strong, but in a different type of way.
Also, in regards to the atg squats, don’t worry about it. A low box squat is harder than an ATG squat. You will be fine.
Let’s say I did (4,4,4,4). The total reps would be 16. That’s more than if I did 3×5. Do you see how easily this can be manipulated? People will do the lowest reps possible, but will increase sets. They will fail weights in the future this way.
Sounds like The Alpha Body may be a better choice for you then.
Hello Alex. Since there isn’t a trap bar available in my gym, I’m doing 1×5 conventional deadlift, and deloading-resetting 10% when I stall (since there is no rep range here). Progress comes along much more quickly. When you say “and if bulking, use the highest volume” is it possible to apply weight resets to the others big lifts and progress in a workout to workout manner, or it would do more harm than good? Thanks!
Here’s what I would do. Apply the weight resets to the exercises that need resets. Simple as that. If your squat and deadlift stalls, but your bench isn’t, then keep piling on the weights for the bench press, but reset those squats and deadlifts.
I’m going to start this program in a week. Im going to college in a dorm room and there is a gym there. The problem is, when I come home for a week what should I do? I have weights in the basement. Barbell max 120 lbs, and each dumbbell max 35 lbs.
And also, the overhead tricep extensions can they be replaced with ez-bar tricep extensions or skullcrushers?? the regular barbell tricep overhead extensions hurt my elbows.
1) If you can get a good 2 workouts per week, you’ll be fine even if you miss your workout from being at home.
2) You can definitely replace them if your elbows hurt
Alex, I kbow this is QnA here but idc. One month since I started this, weights already up. Bench is at 155 for 5 from 120 (Floorpress 170). Ohp 100 for 5 from 70 lol. Box squat 160. My favorite weighted wide grip pull up with 50lbs dumbel in my legs can do 5-6 reps. No deadlift for me though(anterior pelvic tilt). Pendlay at 130 from 70. Take note I’m now 149-150 lbs from 110 lbs after a year of pigging out.
That’s fantastic, Matt! I’m happy to hear you are making fast progress.
What would you recommend if I’m not flexible enough for straight leg deadlift?? My back rounds when close to ground and can’t keep leg straight . I’m 5 foot 11 inches
Hey Alex 😉
Great programm. But one question. Let’s say I benched 75kg 5*6 in my last workout and I wanna bench 77,5kg and will bench 77,5kg 5*4 in my next workout. So in my first workout I had more volume than in my latest. Will this be a problem or is volume not that important for me in the novice stage?
Oh no this is part of the process of building work capacity. Once you cease to increase volume, that’s when you would have reached the intermediate stage.
You can round the upper back if you like. And the legs must be slightly bent, not fully straight.
Hey Alex can I do band face pulls at the end of the workout just to keep my rotator cuffs healthy?
my friend recommended me this program and i’m loving it so far. especially the box squats, cuz I get zero knee pain from it
This program is SO good!!! I was skeptical of the floor presses at first but wow it made my flat bench go up like crazy I can’t believe it!
Thank you Alex
Absolutely. Extra rotator cuff work is always acceptable. Especially when done with bands
absolutely best novice program this is making me more gains than any other
First time I see a novice program with box squats.
Love it.
I’m already in my thrid month on this program, and i’ve had great results already, but can we add some lateral shoulder exercise into the routine? like lateral raises for example? Thanks alex, uve changed my training view and much more!
Hey I am glad to hear you are making great gains! To answer your question though, I suppose lateral raises would not be negative, but I still would not do them. If you truly want that 3D look while keeping your shoulders healthy, do band face pulls instead. Assists in recovery too btw.
Can I run this instead of The Alpha Body? I can only bench 135
Yes this program is more appropriate for you atm.
I currently weigh 168 about 16.5 percent body fat, 5″8, and trained on a split with and achieved 275 ATG squat, 215 Bench Press and 315 Deadlift, and I want to know if I hop on this program if I can replace box squats with ATG squats because I feel I get more benefits from them. And also would I still be able to make my weight go up if I’m cutting cuz I’m closer to 20 bf than 10
Hello Alex, big shout here from Brazil. I’m a huge fan of you and your work. I’ve been running this amazing program for 3 months and im making gains here. This program is diferent from all the ones i did before, im that guy that lifts for like 3 years and is still a begginer because i always followed those brosplits type of shit thing(only isolation bullshit movements) so my strenght and muscle mass never grew past the begginer phase. As a natural joe, im so thankful for discovering you and ur natural training philosophy, and for the first time in my life ive been seeing actual diference in my workout and in my physique on a short amount of time. On the other hand, since there is not a small box/bench(bellow paralel) in my gym, im doing conventional(lifted 245lbs for 4 yesterday). But, my flexibility(lower body plus flat feet) is an issue and for some reason that idk(maybe flexibilty or form…?) ive been taking forever to progress on the squats and always when i do progress i keep hitting plateous(usually arround 245lbs) so i decrease a couple kilos and try to progress again but never surpass the 245lbs zone. Im making linear progression on all the other lifts except the squats, so what do you think it is the issue? Im sorry that im making you spend ur precious time by reading all of my story but after all this time lifting and researching about it i found u re one of the few that i really trust in this ilusional fitness industry. Thanks for everything, and again sorry for the bible above hahaha
My actual lifts are( so u can have an idea of where i am)
Deadlift 315lbs – 3 reps, squat 245bs – 5, floor press 205lbs – 5, ohp 135lbs – 5.
Thanks Alex,
Hi Bruno, I am very happy you are seeing results! Based off your stats mentioned, you are doing well so far.
Now in terms of your little issue, I’d say it’s a mobility problem. I can refer you to someone that specializes in this field if you look. Email me and I’ll let my buddy know.
Hi Larry,
Sure thing pal, you can free squat if you really want to.
Also, it’s possible to continue adding muscle mass while in a deficit, but progress may be slower as a result of this.
By the way, you are very close to the intermediate stage for your bench press. I say you only have some workouts left before you’re rocking 2 plates.
Hey Alex,
Is the 10% +/- calories for bulking/cutting the only way to go, or can you lean bulk, like going 10% + on workout days and 5%+ on resting days?
You can do that.
Can you post a link of a overhead barbel extension. I’m not sure what that is.
Hi Chris,
It’s quite simple. Here’s a picture.
Very good program, it’s so good I think it’ll get viral
So for the compound movements and the progression
Do you mean 5 to 6 reps?
You have it written 4 -6
But if i did 4 reps for 3 sets thats only 12
And you want us in 15-18 range? I am confuse 🙁
If you did 4 reps for 3 sets, that wouldn’t be acceptable. You’d need to get a total of 15. So 6,5,4 would be fine. 4,4,4 isn’t.
Hope this helps.
Yes that makes sense
So if I get my required reps, I will increase weight for the next workout
Lets say I dont get my required reps with the new weight … do I attempt the same weight again next workout, or bump it down and add volume?
Re-try the weight and if you stall remove 10% and build back up
So after we increase weight on a compound, what is an acceptable total amount of reps with a new weight?
Seems unlikely to hit the same rep range right off the bat with a new pr
Sorry for all the posts man, program looks solid but the progression is confusing to me
Don’t worry about it Gary. Say you did 6,6,6 for one workout, and the next time you decide to add weight. This time you only get 5,4,4. Well now you have to reach the total of 15 reps. Once you get there, add weight again, and repeat.
Gotcha! If I hit all the bench marks within a year or so, I will purchase your intermediate/advance program for sure
Keep up the youtube content as well man, really solid work
Hey alex great program. But I was wondering if I should continue doing squats. I squated 265 the other day at 164 but my legs are getting to be very big; 24 inches at the thickest part. Should I continue the program untill I hit 315×5 or should I try a more upper body based program as I only have a pretty small upper body; 175 bench with 14 inch arms.
Hey if you’re satisfied with your leg size then that’s on you. I won’t force you to do squats and deadlifts if it doesn’t agree with your aesthetic goals.
Hi Alex,
I’m a 44 year old that’s going to start your novice program on Monday. I’m going to run your 3 set option because of my age and recovery ability. My question is on the rep since I’m not as young as I used to be. Would it be better for me to work in the 8-12 rep range or just stay in the 4-6 rep range and make sure to not grind any reps out and keep 1 or 2 reps in the tank?
Many thanks….. Can’t wait to run this for 6 to 12 months and make some drastic changes to my physique.
Two thumbs up on the program layout….!!!
Hello Eric,
I would recommend you stick to the 4-6 rep range, but as you mentioned leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank.
Also, the total volume will ensure that you don’t burn out. You are only getting 15 reps after all, as compared to 3×8 which would be 24 reps.
Hope this helps!
One thing is not clear. At any of the exercise, when do you increase weight? For example the bench press… After you hit 6 reps in all 3/5 sets Or if I hit 6 reps in the first set then I should increase even if my second and third set would be 5 and 4?
Are there any good RPG games coming out in the next few years?
Hey Alex,
You said to make sure the total reps stay between 15-18 for 3 sets or 25-30 for 5 sets. What about the other exercises that are listed 3 x 6-10 and 3 x 6-8?
Also I chose to do free weight squats instead of box squats so whenever I am squatting, my left hip tends to shoot up before my right side. Do you have any idea to fix that? I injured my hip flexor over a year ago and ever since I have been really unbalanced on my squats.
Thanks for the help!
The accessory work doesn’t matter. Just stick to the rep ranges.
Might be an anthropometry/mobility issue, or you must re-learn proper technique. I recommend working with an empty bar for a bit.
For increasing weight….
666 is good
665 is good
655 is good
654 is good
Anything lower is not
I wouldn’t know, lol.
Stopped gaming a very long time ago.
Hey alex, I haven’t been making amazing novice gains on my current program so i’ll give yours a shot. A few questions though:
-when you say overhead barbell extension do mean stuff like skullcrushers? what other exercises would you recomend?
-can i do incline curls instead of barbell/dumbell preacher curls? if not why?
1) Overhead barbell extension, it’s like a skullcrusher but standing. I chose this exercise to develop the long head of the triceps very well.
2) Sure you can. Just be careful on your shoulders.
Everything progressing except bench press. Stuck at 105 for 5 or 4 what am I doing wrong should I keep doing same thing
My close grip, pendlay row, and military press are going up though. Just not my bench press, it hasn’t went up one rep in 2 sessions now.
Cool program and book. I have a question. My legs are well developed 25 inches. But my upper body is not so well developed. I can bench 6×75 lbs and overhead press 6×55 lbs. Should I do this beginner program without the leg exercises or should I do one of the upper body program from your book?
Wow that is a very interesting case! You have exceptional leg development in comparison to your upper body.
Here is what I’d do in your case (fully custom for you)
Workout A
Floor Press 3/5×4-6
Pendlay Row 3/5×4-6
Overhead Barbell Extension 3×6-10
Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Workout B
Paused Overhead Press 3/5×4-6
Weighted Chinup 3×3-5
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Extra rear delt work is also fine (no more than 1 exercise)
If it doesn’t go up by the third session, decrease 10% and restart.
Also eat more. That may be a factor given the weight you are currently using.
I recommend:
What do you mean by alpha body legs? Pistol squats+calves exercise is enough for maintaining?
Yeah, the format shown in The Alpha Body.
Hey Alex, excited to give this a go! I have some questions:
I train at home so there are some exercises I can’t do, like trap bar deadlifts, floor press (I can’t fit under the bar and have the biggest 45 plates I could get, big chest genetics in the family) nor preacher curls, what do you recommend I swap these for?
Also, what do you think about running the program 4 or 5 times I week? I REALLY enjoy training a lot and it helps me improve my poor insulin sensitivity which is kind of an issue.
Any suggestions for rear delt work?
Thanks for putting this up!
Hello Rod,
To answer your questions…
1) Do conventional deadlifts, and if the plates are too large stand on mats.
2) Perform regular bench pressing done with a medium grip, touch and go
3) Any curling exercise of your choice
4) Not a chance. 4-5x a week will not do anything for you. It will only hinder recovery. Train 3x a week, whether that be MWF or T,T,S (days). If you want more days in, do low intensity cardio.
5) Band face pulls, rear delt flyes, cable face pulls
Hey alex, huge fan of urs here. Ive been running ur program for four months and ive doing well so far. In the other hand i found that i have a shitty ankle and hip mobility, and everything i tried so far like streches, foam rolling, etc did no work. The center of my problems are in my high bar squat which im having a hard time to progress cuze everytime i get to a certain amount weight i usually stall and hit a plateau. Should i consider doing low bar squats instead since it requires less mobility? What u think its the best option for me, going low bar or try working on mobility and stick with high bar? Thanks man
Hello Felipe,
I think you should focus on fixing your mobility, rather than masking the issue with a low bar squat.
If you want, I can refer you a specialist in this department.
Hey Alex, I also have ankle mobility issues as well. Would you be able to refer me to the specialist. And I was wondering, my goals are mostly trying to be as big/aesthetic and strong as possible. Would your novice program be suitable for these goals?
I’ll refer you no problem.
And yes my program is suitable if you lack the strength.
Also Alex, I was wondering if you’d be willing to do either a video/section on how to build a physique like Damien Patrick and Chris Jones, both YouTubers.
Alex, are you going to email me the contact info of the specialist? Or just put it up here? Also, I was wondering between your movie program and Jason Blaha’s 5×5, which one would put on more hypertrophy?
Hey Alex,
My gym doesn’t have a squat rack, and there aren’t any other gyms close by.
Can I do Smith Machine Box Squats or Leg Press instead?
You told me before that when my bench press wasnt progressing to eat more food or decrease the weight. I did both of these things, I am even gaining someweight, not a lot. All my lifts are going up somewhat smoothly EXCEPT my CGBP and bench press, (I can’t do the floor press in the gym im doing it on the bench). I am keeping my arms close to my sides, pinching my shoulders back and also driving my legs. I am also aiming to have one more rep in the tank before quiting, (I don’t train to failure on any of my lifts.) I’m not sure what’s wrong please help, it’s destroying my confidence with progression.
Chin Up – 5lbs – 4 reps
Pendlay – 115lbs – 6 reps
Militart Press – 80lbs – 4 reps
Bench press – 105lbs – 5 reps
CGBP – 95lbs – 6 reps.
Brother there’s no way in a million years that your bench press would plateau at 105lbs.
It has to be a recovery related issue.
I would strongly and I mean STRONGLY recommend that you check out The Alpha Diet.
If this doesn’t help you, I’ll give you a full refund.
Well if you’re asking me this question it suggests that you don’t care much about your lg training, correct? I mean, you would be happy with decent leg strength, but not necessarily powerlifting leg strength, correct?
If so, I say follow my novice program for the upper body, and do whatever you want for the lower body (minus smith machine squats).
He will contact you shortly.
As for Jason’s program, results will be almost identical to mine.
Thanks for everything Alex. I asked this before but you might have missed it: I was wondering if you’d be willing to do either a video/section on how to build a physique like Damien Patrick and Chris Jones, both YouTubers.
Hey Alex! I reall enjoy your novice programm but currently I’m a little sick. Right now I’m feeling better but I am not sure what to do. How should I follow your programm after beeing sick and when should I train again. Thanks for your help 😉
Hey alex,Greetings from Italy. One question : Do I have to stay in the 15-18 rep range also in the Preacher curl?Thank you and Keep up the good work
Can u bench instead of floor press
Hey Alex,
I was wondering what the bar path is on the CGBP and floor press? I know that the regular bench press is most efficient in a J curve as opposed to a straight line. Thanks for the help.
Straight line or J curve. Your choice. Just make sure you retract the scapula.
If you have no other option or are psychologically devastated by the floor press, yes.
I recommend cutting your weights back by 10-30% and slowly working your way back in. Gains will be fast.
Hey Franceso,
You stay within the 6-10 rep, range not 15-18. That would be too high for this program.
Ok thank you. May be a stupid question but do I have to use the same weight in all the 3 or 5 sets?since Im not going to failure. I usually drop the weight in the following sets
Looks great Alex thanks for all of your videos and everything man. ps I am actually considering shaving my head looks pretty alpha.
Hey Alex, if I want to bodybuild after I finish your novice program, what type of training protocol should I follow? Should I move to an upper/lower or a split or stay on full body? And how should I program the reps? Higher reps? Lower reps? Have you already made a video on this?
Hey Alex, thanks for the response. Can you make a video on your top exercises for strengthening the spinal erectors?
Same weight, yes. These are not back-off sets, they are straight sets. If you feel the need to drop the weight then you are lifting much too heavy.
Thanks for the response, Alex. I think I’ll run your novice program because I tried Blaha’s, but it was just too much for me. Also, I’m curious, why you don’t have weighted pull ups instead of chin ups and conventional barbell rows instead of pendalay rows? Cause I know you ascribe to weighted pull ups and rows as the way to complete back development, along with good mornings, reverse hypers, and deadlifts for your spinal erectors.
Weighted chinups are better for lats and biceps, that’s why. Also, most novices are unable to do regular pullups, so chinups are the better option. As far as pendlay row, we do this to prevent cheating and build the upper back strength require for deadlifting and other back exercises. The eccentric loading from the pullups ensures that no muscular imbalances are developed, alongside with the assistance work.
Thanks for the detailed response, Alex! I really appreciate it! One more question, how come you never do hammer curls? I know Chris Jones is a high advocate of them for full bicep development.
I always do hammer curls! They’re a phenomenal exercise and can’t recommend them enough.
Hey Alex i’m not sure if you saw my comment on one of your last vids, but to summarize: for fitness class i can’t do this program because of time restriction and being in the weight room several days back to back. We are asked to make our own program for some reason. What’s the better option: 1. Split this into an upper/lower, and do the other half of the body in the evening if needed or 2. Make a muscular endurance program and lift light. Thank you for the help. Btw i squat 325 for reps
If you squat 325 for reps this program is not advanced for you. Run The Alpha Body or Westside instead.
What about my bench press and deadlift? Both are still in the novice phase. Thanks again brother
Thanks for all your responses Alex! Hey, I was just wondering, in your most recent Q&A, you said that the box squat is all posterior chain and little to no quad. If this is true, won’t our quads be lagging if we run the novice program?
Nope, that’s why I added trap-bar deadlifts in there.
Hey Alex!
Does the order of the exercises have to be the same as listed? (i.e. Doing curls before overhead extensions on workout a?, or doing deadlifts at the top of the workout…etc)
P.s. Killer program
Also, I believe you mentioned in a previous comment not to alternate between dumbbell extensions and barbell extensions for triceps.
Is this because the barbell has the most carryover to OHP and dumbbell extensions would ultimately be less effective? Thanks
if we’re going to do facepulls/band pull aparts after all the main work how many sets/reps do you suggest?
Is it ok to cut by 20% instead of 10%?
if you are really fat, yes.
Check out The Alpha Diet on the side.
3×20 is recommended
It’s fine to alternate between the two, just not in this program. Novices don’t need high exercise selection.
Same as listed is recommended.
Thanks Alex
Made lots of gains so far;
OHP went from 70×3-100×5
Floor Press 115×3-145×5
DL 185×1-245×1
in a matter of WEEKS @ 148-150 lbs bodyweight. Will recommend
Hey Alex on the bench press 225 lbs(5×5) as a standard of novice/intemediate lifter, should be done with a pause in the chest or tonch and go? (to be break the novice stage)Thanks
Hey man love your programs, have shared with a lot of my friends. Forcing myself to stay true to it as much as possible.
I noticed that the bar path when I bench is often skewed (right side rises faster for the last few reps), perhaps implying unbalanced contribution from one side towards the movement. Would you recommend any unilateral pressing exercise to incorporate into the program? (Based on when I do one arm push-ups my left side is weaker)
Hey Dave,
Luckily for you, I made a video on this exact topic.
Touch and go
If I wanted to do rear delt flyes at the end of the work out,what rep range/sets do you suggest?
3×12 is fine
Great advice and channel. Subscribed 🙂
If i have no Trapbar in my gym and i Do 5×1 conventional Deadlift instead, won’t my quads be lagging behind my Hams?
Yes 1×5 conventional if no trap bar
Can you replace close grip bench press with dips?
I’d prefer you not to although you can
Hi, alex what should i do if i dont have squat rack to pause bench ? Can i do some flat bench or something other ? thx men i appreciated your novice program 🙂
so just to be clear, anything after the exercises in the 4-6 rep range are accessory exercises, right?
^and is accessory work optional?
Hi Alex,
I’m 5ft 4in and around 145lbs. My one rep max for the bench, squat, and deadlift is 205, 245, and 355lbs respectively. I been lifting weights close to a year and credit my base strength to advanced calisthenic ie doing weighted pull ups at 100lbs for 2-3reps. Do you recommend that I should still run your novice program or do an intermediate program? I appreciate your feedback and thanks again for taking the time from your schedule to respond.
Fucking amazing program my bench went up 50lbs in 2 months dude
Hey Alex thank you for addressing my question about bench press(puase or TnG).I have another question about bench press.My Bench press is 205 for 6 reps (with pause).I”m still in the novice phase? my HB Squats and deadlifts is over the standards(315 and 405). For better chest development can i stick doing BB bench press with pause and do my acessory work such as incline SB bench press, CGbench press and etc without the pause?When started doing your novice program a saw the jason blaha tutorials about the main lifts such as bench, deadlift and squats and the bench (CG or medium grip) are performed with pause, so i did everything with a pause (exception for DB exercises).Would be that a problem? can i progress pausing or not? Thank you very much again and sorry for the long question.
No you are an intermediate. Start running The Alpha Body or some other system.
This program. You are still a novice lifter and can milk this program.
No, you do it.
You work with what you got.
HI Alex
First thank you for the program and all the content you publish, it is extremely helpful for beginners like me
Would you mind posting links or provide references to videos that do a good job of demonstrating exercises like Pendlay Row or Paused OHP (sorry to sound like a freeloader but if possible, all the exercises you have recommended). I have never done Pendlay Rows /Paused OHPs before so I would like to get started from a trusted source.
thanks again and kind regards
Hey just started the program and digging it so far, however I really want to make sure my traps grow and don’t lag on this program. On my previous program I added trap work at the end (some days 2×12 heavy dumbell shrugs, somedays upright rows 3×8-12. Farmer’s carries 2x30seconds were part of my program before so I’m thinking about adding those in as well) Is this okay or what supplemental trap work is recommended if any? From what I understand you can do trap work every day as the traps recover rather quickly (for me at least)
Hey Alex. I was wondering if you’d be willing to make a video outlining how one would go about bodybuilding if they wanted to stay drug free. Like how would the programming parameters change? I know you’re know a bodybuilder, but there are some dudes who want to maximize their size and I know you have quite a bit of knowledge and experience.
Happy Holidays and I can’t wait for AlphaDestiny to take off and for the release of your new books.
*not a bodybuilder
Luckily for you, this new book will cover all of that. It will seriously revolutionize the strength training world.
Happy holidays to you too David,
Do not add anything to my program. Remove those exercises. My system is perfect. You do trap bar deadlifts, stiff-legged deadlifts, weighted chinups, and band face pulls. No need for extra trap work.
Going to start this routine next week so thanks for sharing it, what should be done before/after workouts/off days, In terms of stretching, foam rolling and mobility/flexibility work etc??, I’m just so confused with everyone saying different things, Id like your take, I need help with a simple mobility routine and whatever else you recommend, just need to know what to do and when at the right time, I’m not that flexible and im prone to aches and pains so yeah, thanks for your time
Thank you for this awesome program Alex, but I have one doubt. I can recover perfectly from 5 sets of Pendlay Rows, but I can’t recover from 5 sets of Floor Press and OHP. Should I do 5 sets of Pendlay Rows and 3 sets of FP and OHP or just do 3 sets in all of them? I’m not cutting btw.
Happy holidays!
Yep that’s what I would do. 3 sets on the difficult exercise and 5 for the easy.
Do gradual warmups with straight weight. No stretching or cardio required.
I am a football player and using this as a off season program, I feel like 3 workouts a week isn’t enough, Do you think I should add an extra workout. Thanks for your time.
An extra workout? Maybe for GPP work, but that’s about it. No need to do an A/B setup 4x a week.
I have both Alpha Body and Naturally Enhanced and I haven’t reached a 225×5 bench, 315×5 squat, or a 405×5 deadlift. Do you recommend this program till I get to those lifts or should I just start Naturally Enhanced now. My lifts are 205×6 squat, 105×6 OHP, 255×5 deadlift, and a 155×6 bench, thanks.
You can still start, but will have to run the blocks in 3 week time frames rather than alternating every week.
If progress is slower than this novice program, then delay.
Does “Naturally Enhanced” require bands/chains?
Yo Alex, for your novice program, is exercise order necessary? Do you have to start out with squats first or could you do something else?
Hi Alex, I got your new book and it says that rack pulls are the one exercise that I should not skip out on but my gym doesn’t have a power rack. Im trying to find a new gym but I cant find one that isn’t too expensive for me. Are there any alternatives?
If i can squat 80kg atg highbar regular squat do you recommen me to switch to box squats ? and if so can i set the box below parralel (atg) immediatly ?
So Alex, would you suggest getting the Alpha Body or Naturally Enhanced if you wanted to be as big as possible while still remaining aesthetic? Think V-Taper style aesthetics.
So for people who don’t have a trap bar and have to do 1×5 conventional deadlifts on Workout B, do we still do still-legged deadlifts on Workout A? Or should we now do Good Mornings (or just cut out stiff legged/good mornings all together?)
Wondering due to potential lack of recovery.
Hey Alex great program. I’m planning on running it but I have a few questions. My triceps are pretty well developed in comparison to my chest and I’m in my late novices stages. Could I do something besides replace floor pressing with regular pause benching to bring up my chest? Could I possibly do Illegally wide benching or chest dips instead of close grip bench press on the b day? Also could I do regular barbell rows instead of pendlays? Is there any specific reason why chin-ups are only 3×3-5? And could i do sumo deadlifts instead of trap-bar deads? I have pretty terrible leverages for the conventional and trap bar but sumo feels pretty natural to me, My stats are belted box squat 315×2, paused ohp 135×4, paused bench press 185×3, pendlay row 175×5, and belted sumo deadlift 325×5. Im 6’2, 200lbs, around 15 percent bodyfat, and about to turn 17 in a couple of months.
I will accept flat bench and sumo deadlift, but nothing more.
Yes nothing changes.
Alpha Body is more about old school aesthetics, while Naturally Enhanced is about getting huge. Not totally the same goals.
Best alternative is block pull.
Yes I set it up this way for a good reason.
Not required at all. There’s over 200 exercises and therefore many substitutions. Do I recommend them? You bet, but not required.
Would I do the sumos 1×5 or 2×4-6? Also what would the total amount of reps be for advancing in weight for the 2×4-6 sets?
When doing Close Grip Bench Press on Workout B, should I do it paused (which I love/prefer for my chest) or touch n’ go?
Alex. Thanks for answering my question. But I’m wondering, would there be any way to sort of combine the systems so you could still have the old school aesthetics, but with the added bonus of the hard to develop muscles such as neck, Forearms, Calves, upper back, glutes and Traps?
With your novice program is it ok to rest 1 min instead of 2 min when doing the main lifts?
Alex is the 4 week program on the Alpha diet “repeateable”?
For those who I’ve heard say that the Alpha Novice Program is specifically for shorter people, please just stop. I’m 6’3 and have ran this for around 4 to 5 months. Each one of my big compound lifts have went up by over 25%.
I started squatting and deadlifting beltless as well and I feel a lot more confident in those lifts and every other lift, beltless or otherwise.
The only adjustment I made was substituting weighted dips for floor press and adding in 3-4 sets of dumbbell chest press on alternating weeks. As well as doing the same for free squats with box squats. Only did this because I LOVE weighted dips and I’ve come to love squats as well. Adding in box squats as my main squatting movement has shot my squats up like none other.
Amazing program for any novice to intermediate lifter. A side note, adding in reverse hypers saved my back.
Thanks Alex!
And alex I’m 14 years old , could I acquire the physique close to that of cristiano ronaldo and what must exactly be my strength standards that I can accomplish by following ur novice program
IS it really ok to train your legs every two days? I thought you had to rest your muscles for 72 hours
If i cant squat due to back problems do I do the leg press instead? for deadlifts what can i do instead?
No you still squat. This program focus heavily on the posterior chain to the extent that it cures back pain.
Protein synthesis is elevated for 24-48 hours maximum.
Yes I was bigger than him at like 15-16.
Awesome stuff brother!
Yes of course. You could run it for quite some time before you stall.
When you start off, possibly. Not when you’re getting very strong though.
That doesn’t make any sense. Those are two completely physiques there.
No sir 1×5 conventional is the only substitute in this program.
Touch and go. Floor press is where the real pausing is.
thanks. even if my doctor told me not to squat? I have l5 l6 mild herniated disks.
btw man I really enjoy your channel you know your shit.
1×5, and total reps would not matter as long as you’re not doing 4,4,4
Oh if your doctor told you not to squat then this program is probably not appropriate for you (at least for the legs).
Yes do lunges instead, and lots of reverse hyper extensions. For back, do lat pulldowns.
Hope this helps you out,
thanks alex, I saw your videos on reverse hyperxtensions and It has help a lot man for the pain. Im trying to buy the wrist for my feet also. So I will do leg press instead of squad and lunges instead of deadlifts. Thanks man
Alex,I’m following your program but i’m gonna stop doing deadlifts because when I try lifting a certain weight my back hurts at the center to the low zone. The thing is that i don’t have the reverse hypers machine in my gym. What should I do? Repeate Stiff legged deadlifts instead of them or what else?
Hey Alex, can you do both ATG and box squats in this program (i.e. you can do ATG squats on A-day and box squats on B-day)?
Hi alex can i do ABB BBA…. Scheme intead of ABA BAB ?
Hi Alex
I know u say don’t change anything but first of all i can’t do floor press in my gym
and there is no trap bar in my gym and i can’t do chin ups ( too weak 🙁 )
and i wanna add lateral and reardelt work for the program
and there is one more problem wich is that close grip bench with the bar hur my shoulders and wrists no matter what !!!
so my routine would look like that
Box squat 5×5
bench press 5×5 ( can’t do floor press in my gym )
Row 5×5
lateral raises 3×8
curl 3×8
overhead extension 3×8
Box squat 5×5
OHP 5×5
Deadlift 1×5 ( there is no trap bar deadlift in my gym )
lat pulldown 3×5 ( can’t do chin up )
DB close grip bench press ( bar closegrip bench hurt my wrists and shoulders for some reason )
face pull 3×8 ( u said that rear delt work is ok to add )
I’m starting the routine tomorrow so i nedd your answer if these changes are ok and they will not ruin my gains or the volume is too much or something
Keep the good work and thanks you man
Hey Alex!
I really appreciate all the information you’ve put out. I was wondering if I should switch to your program from doing starting strength. Thing is I’m cutting right now to maintain a lower bf% and I want to keep my strength up while I’m cutting. So should I keep doing starting strength until I’m finished cutting then switch to your program or just switch now? Thank you!
Your choice. Either way you will make gains.
That is not my program. You do everything as written no exception unless there is a lack of equipment. Your shoulders hurt because you do not know how to bench. Watch Dave Tate’s bench press cure. And if you want more rear delt, do face pulls at the end of each workout.
No. ABABABABABABA to infinity
Not a chance. Box squat only.
If your back doesn’t hurt from stiff-legged deadlifts then your pulling form is completely wrong. Stiff-leg has MORE pressure on the back. I suggest you learn how to deadlift better mate.
Yes of course. Dumbbells are not required (recommended though)
I only get shoulder and wrist pain
anyways i will not change anything except the floor press to regular bench and the trap bar deadlift for conventional becuase lack of equepment
I’m starting your routine this week
wish me luck
Alex, what’s the reason for not doing 4 Sets?
I’ve been curious about this for awhile and haven’t found any similar mentioning on google.
Also, are the Planks an important part of this program?
I usually skip them because they just feel strange to do after all the previous lifting.
Can band lateral raises and band face pulls be added ?
On wich day should i do them
Hi alex
I have been lifting for 3 months using split routines and results are shit
135 lbs bench
185 lbs squat
265 lbs deadlift
Anyways in the Q&A u said that it is ok to add rear delt work
Can i do them on every workout
So can i add face pull 3×8 to a and b ?
Finally i found program that will make me stronger
Hey Alex, I follow you on youtube and saw that you do a high volume, light, and heavy day. Why are cycles like this not used in this program?
Hey Alex, I saw this comment on your “15-20% Bodyfat is NOT Fat or Unhealthy!” video. Was wondering your thoughts:
You can get jacked without lifting really heavy, and do it naturally. I’ve benched 365lbs when I was lifting powerlifting style after 10 months of training, having not touched a weight in 4 years, but had bigger, better shaped pecs in high school never going over 155lbs. It isn’t all about the weight and most serious bodybuilders would argue that your information doesn’t counter decades of bodybuilding experience. I have seen many guys that bench 405lbs that do not have great pecs. I have seen many guys that pretty much only do compounds and are big and strong, but have smaller arms than you would think. Everyone has slightly different muscle attachment points and shape, bone lengths, fiber distribution, and more. Your muscle does not know how much weight it is lifting. The mind muscle connection isn’t bullshit. If someone wants to grow muscle, not just display strength, they would be better served learning to feel the muscle working and contracting against the weight. When I was benching 365, I was utilizing powerlifting technique and my chest looked like shit. I would have had better chest development benching 185lbs for +10 reps, rather than the 265lbs I was doign sets with. Focusing on tension and contraction, getting a good pump, and feeling the chest does the work. Broscience has validity. Just because scientists haven’t been able to replicate or explain certain things that bodybuilders have noticed for years does not mean that the information isn’t legitimate. They used to say eating more than a couple of eggs a week was bad for you, but now we know that unless you have cholesterol problems, this is complete bullsh*t. Now they are trying to say eating beef might give you cancer, despite people eating beef for thousands of years. Maybe it’s all the hormones and crap they feed cows now, but then that isn’t the meats fault now is it? Getting back on point… Just saying lift heavy isn’t accurate. Saying you cannot isolate a muscle isn’t exactly correct. How you lift the weight makes all the difference. I’ve listened to guys for years say the science says this and this, blah blah blah, but my own experience has shown otherwise. The best I ever looked was when I purely focused on the muscle contraction, pump, and burn, and literally choosing my weight instinctively. How does this 50lbs db feel today? Hmm, little heavy cuz I want 12 reps. How about 45lbs. Getting better but still a tad heavy for what I’m doing. How about 40’s. Ah, there it is, that feelds right. Things like that. It works. Trust your body. Focus, as the Rock says. My muscles blew up rapidly, drug free, doing that – and I did get stronger, but not a lot. There are many ways to increase intensity and make a muscle grow bigger, and lifting a heavier weight isn’t the only way. Hypertrophy from lifting can occur all the way up to 50 reps and even more, though you run into increasing diminishing returns after about 25-30 reps. People are so focused on just lifting heavier that they never develop proper mind-muscle connection. They never learn how to really feel the lats contracting and stretching, or how to keep constant tension on their biceps, and so many other important points. Weight is secondary to concentration and form. I can get more out of curling 20lbs dumbells than curling 100lbs depending on how I focus on the biceps and concentrate on only letting my bicep lift the weight. Obviously compound movements should form the core of any routine, but I see lot’s of guy’s benching 225lbs with little pec development, when in fact they should have excellent pectoral development if they really know how to use that weight. This is where science and broscience really diverge. As far as I am concerned, science is still in the dark ages compared to broscience and it’s bodybuilding observations. Studies cannot guarantee how a lifter lifts a weight. Only the lifter can do that, and changing little things, making minor adjustments in tempo, range, limiting range, shifting grip, thumbless grip, stretching the muscle under load, maintaining consistent tension on the muscle by stopping short of lockout on the bench, or not completely going down on a curl, peaking contraction with short fast reps, etc, all play a role. A guy can yell at me all day until he is blue in the face that pump, and the burn don’t do sh*t, and that I won’t get bigger, and I’ll just smile at the ignorance. Have you ever noticed how different your muscles feel after a pure bodybuilding workout, vs a powerlifting or weightlifting session? I have, and if you haven’t it’s because you aren’t as aware of your body as you think you are. The goal is to contract a muscle maximally until all the fibers have been fatigued. If you do this, you will have stimulated growth, provided your reps generally stay within 6-30 reps. I do not know exactly how the pump and burn works as far as increasing muscle size, but I am absolutely convinced that it does play an important – I would say a vital role, in combination with other factors. The guys that say it doesn’t matter usually aren’t that impressively built, because they think that if their form “looks” good, and they use heavy weights, that they will develop great muscles, but as hordes of people have proved, that simply isn’t the case. Yes, progressive overload is important, but if you really focus on the muscle, a lot of guys would find that they need half the weight they have been using, get a better pump, find themselves being able to contract their muscles better, and ultimately have better, bigger physiques. It’s the guys that use light weight with sh*t form, that never increase the weight, that do not know how to focus on the muscle, that promote and cause the kind of things that came out of your mouth near the end of this video. If you knew how to really train the muscle, and believed in the value of training each muscle properly, giving it its due attention, you’d find yourself having a much better, more complete physique inside of 6 months. Training is as much an art as science, and the guys that understand that, and have learned their bodies, and paid attention to what the exercises do, where they feel it, how making adjustments changes the stress, and how going for the pump – as a by-product of quality reps with sets in the medium to high rep range impacts muscle growth, are usually the guys with the best physiques. Guys that only quote science that have reasonable physiques are a dime a dozen. It isn’t just genetics or how much weight you lift, it’s how you lift it. Progressive overload is only one of the ways to gain increased size. Performing the same work in a shorter period of time, pre-exhausting muscle, doing drop sets, running the rack, doing quick partials, all these can and will stimulate growth, irregardless of whether heavy weight is used. Yes, the weight matters and should be increased, but only when you have mastered that weight. I’ll provide an example. If you bench 185lbs for 8 reps, then you don’t need to increase the weight. You can if you want, but if muscle growth if your goal, you’d be better off staying with that weight and benching it 12 times, or better yet, 15 times before increasing 5-10lbs. Then ask yourself, how smooth were my repetitions? How well am I using my pecs to lift the weight? How good is my contraction at the top of each rep? Am I feeling a stretch in the pecs. How good is the pump I am getting? Am I feeling a burn by the last couple of reps. If you cannot answer these questions, then even when you’re benching 185lbs for 15 reps, you probably don’t need to increase the weight yet because you can make the weight do more work for you by using your chest more, by maintaining better tension, by squeezing your pecs harder, etc. When you get to the point that you can do all those things in a single bench press set, and still make 12-15 reps, then you’re ready to add weight. That is just a few of the differences between being weight focused and muscle focused. There is a BIG difference and any serious bodybuilder knows this. This is the difference between having a great physique, and an average physique, irregardless of genetics – to a point.
Alex is it possible to run just the upper body section on your program and do what ever i wanna do for my legs ?
because let’s be real here
I don’t give a fuck about the squat i would rather do leg press or pistol squats
i wanna be push , pull lifter so bench and deadlift ( i fucking love deadlift !!!)
can u send me a modified version of this program with no squats ? or should i just do leg press instead of the squat 3 times per week
Maybe some guys will say i’m pussy because i don’t squat but i really hate the squat
Thanks you brother
also, are your strength standards realistic if i’m 16 turning 17, benching 205 and eating 4000+ calories?
Hey Alex, If I’m running 3 sets for the major compounds and I get 5-5-5, should I add weight next workout?
I’m 50. Been lifting 5 years. Always preferred full body, though did Kinobody’s Warrior Shredding Program last year, dropped 40lb. Is your program suitable for a guy my age, and should I probably do 3 sets as opposed 5? Box squatting 3 times a week all right, or do you suggest dropping box squat for Workout B?
It’s a brilliant-looking program, by the way. Just need to confirm if it’s suitable for a guy my age.
Do you think its ok to change icf 5×5 exercises to a 5×4-6 like your program. I ask this because i prefer something more auto regulated. I know you shouldn’t modify programs but was wondering if this is ok. Currently bench 92.5kg 5×5 squat 110kg 5×5 deadlift 150kg 1×5
Also on your program if you do bench press instead of floor press do you recommend touch and go or pause and why. I know Jason blaha recommends pause on his novice program
Hey Alex I can’t squat or deadlift because my doctor told me not to
Any exercises I can do to subsitute? For Squat maybe lunges or bulgarian split squats? For stiff deadlift what can I do? I can do the trap bar deadlift but I dont have the equipment so what could I do instead?
I know you say don’t change the program but I do want to follow atleast the majority of it with the full body concept and the other exercises like pendlay rows, chin ups, etc etc,.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your great programm and information.
I have a question though: what to do when you don’t have a trap bar available? Due to fucked up squat form in the past and low bar squats, my quats are smaller in the two years of training, than before. I recently started to do high bar squats. I think my posterior chain has become dominant, or mij anterior chain became underdevelloped. Should I incorperate i.e. lunges or balgarian split quats in order to make my quats bigger? Recently switched to a self-made full body workout split and seeing much better results, than the bro split style I followed before. I estimate that your programm is more research based and you’re more knowledgable, so I’ll start with Novice tomorrow.
Many thanks in advance for your response
Yes touch and go
Probably but that’s not my program
Absolutely, box squats are especially beneficial for your joints. The only thing to consider is recovery. Make sure you use lower volumes than a younger person, and that your sleep and nutrition are on point.
In your case yes
Yeah sure if you really don’t care fine by me
Because novices don’t need complex periodization.
One or the other, any day is fine.
1) Read the q&a section
2) Yes, direct ab work is essential
ive been pause benching for a while now and im still a novice. I know you’ve said that you dont like novices pause benching because of technique issues and staying tight, My technique is pretty spot on and i stay tight throughout the lift. I also have lagging pecs. My question is could I do pause benches and paused cgbp in this program? Is there any other specific reason that i wouldnt pause bench in this program?
Any specific reason why chins are 3×3-5? Also, If i did weighted pull ups instead of chins could i add extra bicep work on the b day? Like hammer curls or high rep band curls.
Follow the program as written please.
Hey Alex, quick question. Box squats – touch and go or sit down?
Hey dude why you dont answer I need your help?????
Hey Alex I can’t squat or deadlift because my doctor told me not to
Any exercises I can do to subsitute? For Squat maybe lunges or bulgarian split squats? For stiff deadlift what can I do? I can do the trap bar deadlift but I dont have the equipment so what could I do instead?
I know you say don’t change the program but I do want to follow atleast the majority of it with the full body concept and the other exercises like pendlay rows, chin ups, etc etc,
Hey, big fan. Not sure if this has been answered but I noticed you recommended using high-bar squat, is it perfectly fine to use low-bar instead? Reason being this is the style I learnt/used and would prefer/feel more comfortable using to perform the exercise. I run Stronglifts programme in the past, but now considering either this or ICF, as I’m still in the novice stage. Thanks man.
hi alex .im running this program less than 2 months and my ohp goes 30kg to 40kg. bench press to 50kg to 60kg my squat 50 to 70kg and my conventional deadlifts(because my gym not have a trapbar lol)insanely goes up to 60 to 90kg
but i have a trouble with my grip strenght.
my forearms are like 2 pencils and i have larger fingers but my grip in deadlifts is starting to fail at 80kg and 92.5kg i cant holdthe bar.
the question is how i start streghtending my grip? can i starting use chalk? pls reply
pd:sorry for my english im latinoamerican
Never touch and go
You need to follow another program then. Or run the upper body section and do whatever you want for legs.
I guess so, but personally I wouldn’t recommend it for novices.
Excellent progress! AND YES, PLEASE USE CHALK! Also consider a mixed grip on deadlifts.
Hello, i just started your program and I have a few questions:
For box squats i use a bench, it is slightly lower than my knees, is that low enough?
Also, instead of weighted chin ups I am thinking of doing like a one handed pulldown on a cable machine with underhand grip, is that fine?
Aside from that, I’m very excited about your program and I will definitely update you with my results in the near future!
Hello Suleiman,
1)You will need to assess the height of the bench. As long as the crease of the hip is below the top of the knee, you’re fine.
2) Lat pulldown is the only substitute
Thanks, Alex. Appreciate you answering. Hadn’t seen much regarding the older 50+ lifter in discussions about the program, so thought I would ask. Nothing’s really worked in getting my bench up in the past, but your workout seems to make a lot of sense: love the target reps (15-18 on 3 sets) as opposed to a specific number for each set. I do love weighted pullups and usually start one routine with them, but they’ll have to drop down the list for now, as per Workout B, but I’m sure they won’t suffer too much.
Thanks again,
1) I’m thinking of commiting to this workout for a while to see where it takes me….As for box squats, Ill probably be doing free squats, and as for floor presses Ill probably do flat barbell bench…I know its not what you recomend. Would it really make that much of a difference in the overall picture??
2) I sometimes have a problem where I cant make it to the gym on a monday. When this happens, what do you recomend? Do tuesday and thursday, or do tuesday wednesday and friday (squat 2 days in a row??) just for that week til I get back on track? Bare in mind I dont work out on saturdays and sundays.
Thanks man! Hope to hear from yas
Alex. I was watching a Steve Shaw video the other day and I was curious about your opinion on something he said. He said for novice lifters that minimalist training is good, but not the best. He says that he would like to see novices get every muscle from head to toe as strong as possible so he wants to have people add in more than 1 movement/body part. What are your thoughts on this? Maybe even do a video if you think it’s worth addressing.
wait so can i use naturally enhanced instead of this ? i like doing more exercises
will it give me same results and can i do that program 3 days a week in the gym with no mini home workouts?
do you progress on close grip bench press from workout to workout or just increase it when u hit 8 reps
Would doing the floor press on a smith machine be an option?
Also what weight do you advise starting with on the larger compound lifts? As much as you think you can do for that number of reps/sets, or something based off your current 1RM?
Thanks for a simple program!
Can i replace floor press with more overhead press? And can i do romainian deadlift instead of stiff legged.
No for floor press, yes to Romanian.
1) No, the smith machine is to never be used under any circumstances.
2) Whatever allows you to hit the desired sets/reps.
Increase every time you can hit all three sets for 6-8 reps
Yup I answered that in this Q&A video:
I agree, that’s why my novice program has accessory work for the arms, back, and abs.
1) Not much difference really
2) Tuesday and Thursday is what I’d recommend.
I’m still a teen 15 years old. Haven’t a clue what program to follow. I want to be a strongman/ Powerlifter
My lifts are
350 deadlift
275 squat
210 bench press
182 strict press
Should I run this programme or are there any other programs I should run thanks.
Yo Alex, Suleiman again,
Today when I went to the gym I talked to a powerlifter and he said that I should do free squats (and pause squats) instead of box squats, since the boxsquat doesn’t have a lot of carryover to the free squat. So I tried doing free squats, and I noticed that I wasn’t able to do the same amount of weight I could do when box squatting. Also, doing free squats were way more exhausting for me and I felt more tired throughout my workout. So my question is: Should I incorporate free squats in your program, like one day box squat the other day free squat (on YouTube many people said yes), or should I just stick to the box squat? And I personally doubt I can suddenly jump to a 315 free squat when only doing box squats, since I am then not used to doing free squats. I would really appreciate a clear answer, because right now I don’t know what to do. Aside from that, I love your channel and personality, keep up the great work.
This is not a powerlfiting program. I wrote box squats for a very specific reason. By the way, the guy who said box squats don’t carryover to free squats is full of shit. He’s been reading too many “raw lifter” articles. In my program, there will be no free squats. Wide stance, low box squats is what you will use, and the carryover will be there especially when you dive into the intermediate phase.
You’re 15 and those are your numbers? That’s insane, elite genetics 101 top 1%. You can run any program and get results, but yes I’d use this one here.
What program you recommend running after this
Hey Alex. I’m finding that I’m having knee issues when box squatting. Here is a link of me squatting off a box. Any recommendations?
If you like my work, Naturally Enhanced is a good choice.
Hey man, already did one week and love it the program so much, been making progress session to session, which is insane because I’ve been lifting for a year with minimal results and plateaus everywhere.
The only problem is that I can’t progress on the deadlift because of my grip, stuck at 265×4. I don’t have a trap-bar at my gym, so I have to do 1×5 conventional deadlifts as you described, I also use alternate grips. Is there any other ways to help my grip besides just holding the last rep at the top? Like perhaps some variety of grip training exercises concurrent training style? Thanks in advance.
Also pls make more videos with you lifting crazy weights.
No point in using specialized grip training at this moment in time. Use chalk and embark the mixed grip and you’ll be fine.
If I slowly shift from cutting to maintenance to bulking, at what point should I increase the prescribed number of sets to the max? Thank you!
Hey Alex, just curious about something. I was talking to a powerlifter in my gym today and he said that for rate of force development, I’d be better off doing pause Squats then box Squats as they work the quads more. I know you have included trap bar deadlifts in the program because you believe they work the quads, but don’t you think we would be better served if we had a movement that targeted the quads more directly?
Like in your video “Quads are for Raw Powerlifters” you argued that quad training was essential. Don’t you think that the novice’s quads will be lacking at the end of your program? Especially novices such as myself who want big quads?
2 questions:
1) How would I go about warming up for one of the two workouts. Should I just perform 4 warm up sets for the first exercise (squats) and thats it? Or should each major muscle group have its own warm up sets? example: warm up for squats, warm up for chest and warm up for back and shaoulders?
2) I have slight APT, so its tough on my lower back when I OHP standing. Should I use a belt and stick with the standing OHP, or should I do seated OHP?? I know seated doesnt engage the core as much as standing OHP but Im afraid I might injure my lower back as I go up in weight…
Thanx for the workout and tips Mr. Alphadestiny.
Hi since you say bands are like steroids, would you recommend bands for this program?
Absolutely not. Beginners don’t need bands, straight weight will work just fine.
1) If you squat 225×5…do empty barx5-10, then 95×5, then 135×3, then 185×1-3, then you begin 225×5.
2) Yes if you have a legitimate issue with your spine do use a belt.
how do progress in your programm?? for example i have a 135lb bench press and i do 5×5 for a week. if i cant increase the weight next week what do i do?
and also i had a knee injury due to bad form in squats and now i can barely do any leg exerices, in your programm the only exercise u have is squats what should i do??
Please re-read the Q&A section. As for squats and knee pain, these are box squats which are knee friendly. No substitutes.
Your friend doesn’t know what he’s talking about. RFD has nothing to do with quads or glutes. Also, box squats are superior because it’s a relaxed overcome by a dynamic. A pause squat is nothing more than static strength.
Also….this program here is not for powerlifters. We want a strong posterior chain with minimal knee pain. Besides, the quads will still grow just fine.
You will know if you’re truly in a surplus.
1) Your warmup is all wrong. Way too demanding.
If you were doing 185×5, here is how you do it.
Empty bar x5-10
Empty bar x5-10
then 185×5.
It doesn’t have to be crazy.
As far as overhead pressing…it’s the standing version.
gonna try this out, thanks.
how do you progress on the assistance exercices? 5lbs each workout?
as i said i have knee pain and i cant squat, also i cant box squat bcs in my gym there is no box to put to do the actual box squat.
hey man i have some questions
1) when doing dealifts i can do 220lb for reps but i cant keep my back straight. should i lower the weigt??
2) also in your novice programm do i need to do the exercises you written in that specific order??( sometimes cant squat bcs there is someone else)
Okay. So if I wanted to build up my quads, increase shoulder width, increase back width, more after I finish your novice program, what program would you recommend?
Any general strength program that is properly periodized will work.
1) Only if it’s the lower back
2) Yes in that order, but if there’s someone else and you have to train right away then feel free to swap. That, or wait.
Then this program is not for you.
Whenever you hit the desired sets/reps you add weight, 5lbs is good yes.
alpha destiny i injured my left knee while squattig and is almost a month and the pain is not going away. (it became better but it did not go away) i havnt squatted for a month and cant box squat bcs there i so bench box to do the actuall squat in my gym. im currently following your novice programm what do u recommend me to do?
ohh and by the way can you speak greek?
hey alex im more of a guy who likes how he looks ( i want to look huge) and not how much weight i can lift. do you still recommend me your novice programm? ( isnt a 5×5 programm better for strength gains?)
Yep I would still recommend my novice program. That, or Jason Blaha’s 5×5, OR Naturally Enhanced running it in 3 week blocks.
You need to consult a professional, it could be serious.
i need to add some isolation work for my pecs. also how can i add trap and calf work in your training programm? shall i just add them at the end of the programm? for example monday traps , tuesday calfs , friday traps and then on the next week do calf traps calfs??
You don’t need jack shit for your pecs. There’s more than enough pec work in this program. However, you could train your calves at the end, just not traps.
With the pause overhead press, Do I pause at the top or at the bottom? And do I pause on each rep?
hey alpha destiny i just went to the doctor and told me i have a torn miniscus in my knee and probably i will have to go through surgery. he told me i wont be able to squat again . what do you recommend me to do for my legs now?
How long does each workout take? and also if you are short on time some workouts which exercise should you skip doing?
Each workout takes around 90 minutes, and as for time management reduce the volume and cut out the accessory work.
Only deadlift if that’s okay with your doc.
Bottom, and yes pause each rep.
Hi Alex Ive been doing this program for awhile now and Ive gotten an anterior pelvic tilt which gives me back pain when I deadlift, sometimes when I box squat and a little when I do pendlay rows. Is there an alternative for deadlifts in this program for my bad back?
You should not have a bad back, so if you do either consult a physician (recommended) or do sumo deadlifts instead.
hey alex a while back i send you some pics of my body and asked you if i should bulk or cut ( my email can you pls take a look at the pics again and tell me if recomping will help me in any way. By the way you told me to bulk;)
hey alex i currently doing your novice programm. on friday i was overhead pressing and after that day my right shoulder started to make a clicking sound. i have no pain and never had a shoulder injury. it just gets annnoying and how can i fix it?
What do you recommend us to do if we can’t squat or deadlift.
1. idk if i’m warming up properly. What % of my 5RM should i use and how many sets? Please give me a guide.
2. When using the bar with weights already on it for overhead tricep extentions, how should the grip look like for joint health and maximum tricep activation?
Not this program.
If there is no pain it’s fine.
I think you need to see a therapist because you have clear body dysmorphia. You need to gain weight, not lose.
Hey Alex, if a trainee is already able to perform weighted Pull-Ups, wouldn’t it make sense for him to do them instead of Chin-Ups since Pull-Ups are harder and develop the back to a greater extent?
Or would it make sense for him to “cycle” them (3 weeks chin-ups, 3 weeks pull-ups, etc.)?
so if i cant deadlift or squat u do not recommend me this programm??
i cant work my legs due to my fucking injury which i wil have surgery in june . i can only work my upper body 🙁 atleast what should i do now? im a guy who cares mostly about asthetics and looking big what do u recomend me to do alpha pls help me
Hi Alex, I would to say that your videos are very informative and to keep up the good work. I’ve been doing Candito’s strength/hypertrophy program for the past 6 months and am making decent gains. However my numbers still are not at what you said would be past novice level. Should I continue on Candito’s program until I hit these numbers or should I change to a program like yours?
My main goal is hypertrophy not really strength and because Candito’s program has way more volume I’m afraid I would lose muscle in many parts such as triceps, calves and upper chest all which I isolate.
Thanks in advance.
Hey alex,
Ive a few questions,
1) if i am only starting and the dumbells arent too light yet could I substitute the trap bar deadlift with dumbells since i dont have a trap bar or should i just do the conventional deadlift.
2) with the floor press my gym doesnt have a power rack and i dont have anyone to spot me, is there any other way to be able to perform this lift instead of the touch and go bench press
3) will i make as good of mass muscle gains as a program like the icf 5×5
Btw love your videos
1) Do conventional
2) You don’t need a spotter, the floor saves you.
3) Pretty much the same
Your choice. You should at least be getting closer to reaching those numbers.
Nope don’t run my program, or at least do the upper body section alone.
If you can do weighted pullups, feel free to do them.
What would you suggest if I’ve already reached the intermediate numbers on the bench but have stalled (225×5), and haven’t yet reached the squat & dead numbers? (45lbs under in both lifts)
hey alex is this too much for 1 full body workout?? ( 3 sets of 10, 30 sec rest each set)
I use two exercises 3 sets Per exercise on each muscle groups First exercise usually is the Compound then the second is isolated
So could be some like this
Bench press
Pull ups
Bent over rows
Smith press machine
Lateral raise
Leg curl
Leg press
Triceps extension
Triceps pull down
Haha thanks brah
What about traps?
Hey alex,
I just wanted to ask something about programs and that if you could go back to when you were a novice, what programs would you follow for novice till, intermediate till advanced and what other body parts and excercises you would add for example neck and lets just say someone had your programs out there aswell so you can consider your own
Hey Alex – first of all i love your videos, you are doing a great job and i’m glad to have found your channel.
Now to my questions:
1) It happens to me that when doing squats(5×5), I give it all, these are really killer sets. I have the feeling then that I couldn’t have done a single rep more. Should I add weight then two days later or better substract 10%?
2) Since I follow your program (I’m in the 6th week now) I have lower back pain the day after training. I wonder if this is ‘just’ soreness and kind of a good pain and a sign that i’m getting stronger or if I should see this as a warning? What would you say?
Thanks in advance my friend
I cant do squats or deadlifts because I have a bulging disc. Do you recommend me to do this program or what would you recommend. I also have the alpha body so should I just do that without the deadlifts.
Hey Alex, for the bench, do you start adding 2.5 pounds to the bench when you reach the 185 for reps mark? Also what would it be like for the squat and deadlift?
Yo Alex,
At the end of my weighted chin-ups, would it hurt my recovery if I did a bodyweight chin-ups AMRAP as a finisher?
Probably not
You use that type of increase once progress ceases. Not when you hit a specific number.
I would do the upper body portion of this program and possibly include some alpha body legs in there. However, please stay away from machine leg exercises as this can hurt your back.
1) You keep increasing, however in your case the volume may be too high. Another option is to switch to 3 sets instead.
2) Should not happen. Your form is probably wrong on your squat, row, good morning, and deadlift. You are also not using the valsalva maneuver. I designed this program to eliminate all lower back pain.
I’d run my own program and hit neck at the end. Nothing else.
You don’t need direct work for them in this program, they get pleanty
Run the Texas Method for the upper body and my novice program for the lower body. In fact if you email me I’ll send you the program.
Hey Alex!
Any trap-bar deadlift variations? How about heavy dumbell deadlifts? (dumbells at the sides). If not, you mentioned doing 1×5 conventional deadlift. Would I have to warm up to that set of 5, or just get into it?
Nope, 1×5 conventional is the only substitute I will accept.
Hey Alex, just a quick question, for progression you add weight to the bar each time you work out, let’s say five pounds, is this five pounds to each side of the bar or five total pounds?
Can be either/or, depends how advanced you are really
Hey Alex!
Just wondering does the exercises you list out have to be performed in order?
As most of the time my gym gets insanely crowded, leaving no benches or any equipment I can use to set up my box squat. Sometimes 5 people would be sharing the bloody power rack as well..
So can I maybe leave box squats to the middle/end of my exercise? etc etc.
Hi Alex, I’m getting back in after a long lay off. I wanna do your program but pendley rows & regular barbell rows have always hurt my sciatic nerve. What would recommend? I can do everything else just fine though.
Do you recommend static stretches post workout? If so which ones?
Hey Alex!
I’m 16 years old and i bench only 135. Should I follow this program or is it to much for my Body?
Are here some success stories with this program? Especially teens. I’m 16 and don’t know if this is sustainable for me?
Read the comments, there are hundreds of people who obtained success.
Should be fine
Optional, and you know I can’t give you some stretches there’s thousands out there.
Rows bother you but squats and deadlifts don’t? Something doesn’t add up.
Either find out the cause, switch programs, or use a cable row of some sort (not recommended).
Has to be in this order because exercises go back to back for a specific reason.
Thanks for replying!
And will I notice in the other lifts an increase too?
Lifts like weighted chins, OHP or rows
Hi alex im 26 years old can bench 100kg 5×5 Paused ohp 55kg 5×5 but havent reached the numbers for squat (115kg 5×5) and deadlift (150kg 1×5). Im doing icf 5×5 and was wondering shall i continue with the program until ive reached the numbers for my lower body. Also i have all your books the alpha diet & body and naturally enhanced for after the novice program.
Is it optimal to perform Migan’s theory of nucleus overload by training high volume on calves while still performing your novice workout. I figure since I don’t want my calves to lag I can train them everyday and not have interference with recovery for my workout. Thoughts?
Are your standards regardless of bodyweight? I weigh 145, should I hitthe same numbers?
You’ll be in the 160s-170s after my program so bodyweight is not a concern.
I suppose it would be fine
You are way too advanced for the upper body portion of this program. I recommend running this for the legs and using NE for the upper body.
I’m thinking of getting your Naturally Enhanced Book. But should I do the Novice program first? Or can I do Naturally Enhanced right away?
Ok so how i would i go about it because NE is only 2days a week or should i adjust it to 3 days so i can squat 3 times a week
I can’t pendlay row may I do chest supported rows?
What about weighted chins? If you can’t chin up 100Ibs you wan’t have a big back. Will I progress there too?
1)I’m a bit confused with the progression model. Should all sets be performed with the same weight or can I drop the weight from set to set like Kinobody’s reverse pyramid training.
2) should I add 5 Pounds to my lift only if I can perform all the sets with 6 reps?
I really want the naturally enhanced look, mostly big neck and forearms so I want to get your book but I haven’t met the standards for this novice program yet. I just have really small forearms so should I just add some forearm stuff to this program or just wait when I start naturally enhanced? Also I have a bulging disc and cant squat or deadlift, would you still recommend these programs for me? If not what should I be doing? thanks!
Hi Alex!
Is it possible to change the order of the exercises? For example doing first Close grip bench and weighted chins and then perform box squats at the and of the workout. I’m always tired out if i start with lower Body exercises
Will it effect my recovery negatively if I train every second day? So i’ll train one week 3 days and the other 4, instead of every week just 3 times
One more question would i do the leg work at the start of the program please respind asap because i want to to start running it
Alex I need an advice. So I’m on my third year of lifting and I’ve been following your program since november (cutting the whole time except the first month). All the lifts are went up,only the bench in a minimal way because of the cut but i’m keeping the strenght. I wanted to ask you if,since i’ve been free squatting(92,5-95 kg at the moment),should i switch to box squat or do i wait to finish my cut? Also i have no box but a bench? How should its position be vertical/horizontal? Since i have to seat all the way back i’m afraid i could hurt myself using a bench ahaha. Thank you from Italy, I also bought the alpha diet and when i’ll be an intermediate/close i will follow its program.
Run the program as written, and use whatever equipment you have to get the job done.
Don’t worry Novices can run the program as well, you just need to follow it in 3 week blocks.
Run the program as written
Run the program as written, M,W,F
No, run the program as written.
You will make progress in all the exercises listed in this program.
1) No RPT, it’s linear progression
2) If you hit the desired total reps
Why can’t you do the Pendlay Row?
It’s 2 days a week with 2 mini home workouts, run it as written that’s how everyone including myself uses it
Either option is fine, but if you get NE now you have to run the program in 3 week blocks.
I went to failure in the second set of weighted chin ups, maybe because in the first I went to heavy. Is it a problem? Will all my gains be lost?
Alex can I do 3 x 50 W/Neck Curls at the end? Should I add in any other neck exercises or will that be enough?
Hey man. I’ve been following your channel for some days now and found that you could be the best resource of information for natural lifters, and yeah, I have a question for you man. The gym I have been going into does not have a power rack of some sort, just a “get your barbell here if you want to overhead press/squat” kind of rack, and overall does not have the equipment to make following the main lifts of the program to a T possible. That means I’ll be doing free squats, regular bench presses and conventional deadlifts. What modifications to the volume(and also the conventional deads in BAB) can you suggest for this(if any)? Since doing this will probably hurt recovery because of the eccentric phase and ROM being included. I really want to follow your program, particularly because of the balanced structure of accessory lifts. That’s all man, great content btw
I started cutting and i am already beyond my noob muscle mass gains Phase. So it should be rather impossible to gain muscle size, while cutting. Therefore my main workout goal should be to give my muscles a reason to stay and burn fat instead. Isnt IT therefore fully enough to Hit the gym only twice a week since Maximizing Protein synthesis doesnt play a big role in a natty cut and two units should send nearly the same “those muscules have to stay” signal to my brain?
Hey man, my first question I dunno what happened to it so I’m gonna post this again. My gym awfully lacks equipment, so basically in your program all I can do is free squats, regular bench press and conventional deadlifts. I have three questions for you.
1.) What do you think of doing conventional deadlifts twice during BAB week? Should I replace it one day or not?
2.) Will doing these main lifts affect my results in doing your program?
3.) Lastly, in doing deadlifts my grip starts to become the limiting factor. Any advice?
That’s all, man. Btw this program really challenged my fitness levels. I believe this will not only make me strong but with impressive work capacity as well. Great program. I hope this gets posted this time though. Cheers!
Hi Alex!
I’m currently doing the novice program. One question: is it a problem if I go heavy on squats, I mean if the last reps are really tough. Someone like Greg says it makes it more difficult to progress on upper body movements. Is that true?
I don’t care much about legs and I am already happy with my size even though they aren’t really big. I want to focus more on upper body so can i do Alpha body legs and skip all those deadlifts and squats placed in that program?
If you’re genuinely happy with the size, then by my guest. Do novice program upper body and alpha body legs, problem solved.
If you already made your newb gains this program isn’t right for you, but yes twice a week is fine.
1) Once a week only
2) Nope, you will gain just fine.
3) Use chalk and a mixed grip.
Yes you can do that.
No it’s fine, chins don’t affect recovery that much.
Back to my question. If I went hard on legs in one of my workouts will that interfere in my recovery?
same problem here can I go heavy on squats without having a negative impact. In the video it’s not explained very well
Do you think if I skip all the squats and deadlifts in this program I’ll experience more upper body gains?
Is it necessary to warm up in every exercise?
What should I do if when I do heavy box squats the inner part of my left thigh feels increasing pressure but I feel fine any other time?
Adding weight on accessories is the same right? Hit reps and add 5-10lbs? Example, if you hit the desired reps on chins next workout add 5 or 10lbs? Same goes for stuff like close grip bench or curls, extensions, etc.
I did one week of this routine and I like it, although I did BAB my first week because I love weighted chins and missed deads. I also don’t do weighted planks, I do an ab rollout at the end of every workout 3×10
Hey man, I got another question. If I will be doing BAB and let’s say 1×5 conventional deads on monday, what could I do on friday in replacement of deadlifts? Can I do rack pulls or something else? What can you suggest, how much volume? Btw progress is consistent, especially for bench and squats. Genius, thanks man
Thoughts woth rdl vs sldl? I love rdl but it’s your program so I should ask you before switching.
Can I do calf raises at the end of every workout?
Due to my job sometimes I can only workout two times a week. Is that okay or will that effect my results?
Can I train wednesday afternoon and then friday morning? Thats not exactly 48 hours rest between workouts
@”Alexander Leonidas APRIL 25, 2016:
Rows bother you but squats and deadlifts don’t? Something doesn’t add up.
Either find out the cause, switch programs, or use a cable row of some sort (not recommended).”
and thanks for the reply and sorry for my late responce I thought I would receive a notification.
as far as squats and deads my hips are moving and “locking” the load every rep whereas rows, my hips are bent & locked at a 90 degree angle + my hammies are fully stretch throughout the set. I get a sort of “electrical” sharp pain throughout my right hip and leg.
I’ve seen chiropractors and PTs but I dont know, it bothers me regardless. I’ve been doing your programs with chest supported rows. I’ll switch to cable rows if you want to?
Hi Alex!
Should I pause at the bottom on the floor press or just touch and go?
How to perform the box squat? Pause on the box for a second?
My deadlift is around 225. In one of your videos you said that it’s not necessary to perform deadlifts to get a big back. So can I just skip them or is it really essential for a novice lifter?
You are a novice, get that foundation.
Yes, relax the muscles and re-explode up.
Always pause
1- What are you talking about?
2- If that’s the only option you have, go for it.
It’s fine
You can use RDL if you want, good question.
No you do 1×5 conventional.
That’s the groin, nothing to worry about unless knees are caving in.
Yes, but the accessory work can have fewer warmups
No you will probably experience less gains because squats and deadlifts are great for upper back and work capacity.
That is fine.
Not sure I understand. The workout is always the same, no worries.
Thanks for the help Alex! I changed my foot positioning a little and most of the groin pain while squatting is gone. I also reached 275X5 squat and was wondering whether to start doing regular front squats or front squats off of a box? Thanks because of you I’m nearing the intermediate phase! Nearly 40lbs away from the goals with all my lifts!
For someone who’s main goal is an old school v taper look, would it be wise to leave out the planks as I heard that weighted ab work thicken your midsection. Or am I just overthinking, should I just to the program until I got these numbers and that worry about my waist?
Hey alex, I was wondering if i can do NE at home since i work out at home, i have a power rack, barbell, plates, dips, ez curl bar, trap bar, lat pull down and bands. Thanks!
Absolutely, you have everything you need!
I would keep it because planks force intra-abdominal pressure. Also this is not an old school aesthetics program, you should check out my Steve Reeves article if that is more your thing.
You can start adding Front Squats to your Wednesday workouts.
And grats to your success, please send me some before/after pics once you reach intermediate!
Got another question, for the trap bar deadlift, should i touch and go on the ground or drop it on the ground for a quick second and than go up? thanks!
I was just doing the kinobody greek god program, which was a minimalistic program. Now I jumped to your novice routine. The results were absolutely respectable butIi think I could do better. Is it true that íf you jump from a lower to a higher workout routine your body needs time to increase work capacity and only after that results are going to be faster?
hey ALEX, i want to really do the floor press.However, my Gym doesnt have a power rack,Hence i cant perform it safely. What alternative do I have?
Can I do intermittent fasting while bulking as long as I fit my calories or is it not optimal for gains?
Great program Alex, this took my bench from 185 to 245 in 3 months.
Can I swich Overhead tricep extensions with skull crushers or something else because I always feel pain in my shoulders and elbows?
I’m around 15-16% body fat and not that muscular. Do you think I could do a successful body recomposition? Lifts are bench 135, pendley row 135 squat 200 and deadlift 225
Alex I want to thank you for writing this program. I’ve been using it for 6 months and now bench 225×5. I made faster progress than I ever thought possible. Would recommend this to ANYONE. Next stop, Naturally Enhanced!
I’m making good progress on certain lifts like the Overhead press, pendley row squats and deadlifts but the close grip bench and weighted chins are not going up. I checked my diet and sleep and they are on point as well I’m gaining weight. What’s the issue?
I have a very strong strict press for being a novice lifter 195×1
But only a 225×3 bench press which has stalled
My squat and deadlift I’m still using a linear progression program 2-3 x a week squatting 3×5 deadlift x1 1×5
I am training for powerlifting/strongman (already competed in powerlifting due to compete in strongman later this year I have every aspect of my program covered (for now) but need something for my bench as it has stalled I can afford to bench twice a week could u help me with my problem thanks
is this a good program if we’re also interested in aesthetics/bodybuilding? I’m looking to build a solid foundation of strength. At the moment I don’t really have a good one. I’m about 5’11 168 lbs at 13% body fat. Would you recommend I cut or do a lean bulk with this program?
Hey Alex, my legs are too damn short compared to my torso. Also I have a very high insertion of my vastus lateralis, 2 inches above the knee and I’m not even exaggerating. It makes me look like I have knock knees or caved in knees when standing straight. Can I just do weighted pistol squats and calf raises(at the end) in replacement to regular squats, and do the rest of the program? Other options, I’m cool with that. Thanks
Opinion on using dumb bells for tricep extension? Primary objective is to increase bench press while having no symmetrical imbalances.
A few months back I decided to perform the high-bar back squat just to see how it felt ( I was still running your novice program at this time). I usually did the box-squat with a bit of a narrower stance as it felt more explosive. I performed the back squat with a neutral/ bit wider than shoulder width stance and got up to 225 for a clean 5 reps, but towards the last 2 reps I felt a sharp pain in my left hip. A pinch like pain around the neck of my femur. I couldn’t perform any squat-like movement due to that pain. Over time the pain went away, but it still feels like the femur isn’t “adjusted” in its correct position, ya know? Just an awkward feeling.
Ive got back to box squats and it feels perfectly fine to do the movement with a neutral /bit wider than shoulder width stance. I switched it to wide stance as that is what you advocate, however the power just isnt there, also feels awkward in my hip.
My gym just recently got a Trap-bar so now I’m going to perfrom my deadlifts on it to further my quad development.
What alternate excecises can I perform to further my leg development? or should I stick with box squats with a narrow stance? I’m approaching the intermediate stage with such odd numbers. 225X4 Bench Press/ 395×5 Conven-deadlift/ 225X5 Wide stance Box Squat(My narrow stance isnt much stronger either, like 265X5 fast, explosive reps). Is there any stretching excercises I can incorporate also?
How can I combine your novice program and calisthenics? Giving priority to your program.
I’d make Wednesdays the calisthenics day. Although your weight training gains may be slower.
You used the wide stance on the free squat? That’s the problem. They have two totally different movement patterns.
And as far as the odd numbers go…worry not for I have provided a solution right here.
Free program!
It’s fine
This is to build a foundation, you can refine aesthetics later
No. I have short legs as well and hypermobile joints and still squat. No excuses brother, run the program as written.
I’d use this program
Perfectly normal. Just keep focusing on strength they should go up with time
Very happy to hear that Gabriel!!!
Of course, and see
Yes no problem
yes that is fine
Alternative is written in the q&a section
Yes. Work capacity becomes the main factor. That’s why many do 3 weeks GPP before running a hardcore strength program
Always pause.
Hey Alex, it’s been 3 months using your novice program and my lifts are starting to go down in weight. My box squats, floor press, and OHP are going down but for my deadlifts and pendlay row its at the same weight is this because I’m at a strength plateau because my lifts are not going down. I also have good rest and nutrition. I’m at maintainence calories and I’m around 18%-20% bodyfat
Floor press: 150
Box squat: 225
OHP paused: 95
Pendlay row: 185
Deadlifts: 280
Your lifts are going DOWN? Then 100% it’s a recovery issue. You need to sleep more, eat more, and possibly reduce volume.
Instead of weighted chinups can we switch it to weighted wide grip or weighted neutral grip
I know you said not to modify anything but what squat variation would you recommend me to do if I can’t back squat? I’m still healing from a bulging disc and I can’t really do any squat that involves the bar on my back, thanks.
Lunges is what you’d want then. Dumbbells in hand.
Hey There ALPHA , I hope all is well with you here are my questions :
1- I am an absolute novice and I would like to run this programs but, have no idea about the techniques of the exercises properly to maximize the gains and safety, I believe a lot of novices have this issue and would benefit greatly from this , so could you please make a series of HOW TO for the exercises in this program?
2- At the time being could you please refer me to a trusted source to learn all those techniques from ? So I can train while you make the HOW TO if you of course decide to do that .
3- Do you still respond to email questions , inquiries , etc?
4- Lastly , Thank you very much for keeping everything real. I greatly appreciate it .
1- I will get around it eventually. At this current moment in time I have a box squat tutorial which you can watch here.
2- Elitefts or any powerlifting resource is perfect. Guys like Jonnie Candito and Omar Isuf are trustworthy.
3- Yes but see
4- No problem!
Yo Alex big big fan of your work respect you tons, my question is can I substitute floor press with something else no matter how narrow i go and how i position myself retracted scapular etc I don’t feel much tension on my chest and seem to tricep dominate the movement I have very long arms and my plane of movement is small, Thanks all the best, edit (my gym doesn’t have the equipment to elevate my body either)
An outstanding program! I have just forwarded this onto a coleague thanks brotha
Yes you can bench instead
Hi alex,
I want to know if need to workout on 3 days a week or 6 days a week. and how to select weight? also wanted to know will this program help put on some quality muscle?
Can I do leg raises instead of standing cable crunch in your novice program and add some light face pulls at the end of the workout?
Yes but it’s better to do the standing cable crunches
3 days, M/W/F
And of course it packs muscle…that’s the whole point to get big and strong.
Alex how do i modify this program if i want a jacked upper body but want an increase in vertical jump/squat strength while maintaining leg size (26′ thighs at 5’7 190 lbs low 20ish % bodyfat 38″ waistline) should i do sets of 1-3 reps instead for squats and substitute trap bar deadlifts for below knee rack pulls?
You can’t maintain leg size if your squat strength increases. Genetics will dictate that, lower reps will get you jacked.
For pendlay rows snatch grip or shoulder width grip?
My friend who coaches olympic lifters says variations are stupid if I want to hit your strength standards ASAP and programs like Greyskull GSLP are better options because “why not train conventionals”. I prefer your program ocer GSLP but I want to move onto Naturally Enhanced as soon as possible. Thoughts?
My stats are 80kg1rm bench, 100kg1rm squat and 115kg1rm deadlift
For rear delts can I alternate between band face pull aparts and wide grip seated cable rows for high reps 20 x 3 or 12 x 3? Been reading rear delt articles in
What adjustments should I make if I couldn’t do horizontal presses because of my gym for some reason? What exercises and reps/sets??
Same thing but do OHP instead.
Sure thing but the wide grip seated cable rows must be done with light weight.
Your friend doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Matter of fact, variations were popularized BY OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTERS. Tell him to reading “Managing the Training of Weightlifters” it’s a basic book that all coaches know about. Clearly he is not as qualified he tinks.
That said, feel free to hop on NE right now if you want to. Your upper body is close enough, and although your lower still has more potential in linear progression I say you’ll like it nonetheless.
1. Can I replace floor press for incline bench? triceps are getting too massive esp. medial head which overpowers my delts. Want majority of my muscle mass at delts, lats, upper back and upper chest.
2. Elbow pain during overhead extensions even with ez bar. What other alternatives that target long head?
3. Can i do hammer curls instead of preacher curls? Good bicep genetics but awful forearm genetics (15 1/2″ arms but only 11″ forearms)
Why does ohp and incline bench feel better than flat bench? I also incline bench more than i flat bench even though i use proper form
Hey Alex,
For Trap bar deadlifts, are they high handles? (3inch higher than conv deadlifts) or the low handles.
Thanks! 🙂
It says in your description 315×5 box squat, 225×5 bench and 405×5 deadlift. For floor press and trap bar deadlift what is the goal?
Hi Alex, I’m doing this program and I noticed that I have the right pect larger than the left one. What work can I do to correct it? Can I do Bench Press with dumbbells and add an extra serieson the right arm?
Also, where should I pause on the OHP?
Greetings from Argentina!
Hey Alex is this program for me? Been lifting on and off for 5 years program hopping on stuff like brosplits, starting strength, greyskull, 5/3/1 and powerliftingtowin. My stats are:
Ht: 5’7
wt: 190 lbs
Neck: 16″
Shoulders: 50″
Chest: 41″
Waistline around navel: 38″
Forearms: 11 1/2″
Upper Arms: 14″ unflexed 16″ flexed
Thighs: 26″
Lifting stats:
Squats: 225 lbs x 5
Deadlift: 260 lbs x 5
Bench press: 145 x 5
Ohp: 110 x 5
Chin ups: 3-5 reps bodyweight
My strength levels are really bad despite going to the gym for 5 years
If im cutting how would i do cardio or should this workout be enough not to do cardio?
Im cutting and counting calories but i notice i never plateu if i do cardio for fat loss
Is there any subtitute to barbell box squats? I don’t have a power/squat rack in my gym, only smith machine. Also will that subtitute increase my vertical jump?
For the overheadpress should I use a tumbless or a full grip? I know Blaha recommends thumbless, but I feel more secure with a full grip. Will it make any difference as far as muscles worked?
Huge fan Alex and thanks for answering my previous questions but now I have two more:
1. I had to switch from your program to icf 5×5 due to my going on break from college and no longer having the equipment. So I do/did
bench press 165lbs 5rm
floor press 185lbs 5rm
squat 245 5rm
box squat 285 5rm
deadlift 270 5rm
trap-bar deadlift 375 5rm
I’m planning on doing a mini-cut and I’m wondering if I should go back to your novice program (gonna be back in college) and try to get back to/beat those numbers while cutting or just jump to NE while cutting because I’m kind of pumped for both programs.
2. If I do continue doing your novice program I was wondering if I should incorporate Greg Nuckols’ ideas about enhancing a novice program as he stated here:
Thank you Alpha Man!
what % of irm do i use for 5 rep sets
This program is not percentage-based. Just hit the desired sets/reps.
Sure, Greg’s the man.
Either option is fine tbh. Novices make great gains on Naturally Enhanced so if you want to run it now be my guest.
Do whatever you like. Thumbless can be easier on your shoulders but do be careful.
If you only have a smith, do not run this program. Find a novice program that uses free weight.
Cardio at the end of workout or off days. Make sure you re-eat the lost calories.
Yeah you can roll with it, but if you find yourself plateauing simply because you have many years of training experience, then I’d recommend Naturally Enhanced instead.
Try it out and see if it works.
Nothing, just keep getting stronger and it will correct itself if your form is good.
For OHP, pause on the chest.
Bout 205×5 floor press and 455×5 trap bar deadlift if high handles. Should equate intermediate numbers.
Either option is fine. High handles means you will need higher numbers though…say 455×5.
1) No. I designed the program this way so that your triceps would be the strongest muscle. This will help you tremendously in the intermediate phase.
2) Any extension done overhead..or rolling extensions off any bench.
3) Sure thing.
Same grip as bench press
I think you are overthinking things. Like I said, it’s very simple. I don’t want people hitting 4,4,4,4 and then upping the weight next time. Nor do I want to see 6,4,4,4 even if it totals right. It’s either 3 or 5 sets, simple as that.
You don’t. It’s a perfect program for gaining upper body size, and once you are box squatting 3 plates for reps your vertical will increase.
I wil try to ride out your novice program. I am a fan of your work Alex real talk and straight to the point. I plan to purchase all three of your books but comparing naturally enhanced and the alpha body what are the differences between the books aside from naturally enhanced focusing on specific bodyparts and alpha body having specialization programs? I have no powerlifting goals but would want to max out my upper body musculature and be lean year round (10%-15% bf range) and get strong on my presses and pulling
I think I’ll give this program a shot for 6 months. It ticks all the boxes from what I can see and it’s hard to believe you let us at it for no money!
A couple of questions if you don’t mind Alex…
1. Can you run me through the Paused Overhead Press please? Is the pause done between reps, at the top or bottom of the rep, or what?
2. You say (May 28 2015) to one guy that floor press is fine with dumbbells and the other (May 29 2015) to only use the barbell, as dumbbells are too advanced at this stage. Was that a typo or are the guys at different stages of development?
3. Finally, are the good mornings performed with straight knees (working the hammies) or slightly bent knee good mornings (hitting the glutes more)? What kind of weight should we be looking to start with on this exercise, as I’ve not done these since I was 16 years old – that’s 30 years ago!
Not being pedantic or picky but I want to have everything crystal in my mind, as I begin this journey.
Thanks in advance!
I would like to say thank you for this program Alex. Been lifting for 4 years now with zero gains and upon stumbling this program and consistently doing it for 4 months I have reached intermediate stage
Box squat: 60 kg x 6 to 150 kg x 6
Floor press: 40 kg x 6 to 100 kg x 3
Trap bar deadslifts: 80 kg x 6 to 200 kg x 6
paused ohp: 30 kg x 6 to 80 kg x 4
weighted chinups: bodyweight x 2 to bw+20 kg x 5
Age: 25
ht: 5’9
wt: 189 lbs to 180 lbs
bf%: 24% to 15%
ffmi: 21.1 to 22.4
Your program is steroids Alex and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ANYONE! Now my question is what would be my next program, the alpha body or naturally enhanced if my goal is to have massive delts, arms, upper back, chest and have my bodyfat around the 12% range. I already have a genetically gifted neck (17″ and arms are 16″) and legs (28″ thighs) and am satisfied with my trap development. Also whats up with my massive ohp in comparison to my horizontal pressing
If i can only do 3 bodyweight chins for one set max and i will substitute it with lat pulldowns what will be the rep range for lat pulldowns 3-5×3 or 6-8 x 3 like cgbp? and generally when can i go back to chin ups when doing lat pulldowns do i test it out once i max out the whole stack for lat pulldowns? thanks
My floor press is already 205×5 but when i tried to test my bench press only ended up 185×5 and am sure it’s not a form problem since I squeeze my glutes, retract scapula, tuck and use leg drive. Grip is medium width. Floor press is a partial movement for me btw like 3-4″ above chest. Ohp is also intermediate stage 155×5. I don’t even have long arms alex i’m 5’8 but my wingspan is the same as height. But my forearms are longer than my upper arms maybe there is a correlation to that. My question is should I continue with this program or switch up? Not yet stalled on floor press by the way. Should I aim around 245×5 floor press instead due to it being partial range of movement?
Alex I have been running this program for a month and half now and i have to say i have been good gains so far. I have a few questions for you though. First, is it alright to do incline treadmill and biking on off days? Secondly, is it ok if a pyramid up to my max for my lifts?
Hey Alex,
Great program, cant wait to get started.
I have been lifting for about a year, and not seeing any results (nowhere close to the numbers you posted about leaving the beginner status).
Question, what weight should I start with ? Is it like stronglift 5×5 where you begin the program with just the bar ?
Nope, you start with whatever weights you can already handle. No need to do that empty bar stuff.
1) Sure you can, just make sure you re-eat the lost calories.
2) No, run the program as written.
Sounds like you may be OHP dominant.
In your case, I would do one of two things
1) Increase the floor press strength
2) Switch programs now
The choice is yours
1) Same as chins, or like CGBP
2) Test when you feel confidant
Michael, I am SUPER happy to hear this!!! Congratulations on your results, keep up the epic gains!
And to answer your question, you’re probably better off with TAB given the goals you specified. However, NE has much better programming + knowledge and a few modifications could make it superior to TAB. So either way, you’d be fine. As far as your OHP goes, you’re just one of those vertical pressing guys. My old training partner was exactly the same way.
Hey there,
1) You pause at the chest
2) I do not remember the comment, but if I suggested dumbbells it was probably due to a lack of equipment. The barbell version is what I want you doing.
3) Slightly bent, not fully locked. Weight will depend on your strength level just make sure to follow the desired sets/reps and you should be fine
Hope that helps,
Hey Jed,
As far as which program is better, obviously NE is the best of the best. TAB was written in the summer of 2014 so a lot of my ideas have changed since then. NE is my updated work and contains all my years of experience + knowledge into one. It came out January 1st 2016 so clearly it’s updated. I also modified it about a month ago so it’s 100% fresh and accurate.
Difference-wise…NE is about getting massive and strong while drug-free, while TAB is about acquiring old school aesthetics and general strength. If you really want to get strong at presses and pulls, NE is the wayy to go hands down.
Alex can I just do leg press instead of box squats since i’m already getting a lot of posterior chain work with deads? Or do you feel box squats are a must?
If you really don’t want the box squat benefits then do free squat instead. This is a novice program.
As Michael posted above, I am in a similar situation. I have been killing myself in the gym for over 2 years weight lifting….with zero gains. I thought I was the only one afflicted with this issue! Im going to try your program definitely…
I want to make sure I do this right….could it be my diet that is holding me back ? I try to eat really healthy, and limit carb intake. Do you have any videos discussing diet or calorie intake ?
Thanks a bunch Alex!
this is very good programme. i use it for 5 month and gain 13lbs of muscle. my bicep go from 13 inch to 15 i am super happy with results.
Thank you for this program. I went from a 70kg bench press to 100kg in a little over 3 months.
Hello Noah,
Luckily I have en entire nutrition playlist for you.
Check it out here.
Yo Alex,
Is it possible to ditch the stiff legged dead-lifts on Workout A? I have a case where my legs (especially my glutes for some odd reason) are way bigger in proportion to my upper body. My thighs are 23 inches and my glutes are 42 inches at 5 foot 9, and i’m a novice. I’d much rather ditch the stiff legged deadlifts to reduce posterior chain volume and not make my ass so fucking big lmao. What’s your take on this?
This might be the wrong program then. The box squats will also make your glutes bigger. Maybe you should run something like Starting Strength for the legs.
What about Babylover’s Starting Strength program? I feel like it has more necessary upper back work than the regular Starting Strength program. Also, chin-ups are essential instead of optional
Alex, I was thinking that if one does not have a trap bar for deadlifts and is instead doing conventional, wouldn’t free squats maybe be better as there is already enough posterior chain work in the program and some quad focus would be better? I’m asking this as I’m naturally glute dominant (which is good, no knee pain) and I don’t have a trap bar.
No need. The more posterior chain, the better.
I started your program this week on monday. I tried doing pendlay row and i can only do it with 95lbs. I can’t seem to do it with a straight back and i’m actually doing it off the rack where the high of the bar is around the same height as with 45lb plates. Is this good? Should I fix my flexibility, if so how should I do it?
I CAN do 95lb but I’m doing 65lb so my back doesn’t round at all. I’m trying to keep my butt up high and not squat down low.
Do it off blocks so that the plates are higher up like 45s
Hi Alex,
My gym does not have access to a preacher bench. Is there anything I can do instead of preacher curls?
Yo Alex,
Can I superset on this novice program? So one set of box squats immediatly followed by one set of floor press?
I’m thinking of replacing both box squats and floor press since there is no way for me to perform these exercises in my gym. I’m thinking of doing high bar squats and just a regular bench press instead of these two exercises. My question is will that be ok and will it affect my progress? Another question of mine is that I need to use wrist wrap because I have wrist problems. Also, my deadlift is around 315 for one rep but my problem is my grip. I need to use to lifting straps for anything 225, so should I continue to use wrist wraps while following this program or should I build up my grip strength and progress in my deadlift when my grip becomes stronger.
Alex. I was wondering if you would ever write a bodybuilding program for intermediate/advanced lifters that has a slightly greater focus on the enhanced muscles then regular programs but not an exclusive focus like NE?
Hey Alex, I’ve been doing ICF5X5 for 2-3 months but I think the volume is too much. My workouts are taking over 2 hours, I hurt my hips and shoulder and my lifts are not going up as quick as they should be.With school starting there is no way I can continue it. So I decided to do this program instead. I also decoded to do 3×5 instead of 5×5 to make sure I’m recovered. I just have a few questions.
1. During the close grip bench should it be paused or tng? Would it be okay to not go higher than 6 reps on that exercise as I find my form getting clumsy on higher reps.
2. As I said my shoulders are sore so could I add in face-pulls? What day would I add them, what rep range and would I have to discard any-other exercise?
3. How long should I be resting in between the chin-ups?
4. Is it okay to do skull-crushers instead of the overhead extension as I’m used to doing that exercise on ICF. Also what about the rows, could I do standard barbell rows as I already have the form learnt.
alex im going to university this year and probably i will not be able to train a lot so im getting natural enchanced which is only for 2 times a week. but ive got a big fucking problem i have a torn miniscus and im geting surgery next year;( what im going to do with my legs
Just don’t train your legs. I recommend ankle weight leg curls at home and sled work.
1- TNG
2- Sure, at the end I recommend 3×20-30
3- Same as other lifts or go by intuition
4- Yes and same for rows, although not recommended.
1- It is fine
2- Wrist wraps are fine but straps are NOT to be used under any circumstances especially with 225.
If you have no other choice due to time then be my guest, but I do not recommend.
Any curl is fine
I don’t think that will happen. I may write another aesthetics program but in terms of half-assing the NE philosophy I don’t intend on releasing such a system.
Yo Alex, your comment section is totally f-ed up man. You can’t see to who you’re responding to.
Hey Alex, I’ve been doing Starting Strength for a about 2 months but I don’t like the mimilstic setup(gets boring and arms are lagging) so I decided to go to this program. However I still really want to do power-cleans, is there anyway I could program it in? Perhaps something like this on workout A
Box squats 3×5
floor press 3×5
power cleans 5×3
overhead barbell extension 3×8
regular barbell rows or chins 3×5-8
planks 3x30s
Basically just subbing it in for the curls and good mornings. Would I potentially be loosing out on bicep size if I don’t do any isolation.
So then what would you recommend for someone who would want to focus on bodybuilding but not have a pencil neck and small traps/shoulders?
Hey Alex, why are chinups low rep instead of high rep isnt it better to do higher rep for more back gains
ALex as i said earlier i cant train legs cause my miniscus injury and i want to get your naturally enchanced book cause im going to uni.
your book focus on traps, forearms,back,quads,shoulders,calfs?
Naturally Enhanced focuses on neck, traps, upper back, shoulders, forearms, and glutes. So your miniscus injury shouldn’t be much of an issue IMO.
I find low reps work better on chinups. If you get stronger at the weighted version, you’ll immediately be able to do high reps bodyweight so it’s all good.
Concurrent periodization hands down, so something like Naturally Enhanced.
Yeah I’d say swap the pendlays for power cleans…and yes you are losing out on a LOT of bicep gains by not doing direct work.
IK 🙁
If i have front delt pain(i’ve had it for a while now) and these days is getting worse,do you recommend do OHP instead of the horizontal presses or replace them with a neutral grip dumbbell press? Thanks
Hey Alex, when I started the program I was doing box squats like the standard Olympic squat and as soon as I found out I was doing it wrong thanks to your box squat tutorial vid I started developing hip flexor pain what do I do to prevent this from happening. I tried stretches an also foam rolling but I still have the pain.
I have had front delt pain for a while now :
1)stop doing bench,and do OHP instead
2) stop doing OHP and bench for a period while doing lateral raises to keep training shoulders
I’ve been doing your program for 3 weeks now but I don’t know what’s happening. Every exercise is getting stronger except for my chin up. I’m leading with my chest, I started with 5lb dumbells on my ankles doing 5 reps for first to sets then 4 reps for the last set.
Now I’m only doing 5lb 4 reps for first two sets then 3 reps. I’m doing the set and the weight feels so light, and then when I get to 4 reps I just can’t pull up. I found that today I tried to be tighter with deadlifts and reduced my upper back rounding could my deadlift be impeding my chin up progression?? How do I fix this?
Hey Alex, I just started your Novice Program this week and I tried the trap-bar DL for the first time. I was having grip issues when trying to lift my 2 sets for 275 lbs (bar falls out of hands) and I believe that I do not have the grip strength in order to hold onto the bar (lower body is strong enough, so grip is only issue since I have been able to perform conventional DLs with 2 sets of 5 reps with 275 lbs using mixed grip prior to beginning this program). Should I lower the weight so that I can perform the reps (like to 245-255 lbs.) until my grip strength improves, or perform conventional DLs, or do specialized grip work on the trap-bar DL day at the end (Workout B) to focus on my weakest link? Also, my gym does not allow chalk. Thanks in advance!
Is it ok to use chalk and straps on this program?
Alex can I replace the trap bar deadlift for the barbell hacksquat (behind the back deadlift)?
and the barbell overhead triceps extension for the cable rope overhead triceps extension???
1) Good question. Try it out and let me know how it goes
2) Sure
Chalk yes straps no
The problem has nothing to do with your grip…it’s the fact that you can’t use chalk.
Please buy liquid chalk.
Very normal. Chinup is mainly a relative strength lift. Deadlifts or rows won’t improve it. I recommend using reverse pyramid training or band assisted pullups.
Try option 3) Only do overhead press, as illustrated by Mark Rippetoe in Starting Strength.
Narrow the stance an work on your mobility, that’s the best fix
OHP with a bar, Mark Rippetoe style
I really want to do this program but I’m afraid of moving from atg squats to box squats as I often hear people say that when they moved back to free squats after using box squats that their form was fucked up. I really worked on my form and can now do those atg olympic squats with pretty good form. If I did this program as written and then switched back to olympic squats after, would I have trouble goinig atg(box squats dont test ankle and hamstring mobilty)? I also hear people say that box squats dont work the bottom range of motion as you cant go as deep. Would it be better just to do standard squats and conventional deadlifts on the program?
Hello , i want to ask can i add additional trap work ? and other question i dont like to train without belt , sleeves , wrist wraps and straps so can i add additional forearm work too ? And i want to ask because i will add neck and calves work how many sets and reps for all this additional work ? Thanks so much 🙂
Hey Alex ! How can we gain 10-20 pounds of muscle mass whilst doing this program in a caloric deficit ? Isn’t that conflicting ?
I suggest you to mention the name of the person who you are answering. This way readers will be able to understand and take better advantage of the section. Thank you for your program. I’m studying it to start it asap.
Hey alex just wondering for the paused overhead press, do you pause it at the top or on your chest?
hey is this program good for bball players that want to build functional strength,gain muscle and explosive muscless? BTW IM REALLY SkINNY
Ive been doing this program for 2 and a half months
My progression has been great in some things and nothing at all for other lifts
Ohp 50kg x 1 > 65kg 3×4 paused
Cgbp 60kg x6 > 70kg 3×5
Floor press 47.5kg x 5×6 > 72.5kg x 5×4 paused
Box squat 100kg 5×6 > 115kg 5×4
Overhead extension 27.5kg 3×10 > 42.5kg x 3×10
But all my pulling lifts havent improved at all
Such as my deadlift , pendlay row , chinups , preacher curls, stiff leg deadlift and my deadlift has gone down.
I cant do 3×5 chinups yet at 83kg bw 6’1 and my arms havent grown at all theyre still 14 inches
My last workout was 145kg x 5 deadstop conventional and I was jerking the bar and now I have strain in my lower back
Is there anything I should change in the program what should I do for lower back recovery
My last chinup workout was 3×5 then 1×3
Ive been training for 14 months total im 17 and my arms havent grown at all even though ive put on 30lb
I have a pretty disproportionate body with big back shoulders neck and legs but 0 upper arm and forearm
You sound torso dominant. Also you probably need stronger triceps
If your lower back hurts, it means you need a stronger core as a whole. I suggest direct lower back and ab work 2-4x a week. Weighted planks and reverse hypers are best. Sled pulls are also great, but they must be done on off days and if incorporating it you must reduce training frequency to twice a week.
Yes but I would recommend starting strength instead of this program
At the chest
Great idea, thanks
Thanks for the quick reply, but what should I do currently, it hurts to bend down and hyperextend, im taking a week off for now or should I train everything but back and legs
Great program alex! Ive been using this for 4 months and finally reached intermediate stage. should i hop onto westside or naturally enhanced now?
Congrats to your success! Now in terms of programs, it depends on your goal. Do you want to excel at powerlifting or the 6 essential muscles that I am always talking about? NE may be similar to Westside, but the goals are general strength related…and the development of the enhanced muscles. So you need to decide what is most important to you.
Yes but also see my article on bulging disks
@Божидар Николов
There is enough indirect trap work so no need to do anything else.Also no need for equipment like belt, sleeves, wraps, etc.
For neck and calves, I recommend a high volume approach.
My question to you is, why would you ever want to go back to free squats in the first place?
Box squats build the posterior chain in a much better way and optimize recovery. One should not have the desire to free squat unless raw powerlifting or EGO is in the way. Because from a strength building and athletic perspective, box squats are better.
Hello Alex,
Is there anything I can substitute squats with? I’ve tried to squat many times for months at a time and each time to no avail. Also I have big legs naturally and don’t want to have extremely huge legs that will just make me look disproportionate. Can I do low handle trap bar deadlifts or regular trap bar deadlifts instead? I’m a recreational lifter that just wants to get stronger and bigger proportionally.
Low or high handle for the trap bar?
I have some questions
1.I’m a basketball player and I want to increase my explosiveness,can I do sprints and plyometric exercises on off days?
2.I have uneven triceps strength.Can I do one arm tricep extensions and do more reps on weaker side?
3.What foods should I avoid to maximize the results?
4.Do you recommend using supplements while doing the program?
5.How long should I do this to start implementing neck and forearm work?
6.Do you recommend plank rows as a replacement to weighted planks?
7.I injured my wrist back in September 2015.Pendlay rows really fucks up my wrist.What exercises should I do as a replacement to pendlay rows?
Thanks brah
Thanks for the reply. I’ll be doing the box squats, but I’m unsure about what weights to start with. My squat (olympic style, atg) is currently at 82.5kg for 3×5 and my deadlift is at 125kg for 1×5. I’ve never done box squats or trap bar DLs b4, what weight should I do? I’m doing the lowest amount of volume and am at a bodyweight of 60kg and 17 years old btw.
Alex, I can now only work out 2 times a week due to school, would i lose alot of gains from working out 2 times a week? thanks!
Good stuff Alex! I’m starting your program today and I had a couple of questions below..
1. How do I know what weight to start out at with the program?
2. I weigh 167.8, and I want to get up to about 175-180. Do you have a good nutrition program for gaining weight/muscle?
3. What do I do on my off days? Any agility training/conditioning ok?
4. How long can I use this program and will it work for woman as well looking to weightloss and building muscle?
merci pour tous! i use this program and got much stronger bench press thank you alex
Yo Alex, if I’m planning on running this program while cutting, can I do GPP and mobility work on the off days and be OK or do you think this will inhibit recover too much?
Hi Alex greetings from Brazil and thank for all your free content! I did my first workout today and box squats is an awesome exercise, my new favorite. I have some knee issues, and my doctor sayd that I need a stronger posterior chain, adductor and abductor, so its ok to add 1-2 superset (save time) for this at the end of the workouts? Also I have some elbow pain from OHP when i go closer( actually is near the longhead tendon… Is there any solution for this?
My starting numbers:
Box Squat 5×5 : 165
Bench 5×5 : 150
Deadlift x5 (no trapbar) : 190
OHP : 85
CGBP : 100 🙁
Row : 130
So, at end of december I will post my new numbers and think its gonna be AWESOME! Sorry for this huge msg and Ty again.
Nice program!
Just a few extra questions
1. If I plateau on an accessory exercise how much should I reduce the weight? For example if I got stuck on the chinups at 10kg I assume decreasing it by 10percent (dropping 1 kg) wont make much of a difference.
2. What is a good source on the internet on how to floorpress probably? I see some people who just lie down flat while others make a big arch like on bench. Also what about the various nuances such as grip width, feet postion, elbow postion, cues e.t.c
3. Finally if I’ve never done floorpress before what weight should I start out with if my bench is at 62.5kg?
Thanks for all the great work!
Alex man this program is dope.
Finally hit intermediate after 5 months. Got 245×8 flat bench thanks to you much love fam
Hi Alex and thank you for this really professional program for free,
but I have a Question about the progression: (I do the 5 set variation of the program)
You say i need to be in the 25-30 Rep Range but do i need to reach 30 Reps to add the next weight level? Or can i add weight as soon as iam in the range ?
For Example: Squats 225 lbs. I do 6 5 5 4 4 = 24 reps total
–>Next Workout Squats 225 lbs. I hit 6 5 5 5 4 = 25 reps total (in the 25-30 Range)
so can i go up to 230 lbs now because I’m in the range or do i need to get 6 6 6 6 6 (30 Reps total) to go to the next weight level?
Or can i do it in either way?
Because on the regular 5×5 programs i need to hit the 5 5 5 5 5 to add weight, thats why iam confused.
Many thanks for clearing up those questions I had Alex. I’m clear about everything and my plan of attack is drawn up for me. No $ for this amazing info? Crazy generous brother!
@Alex or can i do a 5×5 instead of a 5×4-6? because the total reps on a 5×5 are 25 reps, so it’s in your range?
Hi Alex,
Military Press 160×6
Bench 245×2
Deadlift 335×7
Back Squat 320×3
Would you recommend your novice programm for me?
Nope. Run my hybrid or Naturally Enhanced
@Andy Yes 5×5 works
@Andy as long as you are in the range you’re fine
1- Try 2.5-5% reduction
2- Omar Isuf made a good tutorial on it
3- Do whatever allows you to hit the sets/reps I prescribe for this program
1- I guess that’s fine given your situation
2- Yeah try this
PS: Send me your testimonial in some months!
@Marc I would not recommend GPP due to the high volume of this program. However, mobility is fine.
@Derek Adair
1- Use whatever weight allows you to hit the desired sets/reps
2- Yes check out The Alpha Diet
3- Nothing, only mobility work is fin
4- Yes it works for men and women, and use this program for 6-12 months
2x a week is fine no worries
@Beefy Muscle
1- Novices should not do plymoetrics. But if you absolutely have to, perform box jumps at the end of your workout.
2- No need for that. This program will correct your imbalances if you use proper form.
3- Check out The Alpha Diet or my nutrition playlist on youtube for info on that
4- Nope. Zero supplements
5- You can start neck training right away (and should for basketball). Forearms, none at all.
6- No
7- Barbell row would be the next best substitute but honestly the Pendlays are very good especially for sport. Maybe get wrist wraps.
Whatever you like. If low then you need a 385-405×5 trap bar, and if high you need 455×5.
yo alex, how often should i repeat a weight until deload?
For example, i did Bench press 150 lbs 5 5 5 5 5, now i move on to 155 lbs but i only do 5 5 4 4 4, how often should i repeat the 155 lbs before De-loading ? I think on Stronglift 5×5 the recommend to repeat 3x before a Deload, how should often should i do it on your program?
I was thinking of purchasing “The Alpha Body”, but I was wondering if I should run through this novice program before I do that (and yes, my numbers are well below 225, 315, and 405). Also, I have found that traditional back squats have caused me considerable neck and upper back pain (of course, this was when I was doing lowbar squats). Thank you in advance for your advice.
Hi man, very intereted in this program. I have a question though, with which weigth should I start training? Do I need to test my 5RM before starting on everylift or just going by feel?
Hey! I’m currently running your program as part of prep for the military. And it’s great! I’m thinking about doing this two times a week, while also doinga a pure calisthenics workout once a week. What do you think? Also, any tips on getting strong at push-ups, while doing this program?
Hey Alex,
Can you do the pin-press instead of the floor press?
alex I am a shoulder dominant guy, i feel like the floor press in you novice program helps increase my OHP but my bench/chest size stays the same. What should I do instead?thx
(fyi I have already reached a 315×8 squat, 405×5 deadlift but bench 1RM is still 185)
All those things should be good for you given your situation
Whatever allows you to hit the desired sets and reps. No need to use light weight or test your 5RM
I would run the novice program first, and in terms of legs I would recommend “The Alpha Body” legs seeing as it doesn’t emphasize squats at all. Would work well for your goals if you ask me
Hey Alex, even though I dont have the strength for legs they do have a really decent size (glutes too), you said in the comments it is okay to run alpha body legs so I will do that.(removing box squats, stiff legged and conventional deadlifts) And I am also more after a V taper look so can I divide 5 sets of pendlay rows to a 3 sets of weighted chin ups and 3 sets of rows?
No if you’re going to do that divide it by 3 pendlay and 2 chinups
Hey Alex,
I have gigantic glutes and thick thighs from my genetics. Would you suggest altering this program in any way to achieve a more balanced physique by increasing upper body muscle mass and limiting lower body muscle growth.
Hey Alex, I have been doing your novice program for a couple of weeks with the option of doing sets of 5. However, I recently got a job that requires manual labor and realized that doing sets of 5 and working 9 hours a day for 5 times a week is too taxing on my body…would switching to sets of 3 be a better option or should I just let my body adapt and increase my work capacity. Please advice.
Would it be fine to go neutral grip on most exercises with the trap bar (ex. trap bar OHP, trap bar floor pres,ETC)? Just wondering and trying to minimize as much shoulder stress as possible
Hey alex, so you say to look bigger I need bigger:
Shoulders (just ohp, but least trained muscle in program)
Can I add exercises for those muscles?
I am a newbie, just have been lifting for about 3 months.
Also I’m 5’5 just like you, but i only weigh 125lbs
If i want to train 5 times a week, what can I do the 2 days of rest in your program?
Alex, I have very long arms in result of which I cannot touch my chest on the close grip bench press without the elbows going far beneath my torso which I avoid.. Even with a massive back arch it gets closer but I cannot.
When floor pressing I arch a lot retract the scapula and put 2 mats underneath me so i can atleast get close to touching my chest.
Have you witnessed this before?
Hey Alex, I am confused to why I plateau so often and progress very slow even though I am not even close to the late novice face. I am still doing very low weights but I plateau all the time and progress extremely slow. I am gaining 1KG every week which is ALOT and I still can’t progress quick while gaining alot of weight.
I’m increasing 1 rep each workout which is terribly slow on the weights I’m doing and my deadlift plateau’s all the time. Pendlay row and pulldowns are the only exercises where I progress very quickly and never plateau
Hi Alex, I Posted my Starting Status almost 2 months ago, so i’m here today to give te results. 2 months is too short to know if a program realy workss or so, but here we go.
BW: 158 > 161.5 (+3.5lbs)
Box Squat 3×5 : 165 > 225 (+60lbs)
Bench 5×5 : 150 > 162 (+12lbs)
Deadlift x5 (no trapbar) : 190 > 245 (+55lbs)
OHP : 85 > ~105 (+20lbs)
CGBP 3×8: 100 > ~125 (+25lbs)
Pendlay Row 5×5 : 130 > 162 (+32lbs)
So as you can see i made a pretty good progress, but i needed to reduce the volume for the box squat, because my hips, glutes and lowerback take a while to recovery from 5×5, and it was hindering my progress.
Thank You so much for your videos, and attention. Hopefully I’m gonna get N.E. in the near future.
Hey Alex,
1)I have forward shoulders and I have been doing 2 Rows, 2 Pulls and 2 Rear Delt exercises to correct this on the frequency of 3x a week before starting your program. I have also been consciously standing upright. Is this the right approach of fixing it? Do I need to even need to these things or can I jump on to this program immediately? In one video you mentioned fixing up your clients posture before the actual training, how do you do this?
Hey Alex,
I’ve been lifting on and off for 5 years and my lifts are still novice. I am 25 years old. I bought naturally enhanced recently and do I follow exactly the program written there or in time should I customize it? It also says 20 reps for 3 sets I am not used to that kind of training and the first day of volume day floored me I couldn’t complete all reps but got sore delts for the first time!
Hi Alex, I came across your videos from all the hilarious comments on one of Omar’s recent videos on traps. I’ve been lifting for 3 years albeit rather inconsistently but have not achieved the results I’ve wanted so I am thinking about trying this program out to reset and cover my bases. My initial weight was slightly below 50kg when I started and am now sitting around 65kg at 178cm (5’10) with maybe around 15% bf. I have a few questions I was hoping you could help clarify:
1) Can the overhead extensions and preacher curls be done with a EZ-curl bar?
2) Does the overhead extension require you to be standing or sitting?
3) When you say 1×5 conventional is a suitable substitute for trapbar deadlifts, is that 1 set of 5 reps?
4) If I’m wanting to bulk, should I be aiming to hit the maximum end of the rep range you specified?
Hey Alex, what if I don’t care about bench, I can already overhead press bodyweight for 5, Is there an OHP specialization of this program? Thanks
Fuarkkkk this program actually works bro, bench went up by 50lbs in 2 months shiit
In the article above, you mentioned that deadlifts should increase at a rate of 10-20lbs per progression. Are you referring to 10-20lbs per side or in total? Thanks.
Hey Alex,
I’m planning to run ur novice program I have been lifting for a year yet have not been able to make the strength goals you have mentioned. Right now I’m at
Deadlift-315x 1
But I feel my legs are way too big. They store fat and increase in muscle size very quickly, maybe due to all the leg curls, presses, etc. I used to do. Do u think I should still run this program or should I do some modifications and take out the squats ? Appreciate your advice =)
I was very content in running this program. My bench press went from 65kg to 100kg in a short amount of time. Thank you sir.
Inicio de la conversación
Alex, I have a big question, I can only go to a Gym for the next 6 months because I got for new years eve and I am on a budget so I cannot change gym right now, I have been lifting for 2 years, the first six months only machines, then I started to bench and after I started doing some squats, so my lifts are not near the respectable standarts, plus, since I had like 25 pounds to lose I focus more in losing weight, I can bench only 1 and a half plates, squad the same and dead 2 and a half plates, but I hurt my lower back a bit but I am better now because I started training lower back and abs every workout. Anyway, as you said, I should be doing a novice program and I really like yours but my gym has only one rack, I did some reaserch on every exercise and the reps and everything in your program, I can use the rack for squats only so with my reserch I switch exercises that have the same principals, can I still follow your program, I have been doing an A B split with Upper lower hitting every movement every 4 or 5 days but I can I do this? I really wanna make gains this year
Workout A
Squat 3×4-6
Bench Press 3×4-6
DB row 3×4-6
Tricep extension 3×6-10
Dumbbell Curl 3×6-10
Hyperextensions 2×10
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Workout B
Squat 3×4-6
Overhead Press 3×4-6
DB Deadlift 2×4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
damn man i can’t believe that u still answering Qs thanks man
im novios and i have been training for 6 months and my strength is shitt but i have been doing ALOT OF Volume im talking about 200+ reps per muscle and i want to switch to this program should i just jump to it or increase the volume or what
thanks again alex
1) Can novice lifters use bands? I tried bands and they correct my bar path, they teach me how to stay tight and etc etc. Want to try bands with your novice program not with all lifts but with overhad press and close grip bench because my press is so bad.
2) In your novice program first exercise is box squat and I progress almost everytime with it. It start to get heavy for myself and make me tired in the begining of training. What can i do for that? How can i get use to heavy weight for myself and continue to progress?
Is it ok to do landmine press instead of OHP? Thanks Alex
Nice program man, gonna start this next week, if there is no trap bar in my gym, can i do barbell deadlift instead?
Hey, Alex. I just started your novice program and there’s kind off a problem: my gym does not have a squat rack nor a power rack so I can’t do the box squat ’cause there’s nowhere I can unrack it from, there’s only a smith machine and the leg press, so should i use one of this? and what about the single legged leg press press?
Hi Alexander!
My gym is very unequipped, therefore I can’t do box squats or floor press. Is there anyway I can do regular squats and regular bench press instead? I have done benchpress and squats for around a year now. I am studying and therefore I don’t have the money for a proper gym, but I will change gyms as soon as possible!
Thank you in advance!
Work with what you have
Neither. I suggest you run the upper body portion and skip legs or do some bodybuilding routine.
Yes read the Q&A section
No, landmine press is never to be substituted from OHP.
1) Yes but not in this program
2) Time. It takes about 2-4 weeks to adapt.
Run the program as written but use the highest sets listed
Should work fine honestly, but gains will be inferior to the standard novice program setup
Feel free to skip legs then. Just run the upper body portion.
10-20lb increase in total, not per side
No, but if you are content with your bench maybe you should switch to an intermediate program for the OHP. Something like my hybrid program
1) Yes
2) Either version is fine, choose what’s comfortable
3) Correct
4) That would be ideal given the fact that you have surplus calories, but not mandatory.
I recommend running the programs as written or reducing the reps slightly. Either way you will be fine
@C R
I would listen to your body on this one. If you do not experience negative pains then feel free to jump in the program right away.
Might be a work capacity issue. I suggest using the lowest amount of volume listed for the program. It that doesn’t work then consider moving onto an intermediate program.
If you retract the scapula and tuck the elbows this is not an issue. You won’t get snap your shoulders
Only low intensity cardio
Do not modify this program it has everything you need
Sure, if you have a swiss/football bar I’ll accept that.
Definitely use the lowest amount of sets listed
Skip the leg portion and follow some other program that involves light weight and unilateral work
Hey Alex so I’m kinda confused so for each sets you keep the same weight right you don’t increase it til the next workout right ?
Hey Alex, what are your thoughts on doing this program twice a week but also doing home workouts like NE?
yo alex question how many times can i stall on a weight before i have to deload at it 2 or 3 times and second question about the assistence work . for example you said the cgb 3 sets of 6 to 8 can i to 3 sets of 6 then next time add weight or do i have to get 3 sets of 8
Hey mate, just got a couple of questions
I’m 74kg, 20%bf, 180cm, 1yr of program hopping
80kgx6 Bench
92.5kgx5 squat (shit, I know)
165kgx1 Deadlift
22.5kgx5 chin up
So, considering that this program has no traditional Bench/Squat/Deadlift, how do you actually go about testing your numbers to know when you’ve reached 2/3/4pl8 x5? What’s the equivalence from the alternate lifts
How long should this take me? Ballpark
How do you feel about ab roller rather than planks?
Should I do the leg intensive hybrid?
What body comp should I be at to be hitting 2/3/4pl8 x5
Currently on week 3 of candy toe 6 week program which I’ll finish off before having a look at your program
Looking forward to hearing from you
Cheers, from all the way down in Australia
hey alex,
can i add wrist rear deltoid calf and neck exercises end of the program
Hi Alex,
I was actually just wondering if there was anything specific you would recommend for someone who needs to lose a fair amount of fat. I really like the look of the program, as well as your content in general. My only concern about the novice program, is that I want to cut down to at least 15% body fat, and I wasn’t sure what would be the best way to go about that. Thanks
Really enjoy doing the novice program so far. I do have one problem though: I have started to experience hip pain doing box squats. I was wondering if you had any tips for exercises / stretches I could do to improve my hip mobility? Or perhaps an alternative exercise I could do instead of the box squat. Thanks!
hey alex
i have few friends and they are new to the gym “3 months or less” should they follow they program as writing ? notice : they just do easy workouts with machines and they have no idea how they can perferom it and i can’t always be with them
shouldn’t i ever do single or double or triple ?
Hi Alex want to purchase naturally enhanced but you said you have updated it so are there two versions how do i make sure i get the latest one.
hey i REALLY want to do your novice program but i have 2 problems: i have a really bad school gym and no squat rack, can i do pistol suqats and then single leg leg press (same reps and sets as the box squats) instead? i really dont have anything else….
and second question: im 15 and im really “scared” to do deadlifts , is there anything i can do? i dont want to get injured. thanks for the help
I have watched your videos and read the program. I know you said don’t touch the program, but i have program hopped because I was young and dumb. I have way bigger lower pecs compared to my upper (My upper are pretty much non existent). I was wondering if I could switch Floor press out for Incline press? At least until I fix this ugly ass boob shape i have.
Heyo Alex, if there aren’t any barbells available in the gym through my whole workout, can I just use dumbbells?
Hey Alex, I just wanted to know if the days matter too much as long as there’s a day or rest inbetween?
Can I do more forearm focused bicep curls instead of regular ones? Such as reversed grip.
I used to do 3-5 reps on regular bicep curls and it didn’t feel good in my elbows.
I need more forearm work and fyi i’m 6’0”.
Been lifting 1,5 years now so my strength/form isn’t bad and I know what I’m doing to an extent.
Hey Alex, I’ve started your Novice Program this week and really liked. Was wondering if adding rear delt, neck and calves training like this is ok or close to optimal:
Workout A
Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Floor Press 3/5×4-6
Pendlay Row 3/5×4-6
Overhead Barbell Extension 3×6-10
Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Stiff-Legged Deadlift/Good Morning 2-3×6-10
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Cable Facepulls 3×20
Calf Raise 4×20
Workout B
Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3/5×4-6
Trap-Bar Deadlift 2×4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Cable Facepulls 3×20
Calf raise 4×20
Neck training at home, 2 min isometric hold against the wall for the front, both sides and back, and conective tissue work with bands for biceps and triceps 3×100 everyday. Hope you can reply, but if not that’s cool. Best wishes lad
i commented before about my problem with squats and deads and now im commenting a solution:
here is a better idea of what im aiming for (if this is too much to ask i totally respect that):
Workout A
single leg leg press/pistol squats 3×4-6
Bench Press 3×4-6
Pendlay Rows 3×4-6
Tricep Overhead Extension 3×6-10
Preacher Bar Curl 3×6-10
Hyperextensions 2×10
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Workout B
single leg leg press/pistol squats 3×4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3×4-6
DB Deadlift 2×4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
now i assume that the gains will be inferior to the original, but will i be ok running this?
and should i superset pistols with leg press or do one or the other?
Hey Alex, I only have a bench to box squat of and it’s a little to high, so what would be the best options
1: box squat of the bench
2: free squat?
hi alex i have some Q
1.can i add calf raise 3×20 face pull 3×20 and 3×20 some wrist exc.(not forearm) at end of the program?
2.when i m doing box squat bar is hurting me can i use towel?(not ped)
3.can i do romanian deadlift instead of stiff leg deadlift?
4.what is the intermadiate numbers for pendlay row and overhead press? or are intermediate numbers just available for floor press box squat and deadlift?
Hey alex, can I do the novice program on fridays and sundays? And what sets would you recommend for that, 3 or 5?
Hey Alex thanks for taking the time to create this awesome program. I had a question regarding the stiff leg deadlifts/good mornings. Due to my anatomy I am unable to perform both of these exercises. Is it okay to substitute them with the Romanian Deadlifts and or the Conventional?
Hey Alex, what if I’ve been training for 2 years, 65kg, 1,73m, already passed the beginner mass phase (gained ~12kg) but my lifts are still shit and far from your strength standards recommendations (been fucking around with bro splits), would you recommend this program til I get bench 225×5, squat 315×5, and deadlift 405×5?
Alex why dont you recommend the use of straps? I can DL 405 with them, Wouldn’t it be smart to isolate grip strength work instead of not improving my Pr?
hi alpha im a novice nut i can do weighted dips with 5kg for 8 reps, where can i include dips in the program?
I am very interested in your workout program, but I do not have a gym membership, because I am not strong and don’t want to go Get one until I am stronger and won’t embarrass my self. I am very Weak talking 3 dropsets of 12 starting at 30 lbs then 25 then 20 and on the last one I have to start with 25 and end with 15. I have a bench and dumbbells from 15 to 30. What exercises can I do to get stronger before getting a gym membership and starting your program? Thanks
I cant find an answer to this question in any of your videos or on this page. I can not even get close to my chest when floor pressing due to my height and length of my arms. Do I continue doing the floor press in this program or do I need to change it out with something else?
That doesn’t matter. Continue doing the floor press. If you don’t like it then switch to flat
I recommend running a calisthenics program first in that case.
You don’t do dips in this program
Novices don’t need straps. You don’t have to worry about em until you’re pulling about 545
Run this program
The only acceptable substitute out of that list would be Romanian Deadlift.
Yes but that means you also need to train Tuesday
1) Yes
2) No, get used to it and set the bar properly on your back
3) Yes RDL is fine
4) Pendlay row same as bench, OHP about 135×5
If the bench is too high, then free squat.
Sure, if you want to use a reverse grip go for it.
As long as you rest 48 hours, you’re fine.
You should run a different program instead, or change gyms.
Do what you want but I don’t recommend it.
1) Sure but you won’t hit my squat standards
2) Then don’t deadlift. Just do your pistols and leg press.
The overhaul was released January 1st, 2017.
Make them run this.
@I recommend checking out Recognition Athletics
The program doesn’t change, just eat in a calorie deficit
No wrist roller. Rear delt, calf, and neck could be done.
1) Test on your free time lifts are close enough in terms of specificity
2) 60-90 minutes
3) Sure
4) You’re talking about my other program? Maybe you should run the hybrid when your bench hits 100kg
5) No clue dude, that doesn’t matter
Sure that would work, but 3x a week is better.
Hey Alex I’m a former athlete who is used to training 6x a week and feel as if I’m wasting my time on the week ends not lifting. Would it be possible to do this program every other day with a 48 rest period still? Thanks
In your case probably. I assume you have super high work capacity.
hey man i love what you do
im 18 , 145 5″6
my bench is 115 for 3×6 and i think i can do more
can you tell my how long it will take for me on this program to take my bench to 225 for 1 or 5 reps max ?
thanks alex
If I’m free squatting (high bar) do you still recommend trap bar deads over conventional? I love the trap bar but don’t wanna neglect the posterior chain. Thanks!
I want to train a friend using this program simply because its well written and great for beginners. He’s a skinny guy but has only two days a week to train simply because of how busy his life is with family and his teaching institute. You reckon this enough for him to workout two days a week?
Yo Alex. im thinking about running your program, but i have a question. is it possible to do close grip bench and floor press with bands? -Sander
Is it ok if I do reverse barbell lunge instead of box squat? I have knee tendonitis and lunges feel pretty good.
Hey Alex. Is it possible to squeeze rack pulls somewhere in the workouts or would that be too much?
@Bryan No
@ifty yes
@Bart probably conventional
@Sander no
so i am a novice been back in the game for 6 months. and im stalling out around 215 squat 295 deads and 135 bench. I was under the impression gpp on my off days would improve recovery as long as it wasn’t weighted. Are you saying the pushups, pull ups, and inverted rows I have been doing on the off days might be part of the reason i am stalling? I have started employing some of greg nuckols rep scheme perioduzation for novices to increase their work capacity as well. Perhaps a recipe for disaster with my ghetto strong lifts program im doing? i added reverse hypers and i was doing ab work on my off days but that doesnt appear to be as effective as when i did weighted planks at the end of my workout.Considering hopping on to this program and exchanging my free squats for box, only thing is I really liked greg nuckols advice of changing the rep scheme when you stall and deload. And going as far to deload way down and do a 5×8 on squats. I feel as though the last chunk of my novice strength wont come about without the rep/ work capacity work. If i were to hop on your novice program could i apply gregs advice and increase volume when I deload? Only on the big movements? assuming i dont do gpp on the off days just yoga mobiliy and some reverse hypers on the couch. also it seems hard to improve my bench and weighted pullups without the greasing the groove idea of doing many body weight reps. Any advice on this? i kind of suspect that is built into your program with all the different upper body exercises. Well anyway this is not my first attempt at taking a year of my life and reaching intermediate strength. I did this before and got stuck a little further on than I am right now. I am also someone who got over a low back injury with your advice but now that im lifting decent weights i dont wanna give up on the reverse hyper if I switch to your program. sorry for the novel. any advice would be much appreciated.
Hey Alex first of all thank you for this amazing programme. But I have a question. I can’t maintain neutral spine in stiff leg deadlifts. Can I use romanian deadlifts instead of stiff leg deadlifts?
Bloody hell this program is amazing. Alex, I ran this for 8 months and took my 100kg deadlift to 200kg. My bench also went from empty bar to 100kg. Thank you so much for making this free, cheers from the Uk
Yo Alex can I do some neck work in this program? and sometimes, if I don’t have the time to complete the whole workout, can I remove some of the accessory work?
Do we need to warm up before the sets or go straight into them? What type of warm up?
Hi Alex, I’ve got problem with chin-ups. I started at 0, I couldn’t do a single one, I tried bands with no success then I found out negatives which helped me do my first chin-up and I progressed till I got 5-6 chin-ups and I stalled like forever. What should I do? Add more volume? Like 10×2? Go back doing negatives? I find them very exhausting. If yes then go much? Thanks!
Hey Alex, is it ok if I replace SLDL’s with RDLs?
Also, CGBP gives me the worst shoulder for some rEason, even though I’ve been strengthening my rotator cuffs. OHP and Floor Pressing doesn’t bother me one bit though. Is there another exercise I can replace CGBP with? Would Dips be an alright substitute?
Another question. Can I throw in some reverse hyperextensions after I do planks after each workout?
Hey alex,
I want to use your novice program to boost my overall strength levels.
But i have one problem. I have planned to do a mud run with a friend of mine in may this year.
This requires me to do a weekly running session of approximately 15~20 Km ore 9.3~12.7 mile.
Is it possible for me to keep the weekly running session and make strength gains from your program? Ore do i have to cancel the mud run in order to benefit from your program.
I enjoy your content! Keep up the good work!
should I take deloads on your novice program or am I simply not eating enough, I can’t tell bro
Could one conceivably do lower back extensions at the end of the workout as a core exercise, or would that be overkill in the case of this particular program?
Also, would you recommend manipulating volume for any reason on this program, or is that just for intermediate to advanced lifters?
Hey Alex,
I just started your novice program. I really want to improve my weighted dips. I was wondering if it was a good idea to add it to the workout. If so, what day should I put it on?
Thank you,
Can i train 2 times a week if i have bad recovery? im 16 y/o
Yes you can train twice a week
No need to add weighted dips, but if I can replace one exercise it would be CGBP
Do not manipulate volume
Do not add extra movements. However, good mornings can be replaced for reverse hypers.
You can deload if you keep failing your weight resets
1) Yes you can do RDL
2) Dips would be a good substitute, although that tends to aggravate shoulders more
3) Sure, reverse hypers are awesome
I would use negatives with 60% additional weight
Always warm up before going onto the work sets, and make it gradual.
Yes you can train neck at the end, and you can remove accessories if short on time
Super happy to hear that Rob!! Keep making those gains
Yes RDL is fine
You can, but cut the frequency down to twice a week and make sure you optimize your nutrition
Bro with all due respect, there’s too much information here. This looks like a consultation question, and I’m pretty sure I answered most of these down below. I recommend re-writing this in point form. Thank you
Hello Alex i wanna know if i can add calves,neck,traps and rear delts exercises in this program. I’ve read a few comments and i saw that you said yes about calves and neck but how should i incorporate these exercises in the program and one more question : is it ok if i train 3 times a week and only do 1 day for cardio so i can have 3 free days ?
Alex, I have slightly fucked up my left rotator cuff doing over head press with dumbbells a few weeks ago and I feel pain in it when i do ohp. My bench and everything else is fine(if i use right form) but ohp is the only thing i cant really do aside from heavy incilne presses. I also was planning to run your novice program, do i leave out the pause ohp, go very light, replace with somehting else, or just not do it at all?
Hey Alex
When should can I test my bench while doing this program?
Cheers Big Jeff
Thank you mighty Leo! After the first 1 and 1/2 months working on mobility and learning the exercises correctly I finally started progressing! 17 year old, teen.. I have been adding 2.5-10kg each session!
1. I am getting that weird *pop* in where my bicep seems to attach to my elbow when I do the last 5 degrees of the preacher curl, this doesn’t go away unless I do 3×100 band curls beforehand, any other kind of warm up is useless. Any solutions?
2. I maxed out on weighted plank very quickly, I do 25kg plate (55lbs) for 3x60secs, putting 2 plates on my back is just too difficult to do. What should I do? Increase the time? Not rest less than 30 secs?
Yo just started the program and it’s good so far, however I cannot do the pendlay row without rounding my back, what could be a good replacement for the time being until I become flexible enough to do it or resolve what ever issue I have with this exercise? Thanks, best regards
Yo Alex, I’m about to tun this program ASAP. I was just wondering if you could tell me what I could do to make this a badass athlete/soccer player program? Im guessing add more posterior chain exercises, do you think I can add or substitute some bulgarian split squats or jefferson deadlift for the trap bar deadlift ?
Alex, I’ve watched many of your videos and I want to do a recomp. Is this program a good fit to be doing while I’m recomping? I know in your videos on the topic you say everything has to be on point for it to work (I’ve trained for 1 year with some inconsistency btw), including the training program. If I follow this while attempting a recomp, will I get good results? Thanks in advance.
Bro, I have lagging traps and obliques. Is it okay if I add power shrugs & t-bar row & russian twist to your novice program? Please advice. Thank you.
Hi Alex, I have boxing & MMA training on mon,wed and friday. Do you think this program is suitable for me? If yes, can I do it on tues,thurs and sat?
Is weighted dip good substitute for touch and go bench (not able to floor press due to lack of space) I watched your video on why to fo floor press, and bench vs weighted dip, and i made conclusion this might be really good idea. And can i do paused behind the back press instead of paused OHP? My delts are growing like never before after i started to do them! Ps. I dont get ANY kind of pain of weighted dips or BTNP!
Hi Alex I cannot pendlay row nor can I do a trap bar or conventional deadlift because I have metal plates at home with fragile cement flooring. I have temporarily replaced pendlay rows with barbell rows but I do not know a temporary exercise substitute for the deadlift. My floor protection mats are coming soon. Also would be helpful if you gave the set and reps for it. Thank you.
Nice program Alex, I have been doing crossfit for 6 months and my lifts are 165 bench, 242,5 squat and 275 deadlift. So imo I have had some decent strength gains by not doing a dedicated program at all. I do crossfit because its fun, and I would like to continue doing it. However, right now I would rather focus more on strength. Would you approve of me doing your program twice a week and then do crossfit 1-2 times a week aswell? How would my strength gains suffer if I did do it? Great content btw keep it up.
Hey Alex, I train fasted in the morning and take BCAAs beforehand. Been doing this for months. Basically I can do the workout A just fine with loads of energy left over but with workout B the overhead press for some reason I need to rest around 4-5 mins per each set otherwise I fail miserably, even with weights I’ve done loads before. I complete the rest of the B workout fine but it’s just OHP that seems to be really taxing for me. Anything I could do to make this better? I have been getting stronger on Squats, Bench and the Deadlifts and some of the isolations :).
Don’t add anything to this program
It’s going to be VERY hard on your recovery, maybe you should look into something else.
It should be if your bodyfat is high enough. If you’re too lean you might have problems
Just do it at the end of the workout, and yes 1 cardio session is fine
Hi Alex
Fist of all, I would like to thank you for all your content it is really helpful. I am currently using your novice program and there is some questions I would like to ask you
1.I couple months ago I lost like 15lbs and my waist went from 32 to 29 inches but now that I gain the weight back my waist is stil the same .How do I fix this I don´t like having a waist that small
2. Can I add some some direct gluts work because my gluts are pretty small
3. Can I add some set of push ups and pull ups the days I am not working out or anything besides light cardio because I would like to go 4 times per week to the gym instead of three if that is ok
Thank you very much!
Alpha I’m thinking to start your program and I was wondering if I can change deadlift to rack pulls above the knee? and why are there no serratus or obliques training in this program? Please respond to this brother. I’m a big fan of you. Thank you!
Thanks for the reply! Do you think Naturally Enhanced would be a better program for me then? Please advice.
Hey Alex, this may seem a stupid question, but do you need to get sore the next day after a workout?
And the A workout is much “easier” than the B in my experience, is that bad?
Hi Alex!
Im following this program and I wonder if I can add some few sets of bear hug walk at the end the training session? I know you have said to not keep adding exercises but is it ok or is it overkill?
Thanks for helping out and providing a great program for novice lifters!
Is there a substitute for the overhead extension as Im getting a sharp pain in my left elbow when doing them. Tried the warm up exercise prescribed on your video “avoiding elbow pain”. Haven’t tried the connective tissue work yet but will give it a go. Love your program and it pissed me off getting this problem. Should I lay off for a few weeks and do something else in the meantime see if it heals? Your advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
Do you have to touch chest on floor press. im about 6 inches off even with close grip.
Hey Alex , I am confused by the / on the stiffed legged dead lifts and good mornings does it mean either or, or does it mean do both
Hey Alex, if I train 2x a week do it in A,B then A, B style or A,B , B,A ?
I read some more and found out the answer to my question
Thank you
Can i behind the neck press instead of regular over head press
Hi, i’m the one who asked about adding calves training,etc..and cardio.First of all thanks for your answer but you didn’t precise what i can train at the end of the workout : can i add rear delts,traps,calves and neck training or only neck and calves, moreover what exercises should i do and what sets and reps range should i go with ? Same for cardio, what should i do, i know it’s low intensity but what exactly.Sorry for writing so much and thanks again.
Hi Alex
1-I have been training for a few years now running bro splits and things like that, even though I am not at the intermediate level yet. I have kickboxing twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. What do you think if I run this program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Thursdays and Sundays being rest days.
2-Also, should I do the lowest number of sets (3 sets instead of 5, for example?)
3-Thank you for you awesome content, and bringing the truth to the fitness comunity!
What’s up Alex,
I have just started your novice program just under a month ago and have been progressing in every lift but my overhead. A week ago I hit 155 3×5 and suddenly 1 week later, I hit one plate for a difficult 5. Why am I progressing in everything else but ohp? I assure you I’m eating and resting enough. And I have not modified anything on your program. Thanks brother, I appreciate what you do for the lifting community!
Is it ok to use the smith machine for the box squats
I’m stalling on my workout program and lost interest in keep doing it, it’s no fun anymore. I’m hopping on your program, Alex, ’cause it seems to be very good and hope to make some gains!
I have one question though, how can I manage lifting and martial arts? I train martial arts 3 times per week (prob 2h/week + 2h on weekend), as well as my lifting. My training in martial arts is very focused on power / explosive / endurance training (lots of crunches, pushups, runing, jumping, throwing lots of explosive kicks and punches).
Can I just do your program as it is with this weekly routine?
How much weight should I add once I completed a workout? And how often should I increase the weight?
I’am a soccer player and was wondering if this is a good program? I have already been doing it for 3 weeks. Also if it is a good program is 2 workouts (A then B) optimal? Because of soccer with school and club i will be busy 5-6 days a week.
Starting your program tomorrow brother. Been working out for a few years with minimalist training and not happy with recent gains aka plateaus. My question is I saw above you suggested warm up sets that increase gradually. Should the working sets always be the same weight with each set or should I be slightly increasing the weight on my working sets as well?
What do I do when i have to put more than a single plate on my back for weighted planks?
When I put on 25kg (55lbs) and then have to put another one 10kg+ it gets really awkward to do.
What should I do?
Also, as I am unable to floor press with any higher weight due to not having a power rack (only squat rack). I saw you recommend the touch and go bench as the next best variation.
How about the dead-stop bench press off pins? My pins can’t go as low as to do it on the floor.
Thanks have a nice day!
Hi, Alex… I’ve been training for 2 and half years and my lifts are still novice 🙁 prorbably because I was doing bro splits, Now im doing your novice program 1st week!
Bench 250×5
OHP 135×5
Squat 275×5 (I had knee injury)
Deadlift 370×5
It’s shows I fall in intermediate upper body/novice lower body, but I feel like my OHP is not proportional to my bench, so your opinion – should I switch to your hybrid intermidiate/novice program or still use this novice program for some time?
got 1 question if i cant do the squat movement becasue i have really bad knees but i can do deadlifts and OHP will this program still be very beneficial for me ? and also i was thinking can i train calves 3 times a week. Would be greatful for an anwser also just subscribed to your channel keep up the good work man !
hi alex,
can i do the pendaly row in snatch grip style?
What are the strength standards you recommend for the behind the back deadlift? Thanks ahead!
alright mate, what total rep range should i aim for with the 3 sets of accessory work before i start adding weight to them?
great programme btw.
Just 2 weeks into your program and I am already making better gains than I did earlier. Your program increases strength + muscle all at the same time. Highly Recommended for beginners and intermediate lifters.
Maybe i’m blind but i couldn’t see what weight i should be using. My current 1 rep maxes are:
Deadlift – 220 lbs
Bench Press – 130 lbs
Over Head Press – 110 lbs
Squat – 180 lbs
I weigh 133 lbs and looking to do 3 sets adding up to your specified 15-18 reps. Do i go heavy but light enough so i’m adding the progression weight for the second and third set? or, should i use percentages and start of with 60%, 70% and then 80% to finish off?
Hi Alex, i’ve been doing the regular push pull leg for 2 years and i’ve discover your vids on youtube. I realized now that i’ve been losing my time… I wanted to thank you for all the info and the work you do, it has opened my mind about a lot of stuff. Anyway i wanted to ask you some advides. i’m trying to follow your program but my gym is pretty bad, it doesnt have a squat rack, or free barbell. There is a smith machine for the benchpress and the squat. And the dumbell don’t go any higher than 77lbs. There is a ez bar, so i do deadlift with it, kind of dodgy i know xD. It’s not ideal but is it worth doing the box squat with the smith machine ? the deadlift with the ez bar ? There is also a benchpress convergent machine, maybe it could simulate floor benchpress… Is there some way to bypass this problem or i’m screwed cuz of my gym ?
So far in this fucking gym I’ve managed to do 4×10 squat at 265lbs on that smith machine. Incline dumbell press at 77llbs 4×10, and bent over row at 220 4×10. Anyway thanks for reading me, keep up the good work, thanks for being authentic. Thanks a lot and sorry for the english also…
How do i know when im out of the novice phase when it comes to weighted chin ups i am 16 years old 5 ft 9 with long arms (5 ft 11 wingspan) i weigh 185 lbs(16-20%bf) and can do my bodyweight for 5 reps?
got a question about the cardio can i add 30 mins of stairmaster on one of the rest days or shall i just stick to 3 times per week program with no cardio
Sup alex. Dont you think this program lacks chest work? All the horizontal pressing exercises are mainly tricep exercises. Sure floor press and close grip press will indirectly work your chest, and they will both increase your bench press but don’t you think your chest will be underdeveloped this way?
First off – I want to thank you for your content, at 800+ videos I don’t know how you don’t have 10x the amount of subscribers you already have. Anyhow, I’ve switched around a few routines in the past year and a half or so since I started working out. I’m certainly stronger, look better, but by your standards – still a novice. I actually just recreated my routine a few days before finding out about your novice program, and it was really hard for me to drop it (because I hate discrediting myself, and I’m almost always right, lol). Anyhow, what you talk about in-regards to novice training, in all of the research I’ve done has got to be the first. And the fact that you give this program away for free AND support it, is superb. I have two questions for you if you don’t mind:
1) Over time, I have managed to really build up my biceps and traps, but everything else is lacking due to inadequate training. Would it be correct to add an extra bicep accessory workout (such as hammer curls, switching up with concentration curls every other month?). Also, would adding shrugs be of any use, or do you think that may stall recovery?
2) I’m 24, and too, from Canada. I do online/affiliate marketing, and I was wondering if you have an affiliate program for others to be able to resell your products/services? The older the get, the more I like to find things actually worth advertising! If you don’t I’d be more than happy to help you set that up!
Super thanks for your time eh!
what about forearms/side delts/calves if i want then to be my strongest points ?
Hey Alex could i replace overhead extensions and preacher curls for ring dips and ring chinups. I really wanna improve my ring strenght! If not how can i make these exercise work in your novice program
Im 23, 5’6 185 lbs 18-20% bf
Ohp 145 lbs 3×5
Bench press 225 lbs 3×5
Box squats 240 lbs 3×6
Sl deadlift 275 lbs 2×5
Weighted dips 90 lbs 3×5
Weighted pull ups 45lbs x3 30lbs x5
Pendlay row 205lbs 3×5
I’m wondering if this novice/beginner program is suitable for a 40 year old?
If not what changes would you recommend, or what alternate program?
I’m not coming at this from a couch potato status… I am active in other sports like hockey, mountain biking, etc…
Is this novice program OK for a 40 year old?
If not what changes or alternate program would you recommend?
I’m not coming at this from a couch potato status. I’m active with other sports like hockey, mountain biking, etc.. I’m just looking to gain some strength.
Will it be not optimal if I do it 2 times per week, hence I have martial arts training 3 times a week? I can only lift mon, tues and friday. Will it be not good if I only train mon and friday?
Hey Alex!
I’ve been running a minimalistic program widely popular on reddit (I think you know what I’m talking about) with added accessory work and extra volume. I made some pretty decent gains so far, but I decided to switch to your program since I believe you’re more qualified than I am to choose exercises and rep ranges. In other words: since I pretty much turned my minimalist program into a non-minimalist program, might as well adopt a non-minimalist program designed with a solid understanding of exercise science.
I have access to a little private gym with all the necessary equipment to run your program as written, with the exception of 2 authorized changes: deadlifts and weighted crunches instead of TBDL/Weighted planks. The main advantage is that I can workout any day of the week I want, including holidays.
So here is my question: so far I’ve been working out every two days regardless of what weekday it is, which results in a slightly shorter cicle and more total workouts per month. So far I had ZERO recovery related issues. No plateaus, no stalling, nothing. Is it really that big a deal if I run your program using the same system?
Another question: how do you feel about HIIT cardio in general? And why do you say low intensity is fine for off-days but high isn’t? Most articles about HIIT say it’s great for bodybuilding since it’s less catabolic. I’m not trying to argue, I really don’t know anything about that. I’m grateful for any guidance in the subject.
Right now my cardio consists of swimming (endurance, not intensity) 2 times per week with roughtly 2 Km each session and running 10 Km in the park on sundays. I also started experimenting with HIIT on a stationary bike, but haven’t incorporated it in my routine yet. I know for a fact that I can take a 45 min session at a 1:3 ratio, but that’s all. Are these things killing my gains? What’s my most balanced option to do on the off-days of your novice program?
Bear in mind I’m a fat dude (around 20% BF) with some muscle. As much as I want to become stronger, I wouldn’t mind losing some fat in the process (in fact, I already did lose some with my previous program). In fact, I’m ok with a SMALL reduction in muscle gains, if it comes with fat loss…oh, these are my stats:
Bench: 62 Kg for 5 reps (started with 44 Kg in early January 2017)
Deadlift: 90 Kg for 5 reps (started with 40 Kg)
Squats: ???. I was doing front squats with 50 Kg. I dropped “regular” squats because they were causing severe lower back pain. I think I’ll be fine doing box squats, tho.
Overhead press: 38 Kg for 5 reps (up from 24 Kg)
Body Weight: 90 Kg
Thanks a lot, man!
And greetings from Brazil!
Yo Alex I’m having rugby training on Tues and Thura, do you think I can run this program on Wednesdays, Mondays and Fridays}? Or should run it 2x a week
My left (dominant) is 24″ while my right one is 22.5. That’s quite a differenec. I am not getting any problems from it but is there a way to fix it? I box squat 72.5kg / 160lbs. No pain anywhere doring squats and deads.
Forgot to mention: this is NOT my first year lifting, but this IS my first year making REAL progress.
Thx a lot, bro. Looking forward to reaching intermediate stage!
hey alex, im a skinny guy that is having trouble gaining mass. I’m fixing the nutrition part with a meal plan but would i benenfit from doing this instead of a mass program with 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps with a muscle group a day?(5 day)
Hi Alex,
I have broken my left elbow when I was a kid. As such I can’t do any barbell exercise in which my elbow has to bend – because I have almost zero range of motion in wrist rotation. Can I use dumbbells instead in these exercises?
Also, I can’t do tricep extensions because my elbow hurts, can I do dips instead?
Lastly, can I replace weighed planks with another exercise like wheel roll outs?
Best Regard
You said to do conventional deadlifts once a week, so on BAB week what do I do on the second B workout instead of deadlifts? Do I skip deadlift completely that day or should I do a similar exercise instead? If so what exercise
On chin ups in this program would I be better of doing regular chin ups, or can I do neutral grip chin ups? (fyi my chin up atm is 17 lbs x 5. I weight 172 lbs and I’m 6’1”).
Hi, I was just wondering whether or not this program will give me 10-20lbs of muscle mass within the first 6-12 months?
Yo Alex !
First, thank for this program and all the informations that come with it ! I think that we could all say that we feel support by someone that knows what he talks about.
Second, I am in my third year of lifting and I am planing to follow this program, you can see that my lifts are really weak, but still, I have experience. I just never train the way that you promote (strenght). I see that, in this plan, it’s all about flour press (four the presses) but in your video you recommand using bands and i am confortable with bench. Can I change flour press by bench press with bands ?
Thx men !
alex can i replace tricep extensions with dips, for added chest development, and replace barbell curls with chin ups in workout A for added lat developemnt , and in workout B , just replace curls with t-bar rows ? i really want to develop my back and chest as much as possible. Please answer i really want to know if my idea will make me overtrained or get better.
Alex! Nice program! Due to limitations of the gym I go to, I have to do free squats instead of box squats. I started this program at 14, and I’m 15 now. Added 50 lbs to my squat in 5 weeks! Also added 15 or 20 lbs to OHP. Now my friends say I’m a beast, since I’m squatting 215 for 3 sets of 5 at 150lbs bodyweight. I would just like to say anyone who wants to get stronger, you should try this program!
So, If I’m forced to do conventional deadlifts due to the lack of a trap bar at the gym, should I still do box squats, even though they are more posterior chain dominant? Seems like this ‘splash-over effect’ that you mentioned would seize to exist as the conventional deadlift doesn’t work quads as much as a trap bar?
Hey Alex,
to cut the shit I wanna hit your program because I’m trying to get yoked in the long term for SF qualification. BUT my big issue is that I want/need to hit some situps, pushups, and running(along with 5 days a week mandatory PT consisting of long runs and other intense cardio) everyday so I can keep maxing my PT score in the Army. Should I follow this program and if not what would you recommend to get on the path to getting yoked.
On the B-day, could I switch regular overhead press, to say, behind the neck press? My front delts are more developed than the lateral and rear delts( it makes my shoulders look like they’re bowing, even though they aren’t). Also, does adjusting the box height for box squats put more of an emphasis on glute activation when the box is lower? Thank you!
Yo Alex,
I run your programm for one month now. I am getting stronger at every lift, only my regular bench dropped atleast 10lb. I think it has to do with not enough chest activation in the floor press. The reason
for this is probably my build. I have long arms and a very light caved in chest. Which lead to almost zero chest activation, the movement is almost full triceps for me. My question: Would it be better for me to switch the floor press with the regular bench press?
Regards, Peter
I’ve already bought naturally enhanced and my only movement I’m not intermediate on is my squat. I run around 15-20 miles a week for military training so I avoid squats due to the fact that they kill my mike times. Maybe I’m nieve by avoiding them but I don’t have chicken legs by any means. Point being, should j run novice to bring up my squat? I did 275 for 3 ( parallel ) last time I squared which was about a month ago. Deadlift is 405, bench is 275 1RM, OHPis 165 1RM and weighted chins is 70 lbs for sets of 3-5. (I’m 6,4 212 lbs for reference on that)
Sorry for lengthy question,
Also I apologize for all the grammar errors there.
Hi Alex, im on the first week of the novice program and its actually the first time in forever where ive actually felt sore after the workout ive been doing the crappy 4 sets of 10-12 with like flat dumbell press, flat bench, and chest press, well… ive plateued im currently 5’10 175lb 18% Bodyfat, with your program the only issue is with the floor press I only have the smith machine to do it on can this work? Or what are some other options, Love the Program BTW.
how much weight do I add to the accessory work when I get into the target rep range?
Hey Alex. I sent you this question on email (you didn’t answer, atleast yet), but i want everyone else to see the answer to it too.
According to , and the bench or floor press don’t seem too necessary for this program. I wonder could one kick the floor press out of the program, and replace it with over head press variation? In my case, when i think the future of my training, there will not be alot of conventional benching. The only reason i find to why i couldn’t replace bench with ohp variation is my pecs will lag. But I don’t mind.
Thanks, John.
hey alex i really need your help
i have been following your program for a while and now im in a awkward place
my bench now is 125 and it was like this for the past 2 months almost and week by week im not even kidden im getting weaker im bulking and my weight goes up i worm up probably and doing good form but every time i bench i feel weaker i was doing 3×6 and now i can’t do full 3×5 and still im getting weaker i don’t really know what to do i rest and sleep good can you please help me ?
Hello Alex, are my legs supposed to lie on the ground or can i elevate my knees when floor pressing?
Hey Alex, are my legs supposed to lie straight on the ground or should my knees be a bit elevated by having my feet placed right infront of my butt when floor pressing?
I don’t have a power rack, can I do smith machine floor press?
Hey Alex, what about the lateral and posterior heads of the shoulder? I see that in this program there is no direct work for them
Hi Alex, floor press 200lbs x 6 reps x 3 sets and ohp 140lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets can be intermidiate?,I don have a bench in my home,Im making awesome progress with your program =)
Hey Alex, so what about lateral delts? I’ve noticed that there is no direct work for them in the program.
Can you elaborate on the reasoning for the trap bar over conventional deadlift? Thanks!
Hey would it be ok to add trap work or will this program build traps?
before and after pics for results ?
Hey Alex. I think ur channel will get alot more attention if you made 2 videos demonstrating Workouts A and B. It’s just that some of ur exercises arent the most conventional and I youtube them and apart from the box squat I have to watch other ytbers to get how to do them. For example I couldnt find whether the paused standing press was a pause at the bottom or at the top, Bottom is probs better for shoulder gainz and top is better for shoulder rest and tricep gainz.
Alex, I have done your novice program for three months and I’m at a 225×5 bench, 305×5 squat and 385×5 deadlift. I’m interested in buying naturally enhanced and I want to know if I’m “advanced” enough to start it. Thanks bro
Hey Alex!
Great program!
I have a question about warming up, how much should i warmup with?
Do i use some value of my 1RM?
Thank you in advance!
Hey man, I’ve just started your programme but ive found it hard to squeeze it into one hour. Is it ok if i break them up over four days? Two main movements and some accessory per session. Can you recommend the breakdown? Also it’s super scary benching higher numbers without a spot. Anyways thanks.
Hey Alex, I’ve got a couple of questions. I’ve noticed that there is no direct work for the lateral head of the shoulder, how important is this? Also, how important is exercise order in this workout because in my small gym, most of the time the squat rack, bench press etc. are taken so could I just skip those exercises and come back to them later? Finally, is there any need to add more ab movements at the end of my workout and what about training calves and with how much volume should I train them?
How can we do this program by training only twice a week? Doing workout A on Mondays and workout B on Thursdays, and repeating this cycle week in week out until we have reached a 225 x 5 bench press, 315 x 5 squat and a 405 x 5 deadlift? Thanks in advance.
Whatever your schedule allows
additional work for those areas may be added please read the comment section down below
If you’re forced to be my guest
Yes you have more than enough strength successfully run it, it’s the perfect time actually.
May do that thanks
No trap work, only neck
Both are fine
No bench with bands but regular bench is fine
OHP heals the shoulders. That said I am not a doctor and cannot help your case personally here.
@Big Jeff
When your linear gains are gone, aka towards the end of the program.
1) I don’t know what to tell you, see my injury prevention playlist
2) Have someone put them on your back
There are no substitutes, I want you doing Pendlay Rows. Work on your mobility
This is not a soccer program so it cannot be modified to be made as one.
I do not recommend that combination at all, it will destroy your shoulders in the long term. The only substitute I will accept is bench press
That is how I would do it, although Crossfit might not go well with this program just saying. Recovery may pose too much of an issue.
Don;t know what to tell you bro, sounds like you need better recovery. Also OHP is not an easy lift
1) Gain weight and get stronger abs
2) Yes at the end
3) You will probably have recovery issues especially with 4x. And I can’t see why you would gain any extra muscle from it. See how it works for you but I don’t recommend that combo
Absolutely not. No one running this program should do rack pulls above the knee.
Novice program and NE work equally as well for novices.
Soreness is not required, and some workouts may feel easier than others that’s just the nature of things.
Not in this program
Any extension will suffice, do that which gives you the least amount of pain.
Not necessary, go as deep as you can
You pick one
You keep alternating
No btn press
1) That is how I’d do it, maybe I’d skip the sunday too
2) Yes
3) My pleasure
OHP is already at intermediate stage that’s why. This program is not advanced enough for you
NEVER use a smith machine
Run this program twice a week with the lowest amount of volume listed, you’ll be fine.
It isn’t a soccer-specific program, it’s designed to develop a foundation of size and strength for first year lifters.
Always same weight, straight sets
You ask someone to help you
Do regular bench press please.
Yeah run my hybrid program, you are way too advanced for this program. Also your lower body is close to intermediate, I’d use it for one month and switch to something new.
Yes you will still make gains without squats
Sure snatch works
Same as normal deadlift
You do not have the necessary equipment to run this program. I don’t want you using the smith machine or ez-bar variations. I recommend you run something else dude, probably a custom system from a trainer or switch gyms.
Should be fine
There is more than enough chest work in this program, anyone who has a basic understanding of human physiology will know why this is true.
1) Extra bicep work is not necessary to be honest, it should be corrected by getting strong at the chinups and direct curls from this system. And no do not add shrugs, that will kill your recovery.
2) I do not have such services available, but maybe I will in the near future.
Happy to help brother.
Forearms get more than enough, side/rear and calf work can be added at the end.
Sure that works
Hello sir,
Yes this program works for all experience levels, as long as you perform the exercises correctly I doubt you will have issues. Ensure your mobility is on point, and if recovery poses a problem use the lowest amount of volume listed. You’ll be fine.
It would not be optimal but you’d still make gains.
2 or 3x, see what works best
Sounds like a strange problem that is attributed to other factors, don’t know how to help you other than to see
Run this program exactly as written, don’t add stuff.
Yes, feel free to use dumbbells and eliminate extensions. Ab wheel roll outs may also be done.
However, recognize that I am speaking on behalf of you exclusively. This does not apply to anyone else using this program, your case is special.
You keep doing them, deadlifts are not removed
No dips, and sure for BB curls.
Curls for t-bar row? No.
You’ll be fine read the Q&A and comments down below
This program may not be optimal for you. I’d personally recommend 2x a week full body concurrent, with GPP 2-4x a week and a lot of LISS cardio and calisthenics.
No BTN press is allowed on this program.
Box height must be parallel or below.
If you want, be my guest.
I’d use the Naturally Enhanced upper/lower template. This will work very well for you.
Do bench press then, no smith machine on this program.
Really depends, add what you feel comfortable with.
That would probably work tbh, but I say run the system as intended.
Whatever you prefer
Whatever you prefer
Zero smith machine
You can add direct work at the end
Would this program be good for a 16 y/o with no lifting experience or would a custom 12 week program or Naturally Enhanced be a better option. Looking to gain max amount of size.
Hey Alex,love your content.!Keep up the good work
Can i add stomach vacuum to alpha novice program.,if yes can i do it on the off days or on days? How many times per day? How do i track progress.
I am seeing excellent results on your program.thanks man
Yo Alex, would it be appropriate to swap barbell extensions for weighted dips?
Hey Alex,
I have very uneven lats, should I do unilateral dumbell row or should i continue with the pendlay row and weighted chinups?
The other thing is that the squat and deadlift is going up but the bench is going up too slowly, what should I do?
Hello Alex. What’s your opinion on subbing the exercises for calisthenics exercises that work similar movement patterns? Box Squats for weighted pistols squats, floor press for weighted dips, pendlay rows for tuck front lever rows, good mornings for weighted hyperextensions, weighted planks for leg raises? I do not go to a gym and I’d like to use your program.
Run the intermediate program hybrid sounds like your bench is closing in on intermediate. For the uneven lats issue see
Absolutely not. Weighted dips are far too demanding on the body and is not an appropriate substitute for extensions.
Sure they can be done every day if you want.
No experience like zero? I would run this program here, and once you have a feel for the general exercises NE would be my next choice. 12 week custom is usually for guys that want something super specific and are more advanced.
You can do that, but that wouldn’t be my program. It would be your own variation of the principles. And it would probably work very well btw
Hi Alex. Just started your program today. My shoulders are very unhappy with the Barbell Tricep Extension Overhead but I can bench and normal Overhead Press fine. I will try to warm up the shoulders even more next time and will try adding Bands Face Pulls to see if it’s a rotator cuff issue.
In case I’m not ready for Overhead Tricep Extension at the moment (to do mobility and rotator cuff work), can I substitute it with Lying Skullcrushers. I can try to extend the arms to drop the bar behind the head while lying. I believe that targets the Long head a bit more, just not sure if you will be ok with that.
Note: I’m not a complete beginner (been around the gym more than 6 months following inferior programs, unfortunately. My forms are OK (had a few different PT from 3 different gyms checked out my form) so bad form is probably not a big problem here.
Thanks Alex. Appreciate it.
Is the floor press a touch and go movement or a paused movement? I assume paused if it’s trying to build dead stop strength?
Hey Alex,
Saw your channel through Omar and I was hooked since, I’m going to start running this program, I just want your take on which path I should follow cause I do MMA training recreationally but still want to pack on some muscle (which is why I’m doing this program)
1) Lift x 3, MMA x 1
2) Lift x 2, MMA x 2
3) Lift x 2, MMA x 1
Or is either fine.
175lbs @ 22%bf, 5’7.
Squat – 220lbs
Deadlift – 350lbs
OHP – 105lbs
Bench – 176lbs
Hey alex,
your novice program says 3/5 sets and you mention 4-6 reps, but in the Q&A you also mention 15-20 reps and 25-30 reps. Which reps do i follow? sorry im a noob and confuse. thank you for your help
Alex, I’m having knee problems right now and I can’t do squats or deadlifts without pain so until me knee heals what substitutes would you give me? Rack pulls don’t aggravate my knee and I was wondering if that could be a solution.
Hey Alex, does exercise order matter that much? Often times when I’m at the gym the squat rack, the bench, the power rack is taken so could i skip an exercise and come back to it later and will this effect my progress?
1.What is the overall weighted plank duration in the novice program..Should I perform in the lower 30s or 60s every time?..Or do you want us to go for 135seconds overall(3 X 45).
2.should i suck my stomach in while performing it..Or just brace it..
3.should i train calves and real delt every training day or alternate?.
4.which is the best calf excercise you recommend.
Hey Alex I plan on starting your novice program on Monday. I was doing some research on the chest exercises that are included, and I noticed that none of them really contribute to the development of the inner chest that well. Obviously complete development isn’t the goal here since it is a novice program, but do you think that there is any way that the inner chest could be activated more during chest exercises throughout this program? Thanks.
Hey just to clarify dumbbell or barbell floor press, love the program, very much appreciated m8.
Is there any way i can substitute deadlifts and squats? Im unable to do those exercises due to lumbar degenerative disease.
Hey Alex!
I’ve been going to the gym for 1 month and now I want to run your program(my lifts are really weak). My question is, should I add weight to my lifts every week or workout session? And how much weight? (With a calorie maintenace/surplus)
Yo Alex, will training soccer on my off days or after my gym, negatively affect my recovery and strength progression? Thx in forward brother!
Eric Bugenhagen does crazy shit with rounded back that most people would say “snap city” but somehow he is fine his lower back seems to be made of fucking steel.
I want to do Good Mornings with a very rounded back, 3×10 starting with lowest weight and slowly build up so that I wont snap my shit.
Is this a good idea? I heard Elliott Hulse say its better to train with bad form
Thanks very much Alex
Alex, my back, more specifically my lats is really starting to lack in comparison to my other body parts, could I add more sets of chin ups or add another exercise at the end of my workout that would help with this problem or will that hinder my progress in other exercises?
Hey Alex,
I’m just wondering can I do this every other day so like some weeks it will be 3 days and others 4 days, basically no 2 days rest at the end of the week just 1 day in between?
Hey alex.
I don’t have a trapbar at my gym, so im going to do convetional deadlifts instead.
When you say 1×5, do you mean 1 set of 5 reps?
Alex I have a bit of a fucked up situation.. Let me explain
I started on stronglifts 5×5 did it for about 5 months and made decent progress but being naive I jumped on upper lower splits 4x a week looking for mass..Since then 1 year later my lifts are all fucked up..
Squat 176 pounds for 3×7
Deadlift 374 pounds for 1 rep
OHP 88pounds for 3×7
Bench 137pounds for 3×6
pullups @BW 172 pounds 3×6
My legs are much stronger than my upperbody even though my squat doesnt reflect that.. I got sick of doing them so frequently after stronglifts 3x a week..
Would I still be classed as a novice and thus run that program for a while or do you think or should I try out the upper body emphasis intermediate..
IM 32 and 5,11 in height
BTW I struggle to add weight to my lifts.. but this could be due to jumping on an intermediate program im not strong enough for,,I fuckin don’t know hahah…
Cheers Man
Hey Alex, first of all thank you for this program and all the good info you give out on YouTube.
I’m a novice(I’m 16 btw) wanting to get a good foundation of strength and muscle mass and started to run your novice program. I play tennis almost everyday for 1-2 hours. Should I cut back to 2x per week training and do least number of sets or could I handle the program as is?
And I do make sure to eat a fuck ton of calories(like over 3k) and get at least ~.8g protein per lb. bw as well as healthy foods.
Hi Alex, i’m still a little confused about the weight progression scheme for this program. For instance, I am performing the floor press and I am doing 175 for 3 x 5. Once I hit the desired 15-18 rep range I should add about 5 pounds to the bar and go for the same set and rep scheme of 3×5, or should I lower the amount of reps to 4 reps per set. I know this would not put me at the proper rep range of 15-18 by doing 3 sets of 4. You understand the point I am trying to get at, so with that being said, is there some advice you could throw my way for this? I find that when I add weight the next workout when I achieve the 3 x 5 I am not able to perform 3×5 with the slightly heavier weight. I greatly appreciate this program though, only been running it for a month now and already have increased my box squat by 40 pounds. Thank you.
I should add to this by saying that I do not have this progression issue when it comes to the the leg related exercises, or the other exercises for that matter. I have this issue particularly with the floor press and the close-grip bench press. Hope this helps, somehow.
Hi I’m just starting this programme and i have a few questions:
What’s so bad about the Smith machine?
I’m conscious about people looking at me like “wtf if he doing”, is there anyway to reduce this?
And I’m 14, been going to the gym 4.5 months (just started this programme last week) and have these number, any good?
Squat:135 pounds
Bench:80 pounds
Deadlift:200 pounds
Yo Alex, I’ve got a couple of problems:
1) Since I don’t have a trap bar in my gym, is there a big difference between doing 2×5 conventionnel instead of 1×5? I feel as if I get a much better stimulus with that added set.
2) During deadlifts I feel like my lower back is doing the majority of the work as I barely feel my glutes and hamstrings.
3) When doing squats I tend to bend forward too much, it’s impossible for me to keep a straight back even with just the bar so the weight isn’t the issue.
4) Approx. how fast should I be making progress? Every week I get a couple of extra reps in but it seems as if a jump in weight would be too much, so should I focus on adding 5-10/10-15 lbs every week or is that too ambitious?
5) I’ve started adding face-pulls at the end of my workout B and I was wondering whether that would be enough to stimulate the lateral head of the shoulder, rather than just the posterior head?
Hey alex I am a novice and following your novice program. In your recent videos you talk about the importance on trap development for looking big, but there is no direct trap working exercise in the program. I also don’t have access to a trap bar for doing deadlifts, so can I include some kind of shrugs or farmer walks in my routine to get some trap work done.
Hey, Alex. i’ve been having huge problems with the box squats, with the bar positionning if you wanna be precise; i’m a skinny guy with cero traps so when i put the bar on my back it rests on my bone and it hurts like hell, i though maybe i didn’t have the right position but i’ve tried every angle and it changes nothing, it always ends up hitting my bones. should i maybe change the exercise until i have enough muscle in that region? what do you sugest?
Thank you.
hey alex, im running your novice program and its great, really enjoying, is it ok add some band face pulls at the end? and by warm up some reverse lunge and bulgarian split squat. just a few.
thanks dude.
What would be a good standard for Floor Press? I know there probably won’t be a straightforward answer for this, but I want to know about how close I am to a 225 bench. I currently struggle with 2-3 reps with 190lbs for regular flat bench. I don’t know if it matters, but I can do a pause overhead press with 135lbs, and overhead triceps barbell exetension with 90lbs for 5 reps.
Glad to know. I’ll apply that when I recover from my injuries. And what would you say it would be a good weighted dip standard vs bench? 135 for 5?
Hey Alex in the past I did the typical bro split for about a year, but then 1 year later I starde with Jason Blaha 5×5 novice program, would you recomend to change to your novices program, and I´m also having problems to progress on the squat. I´ve been running 5×5 program since september from the last year, and my numbers are. Squat 80kg BP 62 kg Deadlift 110 kg OHP 42kg Rows 65kg.
Hope you see this and I find your videos very helpfull. Thanks for everything.
Hi Alpha I emailed you before realising there was a comment section 😛
I read through everything just to make sure I don’t repeat a certain question
1. I was wondering if I could do only bodyweight calisthenics on saturdays- If I do gpp at the end of my Mon, Wed, Fri workouts? I seem to recover well but I’m just scared my strength progress will suffer. I really want to increase in pull/ chin ups, dips and the workout will be very high in volume with handstand pushups, pistol squats etc
2. For the close grip bench press, it is definitely 3x 6-8 and not 3/5 x 4-6? Just making sure because it seems to be one of the important ones. Thanks.
3. Also I had an idea for a possible 4 day full body, what if one where to train mon, wed, fri, sun, then the next week train tues, thurs, sat then vice versa? I assume that would be unnecessary and detrimental 😛
Thanks you very much in advance, best program I have ever tried.
Hey! I recently started your workout program (By recently I mean yesterday) and I performed it with lighter weight so I could work on form and see how it is. I have a few questions since I’m new at this.
One of them is: When I am warming up for each exercise I first start with the bar, and slowly add weight – do these count as sets? What would count as a set? When I put weight on the bar and do that and gradually increase will those be considered sets? Thanks a lot for the help. I’ve been working out since November and have made very little gains most likely because of the way I train and ate. I started out without being able to do the bar for bench, deadlift only 25 lbs, and squat 95 lbs as well. My bench is now only 115, deadlift is a 155 and squat is 185. I’ve recently been unable to increase any further to the point I felt like giving up. My friend has been working out a month longer than me but he can already bench 155, deadlift 275 (315) max and squat 275 for reps. I almost felt like giving up – until I came across this program. I’m really excited about this program and hopefully it will help propel my gains!
“3/5×4-6”? I have no clue what that means!! Help?
Hey Alex if my Deadlift is 110kg, how much should I SLDL?
In addition to my last post – am i allowed to take whey protein with water for this program? Also, if I can’t do unassisted chinups am i allowed to use assisted chinups? I can only do 3 chinups unassisted
Forgot to add – when it has a slash does it mean i can do either or must I do both ? For example where it says stiff leg dead lift/good morning does this mean i can do stiff leg dead lift instead of good mornings or must I do both? Thanks
The barbell overhead extension is seated or standing?
I don’t have access to a trap bar and have to do conventional deadlift but I don’t want my quad development to suffer. What do you recommend me doing?
Hey Alex,
I’ve been working out for about a year and a half now, tried a few routines, but this has been the best yet. I have only been on it for about a month and a half now, but every day at the gym has been PR city. I should be able to move onto your intermediate program within 4-6 months if my math is correct!
I’ve decided to start cutting as I believe to be at 20-22% body fat. I noticed you said we should be doing 3 sets on compound movements whilst cutting. Does that mean I should increase the weight by 10-15% and do 3 sets of 5, or just maintain the same weight and increase based on 15-18 rep mark?
Worst case scenario you do free squats.
Whatever you prefer, seated or standing works.
It will be around 20-40kg less
1) Protein powder won’t change anything, use it if you want.
2) Yes assisted chins are fine
3 OR 5 sets of 4 to 6 reps.
Could I do romanian deadlifts instead of sdl? It feels more natural. Whenever I touch the ground with sdl my back rounds but it doesn’t when I do romanian dl
Do you do any warm up sets before the performing each movement or do you just gradually increase the weight each set?
I am a high school football player and at my football practice we lift our lifts usually include 1 compound exercise and then the rest 45 pound plate exercises. For exampe, we might bench then whith the plate do hammer curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder press. Do you think running this novice program along with these workouts would cause over training?
Hey Alex, i cannot box squat as their is no box available in my gym so i was thinking would low pin squats be a good substitute for box squats as its the closest variation which develops dead stop strength.
Hey alex! Im nearing the intermidiate phase on My squat and deadlift (210*5 &380*5) but i can only box squat 235*5. Should i run this or the hybrid program?
Greetings from finland
Hey Alex,
I want to increase my speed for running (I am currently a police officer in training at the academy). How can I incorporate running with the novice program? I originally trained my speed doing HIIT cardio (20 second sprints/1 minute rested jog) and this improved my 12 minute mile to an 8 minute.
Thank you,
Hello, what is the main difference in 3 vs 5 sets? is doing 5 sets only better for hypertrophy?
Hey bro i wanna know something , im training for about 1 year and 2 months, i made crazy gains without any program just training instictively and without proper nutrition just dirty bulking ,my strenght is not that good im still novice and now i want to train with proper program , in september Im gonna compete in a bodybuilding show , i want to know if i run this program can i make a lot of muscle gains , if not tell me bro because i want a program for maximum muscle gaining.
straight sets or increase
so I’m thinking of swapping one day of (either A or B and the other day I do Box) box squat with conventional squat as I want to target my quads a bit more directly. What do you think of this?
Also you said we can move to front squats once we hit a certain weight on box squats. Would this be conventional or also with a box (front box squats)?
Thank you for replying to my last queries so fast.
Respect from the UK
Hey Alex,
I was using one of Kinobody’s programs and recently decided screw aesthetics I want to get big and strong as hell. So I plan on doing this novice program and then moving on to NE, but I had a question. For the accessory movements its 3×6-10. Should I continue doing the same weight until I hit all 3 sets for 10 or no and same for the weighted chins. Would I move up weight when I hit all 3 sets for 5 or is there a range, like 12-15 total reps, I should aim for?
Hey didn’t reply to my previous question.But no hard feelings Brah !
1.i follow your novice program 3 sets.can i add 3 sets of pushups at the end of the workout day at night( 4 hours gap after working out)..To boost up my pushups and bench( i won’t perform anything on my rest day )
Because I can hardly perform 10 strict pushups
And my bench is 55 kgs.
Can I do it ?
I know that you are into doing arm wrestling specific exercises, I am wondering if it would be alright to throw a few into this program?
Hey Alex!
I’ve been going to the gym for 1 month and now I want to run your program(my lifts are really weak). My question is, should I add weight to my lifts every week or workout session? And how much weight? (With a calorie maintenace/surplus)
Can i do standing barbell curls instead of preacher curls? I don’t have acces to a preacher bench.
Hey Alex, you recommended band face pulls, rear delt flyes, and cable face pulls for rear delt work and I was wondering how we would add this to the program, like one exercise at the end of both workouts or just one?
Yes any extension is fine, especially the way you are doing it.
Always paused.
I would recommend option 2
Do what you want, but it’s not my program.
It does matter. I wrote this program with that in mind. Skipping will likely affect progress.
1) 30-60s
2) Just brace
3) If you want
4) Calf raise on leg press
There is no way of isolating the inner chest, your chest shape is 100% genetic. Get your bench to 225×5 and it will fill up. Add nothing to this program.
I can’t help you here. Replace them with exercises that work for you
Every session you add weight, read the progression Q&a
Probably will affect recovery. If training soccer on off days run this program twice a week and use the lowest volume.
I do not recommend that for this program. Use perfect form on everything.
Run the program as written there is more than enough back work
Be my guest, but you will likely not see any additional gains, just shittier recovery and more stalls. I personally am against this idea.
Yes, one set of five reps.
I would run this program for as long as you can. Once you start stalling switch over to the hybrid.
Yes I recommend 2x a week this program and lowest volume
You need to be in the 15-18 range every time you jump weight. That means you go for the same set/rep scheme as you wrote. Not understanding the confusion here
Would take too long to explain, just never use the smith machine please. And don’t worry about looking stupid…your gains will show otherwise in time.
1) Not really do what you can
2) Bad form and weak posterior chain
3) Weak quads and thoracic extension, work on your mobility and reduce the weight a bit
4) Every workout should have weight increases. It will vary depending on how strong you are
5) Face pulls are fine for that
Run this program as written.
It needs to sit on your traps not your cervical spine. Retract your scapula and get tighter.
Band face pulls yes. Bulgarian split squats and lunges won’t give you any benefits, waste of time in my eyes.
You’re not that far off, maybe 2 months away man. Floor press will either be less or more than your bench, varies.
Apples to oranges, you can’t equate the two
Whatever you prefer man.
1) There is no GPP or calisthenics in this program
2) 3×6-8 yes
3) Every 48 hours is when you would train, but I highly doubt you will see any additional benefits. Only shittier recovery if you ask me.
Sets is the straight weight sets. The warmups do not count. If you did 225 for 5×5, those were your sets. Everything before that is a warmup.
If you have recovery problems consider cutting the sets back. But no the weight progression remains the same. Always try to get stronger.
@Sam Sure do RDL
You need to warmup before each set. Gradual weight increase.
You might have recovery problems. Use the lowest volume listed and cut back to twice a week.
No, free squat instead
Run this for as long as you can
Sadly this program was never designed with speed in mind. However, if you are going to do HIIT training or speed work for that matter, you need to cut the volume back on this program and train no more than twice a week with weights. I recommend you also read the book “EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL SPORTS” should help you out.
Slightly higher workload that’s all. You will still get jacked with 3 sets.
Well that’s what it was designed for man….so yeah
Always straight sets.
I think it will be too different and you won’t make optimal strength gains. Worst case you can just dedicate Wednesday to a front squat or something like that. Should take care of your needs
Whenever you are able to get stronger, increase the weight. There’s no specific range other than when you have hit 6-10 that means up it.
I don’t know man. Try it and find out, the program was never designed with that idea in mind.
This program was never designed for wrestling, run it as written.
Every session you add weight.
You answered your own question. Work with what you got.
@Kyle Just do them at the end man. I recommend just one tbh.
Hey Alex, I am currently doing the Alpha Novice Program but I am dealing with an imbalance on my right side for my presses (mainly Floor Press & Close Grip Bench Press). What can I do to get rid of this issue considering that you specified not to add or remove any exercises from the program?
Is direct ab work a necessity?
Hey alex, I would like to take up your novice program, but I have a couple of concerns. I am going to be walking into someone’s novice program (hopefully yours) already wih a couple of muscle imbalances, is it okay if I add a couple exercises to your program to correct my imbalances.
My imbalances are anterior pelvic tilt and a weakness in my vastus medialis, so I guess I’d do some glute, abdominal/core, and some unilateral leg work ie one legged quad extension or Bulgarian split squat.
P.s. I think your a highly educated lifter/trainer and I appreciate your man.
Yo Alex,
Just a question not related to the novice program. Do you have any tips on getting the dumbbells up on a dumbbell press or incline press?
If assisted, I can push the weight.
What do you recommend? (I am running NE).
Hey Alex,
I know that you said multiple times that when ppl make a program you shouldnt change it, and im following it but the anytime of tricep Extension exercises just destroy my left elbow and i want to advoid it. Is there other exercise that i could do with out beeing dips wich puts pressure on my shoulder?
Hey alex I read some comment before asking any question. I see that you still recomend having some rear delt work. Therefore I’ll add face pulls 3×20 or rear delt flys for the end of the program because I have big shoulders but no signs of 3d delts.
I can say that my genetics allowed me to have better recovery + b12 supplement. So can I just workout exactly 4 times a week? Peace out
Hi alex,
Been training 1.3y LPP without squats or deadlifts,
My Bench and ohp less than intermediate lifter.
I want to run your program, will i lose some size from my upper body (even though im not strong i got some size due to high volume traning and genetics)?
Hi alex,
Ive been lifting for 1.3y doing LPP no squat/deadlift 5-6 times a week.
My bench and ohp sucks though i developed some nice upper body i guess due to high volume and genetics.
I want to take it to the next level and get stronger with your program but afraid to lose the gains ive made due to lower volume than i was doing.
Is it possible?
And i dont understand, if i dont deadlift (conventional) how can i know if i reached 405?
Is trap bar 405=conv 405?
Feeling box squat in my spinal erectors. Form is good and no good-morning squat is being executed. Are my spinal erectors just too weak?
Hey Alex,
If i hit 5 4 4 reps in the sets of squat I wont be allowed to increase the weight the next session as I didn’t reach the overall rep range of 15-18 inspite of being in the range of 4-6 each set…
Will same go with the accessory movements ?
As it is in the range of 6-10..Can i increase the weightsif i cross the set threshold of 6reps..Are you want us to reach a specific rep target of all three sets combined?..
2.What about chinups..?I hit 4 3 3 on chinups using 10kg..Can i progress next session?
Hey Alex,
Looking forward to more” How to tutorials..”
I don’t care if there are tonnes of excellent tutorials from others.
We are hoping to see more from you..Your box squat tutorial was amazing !
It will not only help you boost the subs in your channels but also More viewers will realise the importance of your preaches ,thus your goal of motivating public will be reached !!
yo alex can i do 3×5 squats for workout A and 5×6 squats for workout B so its as if one day is intensity for my legs and the other is volume. Or do i have to keep the reps and sets the same?
Hey Alex, I’m running your novice program but I’m 6 feet tall and my anthopometry makes it so that when I do the floor press it’s like half reps because I can’t touch my chest, even with retracting the scapula. Should I keep doing the floor press anyway or should I do flat bench instead?
What can I do to increase my work capacity while following this program?
Hey Alex, you previously said to another guy that he should just do regular bench press instead of bench off pins (or in that guy’s case, bench off squat rack) when the gym lacks a power rack. May I ask why? Isn’t it almost the same exercise especially if you can adjust the bench to a certain height? Thanks in advance man
Hi Alex, I have got a few questions:
1. What if I can’t do a chin up?
2. Should I at any time while doing this program try doing deep squats without a box or normal bench presses just to see where I am at or to not “forget” how to do them?
3. Does the order of exercises matter, and should I first do bench pressing, deadlifts and squats and then the rest?
4. If I decide to do standing cable crunches, should I do say about 16 reps (you specified 10-20) each set or does the total amount of reps in the end matter? If so, what is the total amount of reps I should do?
5. Can I modify the program so that I alternate between workout A and workout B every two days? The way it would look is this:
-First week: Monday-A, Wednesday-B, Friday-A, Sunday-B.
-Second week: Tuesday- A, Thursday-B, Saturday-A .
This way I think I’d squeeze out more gains 😀
Hey Alex,
Just started your program and im loving it so far. I was wondering if you have any warm up tips for a first time lifter. On my first B day I had slight pain in my left shoulder after OHP. Not sure if it was just because I have tight shoulders, if it was the result of doing that movement for the first, or the lack of warming up the shoulders. Feel like a noob asking this but I have to make sure to prevent any injuries just starting out.
Thanks man, love all the work your doing and I definitely plan on getting natural enhanced in the future.
hey alex,
This is weird but im not progressing on the bench press, but i am drasticly progressing on the squats and deadlifts, what should I do?
Hey Alex, do you have any tips on increasing sprint endurance?
Will this program help me in soccer or should I use a different program?
What weight should I use for this program percentage wise?
Dear Alex, I really like your program and have been following it carefully for the last three weeks. OHP is my nemesis and last time around I seem to have injured my right traps doing it. It’s a mild injury but it’s there. While it recovers can I continue the program leaving out the pulling movements or should I still row etc? I looked through the comments and your responses and didn’t find anything that specifically addressed this query so I thought I’d post it here. Thanks for sharing for free this program and all the other information you put out there.
Hey Alex,
I’m 14 and for a while(2 months now in April) I have just been going to the gym and doing my stuff, focusing on form for the first month, and now more about weight.
I can bench 25kg, squat 30kg and deadlift 50kg.
I don’t know if this program would still be effective for me due to my age, so do you think I should run it or not?
Hey Alex i am currently 6 months into training and progressing good i guess, i can see the numbers mentioned after an additional 6 months of working out. I have done full body 3x a week and now i am thinking of switching to this programm. I am a soccer player which means training 2x a week and matchday on the weekends. Will this negatively impact my gains and can i run this programm as a soccer player? I am managing a slight caloric surplus but not by much due to the fact that i am really burning alot with playing soccer.
My bodystats are 6 feet 2 with 170lbs and i think i am inbetween 13-17% bodyfat (just guessing because of visible abs…)
Hey Alex I have 3 Questions.
1) What are the benefits of Trap-Bar Deadlifts to conventional DL?
2) How should I increase the weight on my OHP, Pendaly Row and weighted Chin-Up per Workout?
3) How should I increase the weight on the accessory lifts?
Does 3 or 5 (3/5) refer to the number of set or the number of reps?
Hey Alex I’m a great fan of what you are doing.
Cool to see that you still answer all questions that are asked (I hope mine gets answered too :D) I just started with your novice program today.
So because my Gym is garbage I can only do free Squats, Touch and go Bench and conventional Deadlifts.
Plus that I am only 16 years old.
My current Numbers are:
Bench max. 60kg
OHP max. 40kg
Squat max. 95kg
DL max. 130kg
Considering all those facts what Numbers should i shoot for after 3 months in your program?
Best wishes for you from Germany!!
Congratz on 1 million clicks on this page!
How about tibialis exercises together with the calves?
Hi Alex, Greetings from Brazil! ;D Thanks for the program!! I have been running it for 2 months now, its great! unfortunately I got a chest injury (from the previous program that I was running) and wont be able to do any chest work for a while (some weeks or maybe months). Do you recomend something? (exchange exercises for exemple)
I forgot to mention in my previous comment, I’m talking about substituting the floor press
Hey Alex, for this program how do you progress in the accessory lifts like the close-grip bench, preacher curls, overhead extensions, weighted chin up, etc.? is it the same progression as the main compounds or is it a weekly jump in weight? Thanks!
Hey Alex, I found a way to successfully floor press in my gym, the only problem is i can only do it shoulder width apart due to the narrow rack (its a rack for curls). Would you recommend still recommend floor pressing this way?
I just started your novice program, however i work out at home, i have bench and bar and everything needed except i do not have a trap bar, what excercise would you recommend instead.
Hey Alex I’m a great fan of what you are doing.
Cool to see that you still answer all questions that are asked (I hope mine gets answered too :D) I just started with your novice program today.
So because my Gym is garbage I can only do free Squats, Touch and go Bench and conventional Deadlifts.
Plus that I am only 16 years old.
My current Numbers are:
Bench max. 60kg
OHP max. 40kg
Squat max. 95kg
DL max. 130kg
Considering all those facts what Numbers should i shoot for after 3 months in your program?
Best wishes for you from Germany!
Ps. Could you please refer me to your mobility specialist?
Are you saying to perform all the sets (i.e. 5 sets of 5-6reps) at the same weight? then increase weight? and try to reach that 5 sets of 5-6 before increasing the weight again?
I am doing a reverse pyramid by doing 5 sets of 5-6 at a particular weight for each set where i can perform 5 reps/set, otherwise if i do constant weight for all 5 sets, then i don’t feel much in the first 3 sets and start feeling on set 4-5.
Thanks Alex
4 months following this program.
Training in my basement with no power rack. Could I do Zercher squats? If so, free or box Zerchers?
Hey alex, just wondering if i can swap the Floor press day with Overhead press for day A and Overhead press with Floor press for day B.
Hello Alex i wanted to ask u a question that has been bugging me. If i do lets say 5 sets for 6 reps on the compound movements will my body adapt? Or should i cycle between reps in order to confuse my body-thanks Carlos
Hello Alex its Carlos again how long will this program work example 1year 3 years. after i become an intermidiate
Would you recommend doing some sprint training 1-3 times a week on off-days for some summer shreds?
Summary: Hey alex, I can’t squat due to short achilles, working on stretching them without surgery but likely take a year to achieve desired mobility, have used wedges to counteract this but is not ideal, any recommendations on replacement for box squat which will fit nicely in the program for this individual case?
Hello Alex, I can’t squat, I know you have recommended others with this issue to run another program but I really want to run your system.
This is due to my achilles tendon being short on both legs, I am capable of all movements except the box squat as when I squat my heels go up like i’m wearing a pair of 4inch tall stilettos and my weight goes onto the balls of my feet not allowing me to drive through my heels & throwing me off balance.
I’m trying to solve this without surgery but it’s a long process, probably at it’s current rate 6-12 months before I can perform even a relatively high box squat.
I have previously wedged weights & other crap under my heels to counteract this but i don’t think it is ideal.
If you have any recommendations on other movements I could do to replace the box squat just for these special circumstances I would be very grateful.
Thanks Alex, keep up the good work
Hi Alex , I want to start your Novice program but at my gym i only have plates of 5kg, 10kg,15kg and 20kg . So my question is how do i progress in weight without using the smaller plates? Also what weight should i be using as the starting point ?
My current maxes are:
Bench press-200lbs for 3 reps
Squat – 286 for 3 reps
Deadlift- 315 for 1 rep
Alex, I greatly enjoy your philosophy and work and started your Novice Program maybe 2 weeks ago. I know you have said that the first couple of weeks will be hard, as your body is adapting to allow the high frequency. I am still experiencing DOMS after 3 days of rest. Is it okay to train even when sore? I also have had a huge loss of appetite, though I haven’t been counting macros. I am wondering if this is likely the result of me training too intensely or simply raised levels of stress from school and a lack of sleep. I realize you are not a doctor, but would appreciate feedback, thanks!
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the information. As a 46 yr old who is in decent shape but a bit overweight and has worked out regularly in the past, I’m excited to try your program to see if I can finally get my bench to 225X5. One thing that I realise is my right shoulder tendency to roll forward slightly and tight hip flexors along with a weak posterior chain causing a weak low back. All of this is occupational hazards of being a programmer. I know you said that novice does not have enough progress to really have lagging areas. My posture is not terrible but I do have these lagging areas. However, I feel these basic stabilising areas are lagging and really taking away from my progression in the main lifts. Now that I’ve written you a book I will ask four questions.
1) will the recommended progression strengthen these weak areas thus loosen the tight flexors and possible pecs while strengthening the appropriate postural muscles?
2) I like to save time in the gym. Lately, I’ve been super setting complimentary muscles allowing each muscle to recover while improving my work capacity. I’ve seen some gains that way. I noticed for the novice program you recommended 2-5 min rest between compound sets and 1-2 min for supplementary sets. Would you recommend any sort of shortening of the rest time or super setting or is it best to stick with the prescribed time?
3) How long should I target in and out of the gym for each workout A&B?
4) Do you have tutorials for the form for each of the exercises?
Once again, thanks for your videos and program
Hi Alex i really wanna work my neck and my calves but idk how to incorporate this in the program. What exercises do u recommend and how many sets/reps, what on day A/day B ?
Thank you very much for the program. In just 5 sessions, I have added 15kg to my squat and 7.5kg to my bench press. One question I do have though: Say if I do workout A on a Monday but my legs are still sore on Wednesday, do you advise I wait until my legs feel better before doing workout B? I am eating plenty food and protein and getting enough sleep. I’m only 21 too, so recovery should be fine. I think it’s just that I’m not used to doing leg days. Bout to hit that 100kg squat! Also, if I am still progressing linearly when I meet your intermediate standards, should I still stay on this program until gains stop?
i scrolled through and it appears to me that i should do all the sets as straight sets, not pyramid or reverse pyramid.
Thanks Alex
Hi Alex,
I left a few questions yesterday. I have one additional.
Which exercises are consider accessory and which should I treat a compound.
I would think the Box Squat, floor press, pendlay row, pause overhead press, trap-bar deadlift, weighted chin-up are all compound.
While Overhead Extension, Preacher Curl Stiff-legged Deadlift/Good Morning, close -grip bench press and weighted plank are all accessary. Do I have them properly classified? I just wanted to know for the rest ranges.
Once again thanks!!
hey alex,I recently hit ohp 63 kg x 6 ,floor press 91kg x 5 (102kg x 1 max) close grip flat bench 102kg x 1,weigthed chin up 44kg x 3 ,barbell row 90kg x 5,etc.
My box squat and deadlift are lagging in conmparition (2 plate box squat x 5(126kg x 1 max)and 3 plate deadlift x 3(160 kg x 1 max)) at 63kg .Can I move to the hibryd novice/intermidiate program?,i dont want bulky legs really but i want to improve my deadlift,you think theres a benefit to go pass 3 plate squat if Im not interesed in powerlifting ??
Alex it is Carlos again i wanted to ask u if u had any workout routine so that i can grow my neck beacuse im very confused about training it.
PS.can u please answer my other comments two thank u very much.
Hey I have started running your program 1-2 months ago and I really like it, I am just worried my chest isnt getting stimulated enouf, I really dont feel it that much. Would be very thankfull if you could clear this up for me. Thank you
Hey Alex,
For a long time I have been working out with splits programs and it seems they don’t work for me. Now i want to try your program, so I have a few questions. I have 4 working shifts (12 hours each) – 2 days and 2 nights. Then 1 day I am after night shift sleeping, and 3 days free (4 days working and 4 days resting). When it is more suitable to train? After the last night shift, and then in the last free day – to have 2 days rest between workouts. (Usually I have 4 free days total). What about training before first night shift? Is it OK to train then? Thanks!
Can I add dumbell chest flyes to the program, i would like it to be more aesthetic
Hi Alex I’m gonna start your novice program tomorrow and I have 2 questions:
1. Should you follow the excersises 1 by 1 (first all the sets of excersise 1 and then go to nr 2) or circuit train the excersises (first set of one excersise and then move on etc.)?
2. Do you start the stiff legged deadlift off the floor and end on the floor of each rep, or should you make it an dynamic movement like a RDL (when you don’t stop the barbell on the floor after each rep)?
Thnx in advance!
Hey Alex, being obese at 280lb 5 ft 9 the last time i tried pendlay row i popped something in my side doing reps with 140lb. Literally just bending over in that position is hard enough to be honest.
I was wondering if theres an alternative for me with this exercise, and also the weighted chin up?
Been lifting a year but not following any specific programme, just the big 3 really and messing with a few other movements, but wanting to take it a bit more seriously and also drop a ton of weight too hopefully.
Would some calf work be okay to add to the end of these workouts?
Hey Alex, should we also do warm-up sets in OBE and prearcher curls? Cheers!
Hey Alex, been doing the Novice program seeing good strength gains. But after reading the description for The Alpha Body and QnAs..I can’t help but think I’m on the wrong program. I care more about having Oldschool Aesthetics (’50/’60s bodybuilding) than I do Strength but I want to hit those foundation numbers(without getting a huge waist…I hav 29-30)…I want the Oldschool Body and strength(Chet Yorton 350 bench for 22reps or Bill Pearl ripping license plates).
Will “The Alpha Body” allow me to hit your Immediate standard foundation numbers and give me more Oldschool Aesthetic focus??
FYI I’m 25 AfricanAmerican been working out for a year or two full body workouts, good beach body abs/obliques but no thickness, I’m not at your standards for Intermediate lifter. I don’t care about having heavy DL mainly Squat and OHP. Will it hurt me to switch over to TAB??
Hey Alex.
Can i go swimming on one or two of my off days ?
I am 5’5 weigh about 130 pounds at around 14% bf
My 5×5 stats are:
Bench: 165
Squat: 235
Deadlift: 245
OHP: 115
I’ve been doing this program seriously for about 3 months
Why is my deadlift so weak?
Should my intermediate strength standards be the same given my height and weight?
Also I’m 17
Thanks Alex!
If you don’t have trapbar wont your quads under developed since this is so postior heavy
If you don’t have a trap bar wont your quads be under developed since your already doing box squats.
if you dont have a trap bar wont your quads be under developed since you already box squat
If I want to add an arm wrestling training day can I run this program 2 days or 3 days a week or should I just not add an arm wrestling day?
Hi, my Bodyweight is 165lb @ 5’7 my stats are Bench 235×5 Squat 295 x 5 Deads 345×5
witch Programm do you recommend for me? btw. sry for my english
greetings from germany 🙂
Hi, my Bodyweigth is about 165 @ 5’7 Bench 235×5 squat 285×5 deadlift 350×5
witch programm do you recommend for me? btw sry, for my english ^^
Greetings from germany 🙂
Alex, this is my third time stalling on box squats with 235 for 3 sets of 5. I’ve gained about 8 pounds running this program for about 2 and a half months, I sleep about 8 hours a day and I’m at about a 10-15% calorie surplus daily. I just don’t get why I keep stalling when all of my other exercises have not been stalling one bit, it’s becoming incredibly frustrating. Any advice?
this is about the OHP? should it be a strict OHP or it can be done with push press..thanks
what if I don’t hit the desired total amount of reps, but I am still within the rep range. Do I still add weight to next workout?
So I did deadlift and hit 300 for a single felt like I could have pulled more(bodyweight is around 145lbs)but had to finish the rest of the B day workout.
Hello Alex. Really great program, just hit the 315×5 deadlift milestone. However, I want to switch to behind the back deadlift. When doing behind the back deadlifts, should I just focus on pushing the floor away and standing up, or pushing the floor away and standing up and pushing my hips forward, like you do in conventional? Also are there any other cues for behind the back deadlift?
At the top of this comment section I saw you write that dumbbell floor press shouldn’t be done but the very comment after that stated the opposite. So what’s what?
i cant end the workout sometimes cause i get too tired, like when doing cardio. sometimes i get blurry and feel like going to faint, is it just for recovery? or i could do a progression adding more exercises per week? heeeeeeelp
i cant end the workout sometimes cause i get too tired, like when doing cardio. sometimes i get blurry and feel like going to faint, is it just for recovery? or i could do a progression adding more exercises per week? heeeeeeelp
Hey Alex,
What’s your thoughts about floor press with dumbbells, if no power rack available ? Performed with a pronated grip:
Thanks man.
Alex, I’m running your program and I’m doing as I should, BUT… My upper body is already stronger than my lower body, although I’m not even close to the goal of your program (wich is also my goal). Should I continue to do the lifts and THEN switch to the hybrid program or should I run the hybrid straight away?
Hey Alex you talk a lot about the benefits of doing rack pulls above the knee why isnt this in the novice programme as i have been doing rackpulls aswell as deadlifts and seen a increase in my deadlift.
Hi Alex
My university gym doesn’t have any kind of box or stackable steps that are lower than the 18-inch height of the benches. I’d like to begin your novice program. Knowing that my box squat would not be below parallel (perhaps at parallel or slightly above it, using an 18-inch high bench), would you advise I free squat instead of box squat? Or go ahead and box squat using one of the 18-inch high benches?
Appreciate it!
Hey Alex, I’ve been running your program for the last 3 months and I absolutely love it. I’ve made great progress on squat, bench, and OHP but my deadlift is taking very long to progress. I lifted somewhat properly for about 8 months before stumbling upon your program, so my bench is at 200×5, my squat is at 250×5, my OHP is at 135×5 but my deadlift is only at 270×5 (very weak I know). I’ve been able to make progress, but usually only by a rep or two each workout, instead of a 5-10 lb increase each workout like is expected from novices. I believe my form is good, but could it be a form issue? I’m also 17, so could that be a factor? I’m 5’11, 175 lbs by the way.
Hey Alex, I follow your novice program and workout at home. I can’t drop weights on the floor so I’ve been doing regular barbell rows instead of pendlay rows, and rack pulls below the knee instead of dead lifts. Is this a fine substitution or do you think I’ll have imbalances/recovery issues?
I really want to go to the gym 5 days a week (im trying to lose fat and I followed a split program before this) , I just started im planning to follow this plan but on the offdays (tuesday and thursday) can i do some tricep work or do I just do low intensity cardio?
Hi Alex,
I started your novice program 6 weeks ago when i was already 2 weeks into my cut. I have been making constant progress even in a caloric deficit which surprised the hell out of me, as it never happened to me before in my entire life!
I am generally very happy about the program, however in the last 2 weeks my bench press and close grip bench have not gone up at all, and my paused overhead press and pendlay row are getting weaker every time (less reps with same weight). Overhead extensions and preacher curls are “stuck” as well.
It would be accurate to say that my body fat % at the moment is around 10% (probably it is starting to be even lower).
I would normally not be surprised about this, as at my current body fat level, strength is not really at its best. But then how come I was making gains as soon as I started the routine and now progress is slowly decreasing? The caloric deficit is still the same, I eat clean and I am getting good sleep… and when I started your novice program I was about 12 – 13 % body fat.
Thanks in advance for your time, keep up the good work man! Much respect from Italy
Hi Alex, Can i train some side delt in addition to the rear delt work at the end? for example, 3-4 x 6-10 reps??? Unless you think otherwise… Thanks!
the front squats are of a box or convetional?
Hey Alex, I have two questiones:
1. when you say “never repeat the same weights if you’re already mastered them” do you mean hitting the reps within the rep range without grinders or just being able to complete the reps within the rep range regardless of, any grinders or not?
2. what does stall mean for this program, does it mean not being able to add weight for 1 week or maybe 1 month?
thanks in advance and keep up the good work.
Can you please give an exact example of exercise selections/sets/reps for neck, calves and rear delts as an additional work to your Novice program and also should I make it: Workout A+neck, Workout B+calves, Workout A+rd, etc OR Workout A+neck/calves/rd , Workout B+neck/calves/rd , etc ?
Hey alex, I was wondering at the end of finishing your novice program workout, can I do resistance band workouts like deadlifts, pushups, bench press, band pushdowns, good mornings and etc as that can be gpp for me?
I feel like my bench is going up as i progress because of resistance band training since i been emphazing on my triceps alot and my lower back feels worked everytime i do squats, good mornings, deadlifts and banded planks which i feel will keep them strong as i do them. I’m also cutting aswell.
I have 3 bands that go from 10lb to 125lb of resistance. I used to do HIIT sprints but stopped because of shin pain on both my legs so I was wondering if doing a couple of band excercises would be benificial and help translate that into the lifting excercises, sorry for the long question!
Hello Alex Sir. I have been doing your program all winter. Long story short made great strength gains but have had an injury. I’m a baseball pitcher and when I do your floor press it tends to hurt my right bicep, same story sometimes with chinups, and rarely with closegrip bench/overhead press.
Do you have any recommendations what to do. I pitch with my right arm aswell. But its not a serious injury but it does really hurt. Any advice would be extremely appreciated thanks. I know I should see a doctor, but do you have any rehab videos for bicep injuries? And can I do light dumbell work for my bicep on off days to try and heal it? Thank you sir.
Is the wheighted chin up the same the same ast the wheighted pull up? Any benfits, and why the chin up if the pull up works the lats more?
Hey Alpha, I have quit kinobody because I have plataued like shit, stuck at:
70kg bench
80kg squat
100kg deadlift
50kg shoulder press
25kg weighted pull ups
5’9″ weighing 70kg (154lbs) at 14% bf.
I have been training for 2 years! (Have program hopped alot through kinobody courses).
Am starting this program, because i’m clearly a novice and am hype as!
You should make a video explaining the excercise science behind the routine, that would be so good!
Yo Alpha
On box squats I tend to have a sort of sharp, agitating pain on my right upper part of my leg (where the hips bend) and I find that when I go down each rep when I hit the box and sit back the pain flares up and when I’m done with my set and re rack the weight the pain shifts to my my lower back but primarily only on one side and so I found that with a closer stance (making it a bit more quad dominant) it pretty much eliminates this problem so I was wondering if there was anything you could tell me as far as that goes. And if not what is your recommendation on how to proceed from here? Free squats? Lemme know
(Also box height is not an issue) I am doing it at the correct height
Hey, I was just wondering, My 3 favorite youtubers are You (your fitness philosophy), Alan thrall (for the form vid’s) and athlean x (general fitness advice)
What’s your opinions about these other 2 guys? they’re clearly drugfree lifters and I follow their advice just as much as your’s.
Hey there Alex, I have a question for you, recently I decided to take lifting seriously.. I have general knowledge about the exercises and did my time on the Gym and did decent amount of reps
and here’s the question, since I want better variety of exercises.. should I (I’m willing to) buy your Book NA or alpha body? and skip this program.. and is ur books designed for beginners as well?
since I believe your program will have variety of exercises that might let me design it for a home work, since I only have dumbbells and a Barbell no racks or whatsoever and not willing to pay for gyms anymore.. it’s very expensive where i live (466.61 US Dollar for 3 months),
I’m 5 feet 8 inches, 123 lbs male, and I wanna get a decent amount of muscles and look good
should i run this program if I’m only 16? These are my numbers,
115 bench
175 squat
185 deadlift
Instead of doing floor presses, can I bench off of pins or am I better off with regular bench? I don’t have enough space to floor press in my gym. Also where do I pause in the paused overhead press?
Hey Alex, been running this program for couple months and it’s doing me great. After 3 years of lifting and not getting numbers I wanted this helped me a lot. However, as I’m closer each day to your intermediate standards, doing 5×6 is taking a lot of time (consider warm ups and stuff) and tiring me a lot. I was literally doing the highest amount of reps on all exercises because before this I always did high volume.
My question is: should I just lower the volume on more taxing exercises? Or all of them? I’m kinda confused on what to think when choosing the amount of reps for each exercise, simply depending on what I want to focus?
Alex I have a metal plate in my left arm from an auto accident that fractured my left arm over 10 years ago. ive been training for a few years but never achieved the strength I wanted until trying your novice program. Im now almost on my 4th month and I can finally deadlift 405 and I box squatted 355 but for some weird reason my free squat suffered so im sticking to free squatting for a bit so I can finally go up to 315 for reps.
Anyway my pressing movements haven’t really gotten up and im almost sure it’s because of my metal plate. I have a poverty bench and the most I maxed out on floor pressing was 185 for one rep. I have no problem OHP and I am able to push press 135 for 5 as of now. and I am able to db press 75s for a few reps. How can I train around this setback so I dont have my chest flat or lagging? Can I do any type of hypertrophy work with dips/machines and dumbbells for my chest?
Squat, bench, and deadlift is increasing. However my overhead paused hasn’t increased in 2 weeks. Any suggestions on how to increase my OHP? Thank you for the awesome videos! !
Hey alpha 1×5 for sumo deadlift or 2×4-6? Did not specify, my leverage is very bad for conventional torso 90 degrees at starting position
So Alex i read why you are against 4 sets on the the compounds but if they add up to 20-24 reps total with the range of the recommended reps is there a problem to use it?
Hello Alex,
My questions is:
Is it possible to switch up the preacher curls for the incline curls or cable curls?
You are doing a great job and keep on doing so, brother. Thanks
Hey what’s up Alex! I have been running this program for about 3 months. I have been lifting for about a year now and did bro splits for about 9 months. I am 5’11 and weigh 185 pounds, don’t know my bodyfat % but estimate it to be around 17% body fat.
Box squat went from 190×6 to 305×5
Ohp 85×6 to 120×4
Bench 165×4 to 185×3
Deadlift 250 with belt to 340 no belt no straps
stiff leg deadlift 275×6
I have a few questions to ask
1. My bench wont go up at all, my floor press stalled at 195 and I even went down in weight but still my floor press stays the same, any way to fix this?
2. Is it normal to cheat a little on pendley rows as the weight gets heavy? My elbows go all the way back but when I pick the weight up now my back tends to lean up a little, which results in the bar coming close to my sternum but not fully touching it.
3.Will my chest grow from the floor press even though the bar doesn’t touch my chest?
4.When I do weighted chin-ups, I cant get my chest to touch the bar and just have my chin above the bar, will this still give me results/gains?
5. Can I play basketball on my off days ( not organized basketball) ?
6. Finally, are the numbers I put up in 3 months good and on pace?
Thank you for all the great info and keep up the good work Alex!
Can i add some trap isolation ? (im not full novice but still my lifts suck)
Can i change chin ups for stric curls ?
thanks you alex
Hi Alex,
I’m roped into a year membership at a gym that does not have a squat rack.
Can you recommend alternatives for the squats for this novice program?
On Workout B, isn’t 2 sets of Trap Bar Deadlift too little? I feel like I should do 3 or 5 sets especially since I am can only hit the gym twice a week?
can i add rope face pulls along with band face pulls. i was doing regular band facepulls but my rear delts were lacking. i feel like i need a more linear progression for rear delts, especially since my front delt is overpowering the rear extremely and is causing a lot of tightness and some discomfort.
Hey what’s up Alex! I have been running this program for about 3 months. I have been lifting for about a year now and did bro splits for about 9 months. I am 5’11 and weigh 185 pounds, don’t know my bodyfat % but estimate it to be around 17% body fat.
Box squat went from 190×6 to 305×5
Ohp 85×6 to 120×4
Bench 165×4 to 185×3
Deadlift 250 with belt to 340 no belt no straps
stiff leg deadlift 275×6
I have a few questions to ask
1. My bench wont go up at all, my floor press stalled at 195 and I even went down in weight but still my floor press stays the same, any way to fix this?
2. Is it normal to cheat a little on pendley rows as the weight gets heavy? My elbows go all the way back but when I pick the weight up now my back tends to lean up a little, which results in the bar coming close to my sternum but not fully touching it.
3.Will my chest grow from the floor press even though the bar doesn’t touch my chest?
4.When I do weighted chin-ups, I cant get my chest to touch the bar and just have my chin above the bar, will this still give me results/gains?
5. Can I play basketball on my off days ( not organized basketball) ?
6. Finally, are the numbers I put up in 3 months good and on pace?
Thank you for all the great info and keep up the good work Alex!
Hey Alex just wanted to know would SSB box squats be an acceptable replacement to regular box squats? If so/not why?
Yo Alex,
I started doing your program about 7 weeks ago and I’ve gotten stupid strong even though it’s a short time (at least I feel that way :)). I was super weak at the beginning and I think your program is amazing.
My starting weight was 213 lbs and 6″, now I’m 207lbs.
This is the progression of my lifts, everything is 3×5 except deadlift:
Squat 45 lbs –> 225lbs
Bench press 60 lbs –>165lbs
Deadlift 65 lbs –> 205 lbs
OHP 45 lbs –> 95 lbs
Pendlay row 45 lbs –> 115 lbs
The only thing I’ve been struggling with is the chin ups, any advice?
Thank you very much.
Hey Alex,could I change Good Mornings/Stiff Leg Deadlift for Weighted Hyperextensions?
Hey bro I just saw your video about workout plans, I am a novice, have been working out for about a year.
age: 18
weight: 60kg
I am a skiny dude, and want to put on size, In the video about workout plans, for novice u recommend your novice program and jason’s 5*5 for putting on mass.
My question is which program should I follow for putting on maximum mass, your program is for general strength and conditioning so will it help me put on MAX muscle or just increase my strength (which is not the goal atm)?
If there is any other program pls do refer.
Thanks for your reply.
Can i also do this program every other day instead of 3 times a week?
Hi. If we are using conventional deadlift instead of trap bar should we still aim for 405×5 as a goal to move to intermediate? Thank you
Hey Alex I love the sound of this program and am thinking of running it very soon, however I am also working in a factory where the labor can get pretty heavy from time to time as I am making totes. The heavier things are making the totes themselves, loading them up onto pallets, and occasionally pushing 4 or 5 totes at a time, right now I am doing this anywhere from 3 to 6 days a week for 7.5 hours each day. I am 17, 5’7 and weigh 140lbs so I’m pretty light framed. Any modifications or extra advice you would like to give me for this program? Thanks!
Hey Alex!
I am currently running your novice program, and was wondering if i could incorporate plyometrics into my training to help increase my vertical for basketball.
S- 290
D- 335
hey alex, I have started novice program recently. Can you clarify that do we need to do warm up sets before 1*5 sets of deadlift?
Hey, Alex, I’ve been running this program for a while and it’s awesome, but I really really struggle with the overhead press weight progression, do you think I could do anything differently (besides improving form) to correct this problem?
Thanks a lot.
Well Im here to give you results of 1 month on this program!
It is the fking best no joke, I have gained in strength:
Box squat – 25kg
Floor Press – 10kg
Weighted Planks – 20kg
Trap Bar Deadlift – 20kg
Alex I know you say you should only be doing light cardio with this program. I train bjj 5 times and week and we spar in each session. I’ve been running your novice program for over 1 month now and my recovery is fine and the weight is going up consistently. I am eating a shit tonne and sleeping 8 hours minimum. Is it alright to continue? or will signs of overtraining show later on..?
My lifts currently are:
Squat 115kg/ 253 lbs x 5
Deadlift 172.5kg/ 380 lbs x5
Bench Press 72.5kg/ 160lbs x5
Hi Alex, if I removed Stiff-Legged Deadlift and Overhead Barbell Extension from work out A and kept everything else the same would it make much difference to the muscle I gain?
Hey Alex , i didn’t completely understand the progression in this program. Let’s assume that i aim for 3×5 but i barely get it done, like, my form starts to change a little bit at the end and i wouldn’t be able to do one more rep. Do i still increase the weight on my next workout when this is the case?
Hi Lex, Im really paranoid aboout my lagging forearms and near obese belly. Also Do you have any recommendation to build rear delts and also legs without access to a power rack.Finally I dont have any equiment for dips or chinups with good from any good alternates?Thank man
Hi Alex, I’ve been working out for about 6 months currently and doing and looking good but I’m plateauing everywhere (e.g. bench at 160) This happens every year practically so I stop about now and pick it up again in the winter and start over. People have told me to do your novice programme, should I get right on it now or can i have a break for a couple of months? I want a break for the summer but I don’t want to lose all my gains. Cheers
Hello, as a beginner, do you advise me to do your novice program or do I start directly with the “naturaly enhance” program?
hey Alex I have a high body fat percentage and I can barely do 1 chin up what can I do instead of weighted chin ups in workout B thanks
[Overhead press] Pause at top or bottom?
Hey, Alex I was wondering if you would change the reps of you are doing lat pulldown instead of weighted chin ups
Hey Alex, I am planning on doing this program and was wondering how you go about warming up with this program, (example: for the box squats do you start with the bar, do your sets, and then increase weight and repeat, and then do the same for all the exercises, or do you only do one set weight all the way through, and then increase the weight for the next workout?) I am rather new to this and realize that this question probably sounds rather silly, but it is still something I need to know.
Hey Alex,
Im on your novice program, but I already have big legs. Is is ok if I squat only on A workouts? (Every other workout)
Question About Floor Press Form
Should I still retract my scapula & squeeze my glutes when performing the floor press? Ty. (You & Bugenhagen are the best natty lifters on the web so also ty for that youre a true role model)
Even though I dont follow Eliot Hulse’s advice anymore because hes a fake natty, this is the best video I seen on how to floor press.
Hey alex, I have been lifting 3 years exactly this month, and am just turning 18,
My bench press 5×5 is 130lbs
Squat 190lbs
Deadlift 230lbs (1×5)
OHP 95lbs
And Barbell row 95 lbs
Should I still be running this program? I did p90x for 2 years, wasted hella time, and now ive been doing stronglifts 5×5, constantly plateauing due to not eating enough (i basically have found out i have to eat 4k calories + a day to gain a little weight)
I weight 160lbs at 5″8, well I am weak as fuck and sick of it, I have gained 50lbs of muscle in these past 3 years, Are those good genetics? Gaining lots of muscle while being weak? (When i started working out the most i could bench and squat was 10lbs on each side of the bar) Thanks! Feeling unmotivated and feeling like I cant make those novice strength gains still, would love to hear something good.
I have very small legs compared to my upper body.So I want to gain some leg size.Since box squat targets the hamstring and glutes,is it okay if I add some extra quad work ?
Also I had to take time off the gym.I used to be able to bench 209 for 5-6 reps.And I used to weigh 165 pounds.(at 5’11).I lost like 10-12 pounds.I look a lot leaner ,but I also look a lot smaller.I had to take time off because I was having some lower back and shoulder problems.But now that I fixed them following the advice you gave on your videos,I want to start training again.However it has only been 2-3 weeks since I started doing reverse hypers and overhead presse but I already feel much better.How long do you think it would take me to get to intermediate status (I was pretty close before I had to quit) ? Should I start doing this program right away or wait more to prevent any recurring injuries ?
Hi, Alex. I feel hip pain when doing the box squats, most likely it has something to do with tight hips, in particularly the gluteus medius and the tensor fasciae latae. My question is, would you recommend just doing the minimal amount of sets (3) for now and just stretch until I have more mobility? Did my third workout today, on the first workout I did 90 kg for 5 sets of 6, 2nd time 95 kg for 3 sets of 5, and today 100 kg for 3 sets of 5 reps. I could easily do 5 sets of 6 with these numbers, but my hips doesn’t feel good.
Do i need to decrease the sets while on a cut? if yes why?
Question. If I’m doing the 5 sets of 6 for box squat and bench press (this seems to work best for me) do I wait to increase the weight until I can do 6 reps for each set? Or am I just shooting for a range? For example, I did 5 sets today on bench press with 6, 6, 6, 6, 3 reps respectively. Is this the time to increase weight or wait until I can do all 5 sets at 6. Stalls have been the bane of my existence and I’m hoping it’s due to all combo of using a 4 day split and not eating enough.
Sorry if I posted this twice. My question is if I am using 5 sets pf 6 reps for floor press and squat do I wait to increase the weight until I can do all 5 sets at 6 reps or am i shooting for a general range? Today i did 5 sets on floor press at 6,6,6,6,3 respectively. Is this a good time to increase weight or should i wait until i can do all 5 at 6? Ad long as i have been lifting stalls have pretty much been the story.
Hey Alex, was wondering if I could swap out barbell preacher curls for standing straight barbell curls and progress each workout with that by adding 1kilo each workout to it and was also wondering what neck exercises can I add and where as well as what sets and reps I also have a neck harness. One more thing is there any way I can add rack pulls above the knee anywhere if not its OK
Hey Alex, can I swap out the barbell preacher curl for standing straight barbell curls and progress each workout with that by adding 1 kilo each workout to it and what neck exercises can I add, where and what sets and reps I also have a neck harness. One more thing can I add rack pull above the knee please I just need your tip on where and sets and reps. Thx in advance.
Does age matter for progress in this program im 15 years olds at the moment.
I plan to recomp for 3 months.
I can currently perform:
102.5kg Box Squat
75kg Floor Press
62.5kg Pendlay Row
130kg Trap Bar Deadlift
I was wondering how much slower it would take me to add strength when recomping for 3 months?
is the stiffed legged deadlift a compound movement or an accessory exercise?
when you said rest 2-5min on the major compound movement, to which exercises you were talking about?
First off This program is amazing and has saved me time effort and money as i am a teenager with a very limited source of income i am also a long time watcher and really enjoy the high quality and effort put into your videos
Secondly is there enough core work in this program for serratus anterior and obliques as there are no direct exercises for said muscles
Finally what are your recommended rep ranges for rear and side delt, calf and neck accessory work while running this program.
A response is much appreciated.
I have another question sorry for the hassle.
Can run this program monday friday and do full body weighted calisthenics on wednesday.
Hey Leo, I’ve nerver done serious gym work before, so I don’t know proper form and shit. So, what would be the best way to learn the lifts? Thanks
Hey Alex, will it affect my progress if i do this program two days a week with one day of a sprinting workout(4 sets across a field). I prefer sprinting to low intensity cardo.
hi, can i do your program ” naturally enhanced” if i am a novice? OR should i start with your novice program?
T-bar rows instead of pendlay rows?
Hey Alex, after bulking on this program to hit the intermediate numbers ,I gained quite a bit of fat in the process(21-23 %bf). Lets say I cut now to around 14% and after the cut my strength drops to a point where I cant hit your intermediate standards anymore, do you recommend to keep running this novice program to bring my numbers back to intermediate or should I switch to an intermediate routine right away?
For example if someone can hit the 225 bench for 5 and then after cutting 15-20lbs they can only hit 205 for 5, would a novice or intermediate program be more suitable for them?
My gym only has smith machines, it has two sides for the bar though, so I could put a regular barbell in there and hopefully not get yelled at by the staff, or just do hack squats. Which course of action would you recommend alex?
Hey Alex
I strained or sprained my wrist and ankle a few weeks ago it’s better now (still painful but better) but my physiotherapist wants me to do all these exercises for them and I’m wondering if I should stop training weights entirely until it’s completely better or keep doing the small exercises for my wrist and ankle and run the novice program because it doesn’t feel that bad I’m just wondering if you think, can do both at the same time? I was supposed to be off physio a week ago. Thanks !
Hi Alex! I was wondering what accessory work would you give me permission to add to the novice program other than rear delt and neck work? It doesn’t have to be limited to upper or lower body, just some kind of extra work that I can add to the workout.
Hey Alex,
I have no squat rack so I cant put the heavy bar above my head. Any recommendations?
Should I go for high rep squats?
Hi Alex
I like the look of this program and want to run it, I’m into Mountain biking and snowboarding(mountain biking more often). I’m worried about my riding getting in the way of the program and visa versa. I usally ride in the weekends. Can I run this program? I think I would need some mid week cardio as well. Thanks for the youtude vids man, great advise on there
Hey Alex
I want to run this program, I’m into Mountain biking and snowboarding (mostly mountain biking in the weekends) and I’m worried about this getting in the way of the program and visa versa. Can I run this program? I’d probably do some mid week cardio as well to keep my cardio fitness levels up. Thanks for any advise, loving the channel
Hey Alex,I’m having problems with my box squat. Every time I pass 90kg x 5reps(3sets),I’m having trouble adding weight. It’s not the technique,it’s just that 92’5kg feel so fricking heavy that I get 3 reps on first set and 2 on the second. After that,it’s all a nightmare. Also,I start to feel (and get)weaker and weaker. Should I switch to 2 times a week instead of going to the gym 3 times?
Hey Alex, I’m starting the program tomorrow and was wondering if some added calisthenics would hurt? eg: doing a few sets of pullups a few reps short of failure, every day, to grease the groove and get in some extra volume for my back (which is lagging). I’m also considering working up to a one armed chin and being able to do multiple reps of strict one arm pushups, would that be too much to recover from? Cheers.
Hey Alex,
I am 16 years old and recently got a membership at the gym and on my third workout. i dont want to be massive or big, just have good definition and lean muscle. Should i carry on with this program or not. if not, are there any programs that you could recommend?
Thank you in advance
Hey I’m about to run this program when I enter college, but can I alter the days at all because of my classes conflicting with the programs set schedule of M W F. Could I alter it to like a Tuesday Thursday Sat?
Can I switch the floor press for pin press instead. If not, why?
Hey Alex
I don’t have a safe way to do the floor press in my home gym. I can do pin press, is this going to work or should i find a way? Btw great program, I like the box squat because its easy on my knee
will this workout increase testosterone as well? Thanks for the help.
Hey Alex, just wanted to say thanks for creating the novice program. Been running it for 5 months now and these are my numbers, just to prove, it IS possible to attain the numbers quoted within 6-12 months.
Squat 315×5
Bench 200×5
Deadlift 285×5
Deadlift has a lot of work ahead but is steadily rising thanks to the novice program.
Would it be okay the add band resistance to the preacher curls? I feel like the top portion of the preacher curl is too easy and that bands would give some nice resistance at the top of the movement. I would obviously lower the weight to account for the band resistance. Love the program so far.
Hi Alex, I’ve been lifting for about 4 years and I’m definitely a novice lifter. I’m interested in this program but I have a quick question before I start it. How do I know what percentages to work off of? Or is it based off of RPE?
Alex do you think that a novice lifter can progress on the Pause bench press at the same rate or similar to the normal bench press(the pause bench press feels better on my shoulders). How often should i be able to increase the weight on the Bar? I’m a late novice who still cannot hit your strength standards.Thanks
Hey I am on the novice program and I bought NE, can i do the whole mini band workouts after my novice workout session? like every excerise on the mini bands? i have the stamina to do it!
Yo Alex.
is it okay to train MMA or other martial art while doing the Novice program or Natural Enhanced?
Hello.I’m planning to use this program but I have a concern.I wanna maximize my muscle gains.I was planning to run this.if I see gains I will buy your NE program.But since I wanna maximize my gains I can buy NE right now.Which program should I use first? what’s your recommendation? thank you.
Hey Alex I have been watching allot of your videos and decided to try your novice program. I have been on it only for 2 weeks following it word for word but I ran into a problem I could really use some help with, I hurt my lower back. When I started the program I didn’t know how to properly brace for lifts (I wouldn’t take in any air and just flex my abs) and I think its what caused my back pain. My back hurts too much to continue, could you give me a suggestion on what to do? Also could failing to brace be the soul cause of my lower back pain?
How are sldl supposed to be performed? I can’t find a consistent explainaction.
Some people say you need a straight back, some people say you need a rounded upper back, some people say you need both a rounded upper and lower back.
Hi Alex, i have a few questions about this program.
1. i’m not used to squatting 3 times a week, it usually takes my legs 2-3 days to recover. Can i squat 2 times instead ?
2. For example in Squat or Bench press ( 3 sets), do i perform pyramid set, increasing weight and decreasing reps in the following set ? Or do i perform same weight, same reps for every set then increase weight week by week ?
3. Should i add in any kind of side lateral raise or posterior delts exercise ?
4. I have been training hard and eat good for 2 years but my body fat is still high and muscle mass is still low. Is it still possible for me to recomp now ?
Once he novice program with x3 a week training is finished, for an advanced lifter would you recommend x2 or x3 full body workouts per week?
Hey Alex, this might seem rather a weird question to ask, but as a novice I really don’t have a clue. I play guitar and piano to quite an extent, but as I understand and from conversations i have had in the past, finger extension strenght is key to those instruments dexterity. As I assume, my grip strenght will go up considerably with this program, but It1s well accepted amongst musicians that overdeveloped grip strenght compared to finger extension strenght, not only is detrimental to performance, but also can lead to a lot of pain and increase carpal tunnel syndrome risk. What can I add to this in the gym to keep it even? (like abdominal-lower back balance).
Thank you in advance
Hey Alex, where should I expect to plateau on OHP? I’m stuck at 155lbs for 5×5. I’ve built back up from 90% once and I’m still plateaued. What is a general novice -> intermediate transition weight for OHP? Do you think I’m reaching intermediate, or would you say there are other factors holding me back? I average 7-8h of sleep per night and am in a caloric surplus. Cheers
hey bro, is it okay if I replace overhead extensions with a machine that does the same function?
Hey man, I just started running your program what should I do if my gym doesn’t have 1.25 kilo plates and there isn’t a way for me to buy a pair as they are extremely hard to find in my country, is there a way for me to substitute the 1.25 kilo plates with something else like ankle weights or should I just add 2.5 kilo plates but adjust the reps?
I’ve made great progress for 3 and a half months, but now I’m stalling hard on my back squat for 5 work out sessions. On some days I can get 195lb for 1×5 but the rest of the sets I reach 3 reps after that, and on others days I can barely get 3 reps in for a set. Should I do 5×5-6 for more volume at around 175-185lbs in order to increase my squat instead of the regular 3×5 and add 5 pounds?
I’m 5’11” and I went from 163lb-169
Bench:95-145 3×5
Squat 115-190 3×5
Deadlift 200-300 1×5
OHP:85-105 3×5
Weighted Chin up 45-70 3×4
I have a rock climbing background, so im pushing my weight up slowly but surely. I’m getting frustrated but I shouldn’t expect much progress since I’m bulking around 2 lb a month, right?
Hi Alex,
I’m 18, 188 cm x 81 kg (6 feet 2 inches x 178 pounds) 12 inches arm, kinda like those skinny tall young no-beard guys, and after a seven months period of random personal gym training (although I have a bit of anatomic knowledge) which actually gave me some gains (I was 72 kg when I started, and I almost did not gained any fat), I noticed I stopped growing, so now I will give a try at this program.
Just some questions, can I?
When you say “3 or 5 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions each” that means I should warm up on my own, and then do the exercise with a weight that allows me to approach failure in the very last few reps of the last set, without actually running into failure, right?
Then, the moment I should add more weight is when I see I can master 5 sets of max reps without getting really exhausted, right?
Excuse me if these are stupid questions, I just want to make sure I strictly follow your program and not ruin everything for a little misunderstanding. As soon as I receive your answer I will start! Thanks in advance for the answers Alex, going to tell you the results in a few months.
Hey Alex.
I am currently on Month 4 of your novice program and this is my experience with it.
Day 1 : Bench 140 lbs
Squat 165 lbs
Dead lift 205 lbs
Day 121: Bench 195 lbs ( 4 reps )
Squat 250 lbs (4 reps) ( I also got FAT AF ( +26%) so I am cutting now at (21%) )
Dead lift 330 lbs ( 5 reps )
I’m not sure whether these are good results or not for 4 months but I am putting a 110% in the gym every session. Here are some of the things I think you should keep note based on my experience if any time another person might experience this. For the first 2 months I was continuing a linear progression of just adding the weights after each successful repetitions with the weights used. I came across joint issues mainly in my elbows and knees. Not enough to be an injury but enough to hurt. Never the less, my gym partner never experienced such things despite both of us getting our forms checked. The solution I found was to alternate volume and intensity based on the exercises ( inspired by your videos) . For example, On Monday I would do WORKOUT A and would go at an intense level ( Never 1 rep max) for my chest workout, but the Monday of next week I would only do volume work, as well as hip, elbow band work and outer abductor work to minimize possible future injuries. I’m writing this to thank you for the free program and also future anecdote for the possibility of another lifter coming across potentially having a similar experience.
Can’t wait to complete this program and start the journey of naturally enhanced. Love the Q and A and workout videos.
Best Regards
For each set of 5 sets, do I do the same weight for all 5 sets or lower 10% of the weight each set?
Alex I dont seem to progress on my back squat because i cant box squat, ive been running your program for a few weeks now, deadlift and bench are fine. Thanks alex
can I do floor press with dumbells if I don’t have a squat rack?
Yo Alex, great program. I’ve been dealing with elbow pain while doing the floor press(old injury from broken bone), is it ok if I could substitute it with a pin press. The pins have a full ROM.
Hey alex I REALLY need your help and I think this can be a different situation for you to answer here. I am loosing my confidence and getting confused. I have read and hear literally almost everything you said.
-I have a medium APT and it gets worse from any kind of DL and by back gets sore and it last for 2-3 days. Except when I do Landmine rows and more upright.
-I also want to give more priority to bench and OHP and make sure I have bigger and strong glutes for look and for the APT. The squat is also second because of the grip fatigue.
-And I love doing sledge pulls and just want to incorporate them so I put 1go and 2go backwards(sorry for my english). And the lengh of the starting point and finish line is short about 10-15m. Also for posterior chain and for some work capacity.
-I just want to make 1 set of tricep work in an unstable manner like a bent OH extension but on a rope or band cuz I think it helps me a lot.
-Train 2 times a week
– Train for 2years, spinned my wheel for 1 year then I did 10 months of non optimal 5/3/1 and then I found you. I think I have good work capacity, and have done some NE workouts which helped alot from what I saw but are now probably hindered my results despite looking fairly big(but weak) because I think I have good genetics. I am 17y. Here some of my best numbers… :/
-In my case should I rotate like 1 in 3 weeks? I think it helps me to deal with accomodation. Tell me what you think.
Bench 135×2 Landmine row – 4 and half plates for reps
Squat 155×1 Curl – 38×6 Landmine press – 115×1
Floor Press 3/5×5 Paused Overhead Press 3/5×5
Squat 3/5×5 Squat 3/5×5
Landmine row 3/5×5 Row maquina 3/5×5
Sledge 3x Sledge 3x
OH tri 3×6-10 Close-Grip Bench Press 3×8OH tri 3×6-10
Preacher curl 3×6-10 Wheighed Chin-up 3×3-5
Bent over skullcrush with bands/TRX 1×10
Hip hinge one leg plate over my thigh 2-3×10
Inclined wheighed crunch 2-3×10
Face pulls 2-3×10
Neck 2×10-15
Hi Alex this may be a really stupid question but when running your novice program do you have to build up to the weight for your actual sets? Let’s take the Box Squat 3/5×4-6 for example – before performing the 3/5×4-6 do you have to ‘warm up’ until you reach the weight you’re currently working with? Or given that I am a novice is ‘warming up’ to the working sets unnecessary and can I jump right in?
Is there anything I can do on off days to help with recovery?
I’m 156lbs stats for 5×5: bench 180 , squat 225. There is NO WAY I could start your program and put 2,5kg on my bench for 5×5 next training. So basically I would stall in a week or so!? Yes I could increase my intake and possibly push it a little, but that I can already do with my current program. What to do?
Iv reached intermediate level on box squat and floor press but Trap Bar Deadlift is still at 150kg’s. Suggestions to fix this?
Hey alex. really appreciate all the help. Im starting the novice program but the only problem is my gym does not have a trap bar. Is their another way around this?
Hey Alex,
I was wondering if it’s effective to do reverse hypers on an incline bench, with my head/stomach on the bench. I could buy bands to increase resistance, but i’m not sure if doing it in an incline bench ghetto position will hit my posterior chain/decompress my back properly etc. compared to an authentic reverse hyper machine. My legs are completely straight when its inclined though, so i know ROM isnt an issue. Should i buy the bands and add it to my routine? Or are there any alternative exercise to “rehab” lower back?
Hey Alex,
I was wondering if i could do the single dumbbell overhead extensions instead of the Overhead Barbell Extensions. im a lot more used to the exercise and it doesn’t feel as awkward. Thanks.
Hi Alex, could you give a reason as to why not do sets of 4. Sets of 5 are a bit too much for me I think to recover from but then after doing sets of 3 I feel I can do more. Thanks
Hey Alex, I have read through a lot of your responses but nobody seems to have asked a question like the one i am about to ask. While running this program I will be having intense cardio 5 days a week for my basketball team. Do you recommend a calorie surplus and lower down some of the volume?
I also will be working out in the morning time, hours before the basketball practices, so energy and fatigue will not be factors.
Hey alex my gym has a very low ceiling and im a tall guy can i switch the overhead press with something else or i do it seated or in a z press fashion.
Yo Alex I need help. I’ve been doing your novice program for 2 months now after a one and a half month holiday and I’ve managed to regain my lost strength and surpass it even. Last 2 weeks though I’ve stalled on all my pushing movements (standard BP-175×4, standard squat-275lbsx6, OHP [not paused] 110×5 and CGBP 150×7) while my pulling movements keep progressing. I’m eating enough calories as I am gaining weight, I track my macros (always make sure I get enough protein) and sleep average of 7 hours a day. I’ve reset the weights but I am still weak on my lifts. What do you suggest I do to tackle this? I was thinking of a deload week but I m afraid that I’ll lose too much strength and I will have to build back up again so I’ll be stuck at the same weight. Appreciate your advice and keep up the good work with your channel and sorry for the long post. Peace
Alex: I’m a fifteen year old male and have been taking your novice program for 4 months, so far I have seen very little results. My OHP has been stuck at 75 for two months and my bench has been stuck at 105 for two months. I work my butt off in the gym every other day but am seeing minimal results. I eat a lot and sleep 8 hours a night at least. Thanks for nothing man. I trusted you, and now my hard work has produced NOTHING.
hi alex I am currently running your novice program. I am having pain in my shoulder while doing bench / floor press. Do you recommend doing Over head press for the 3 days or will it be to much. I know you have recommended this in one of your videos injury mobility but does it apply to the novice program. Thanks
So Alex,
when you say you would rather see someone quit doing squats than doing them on a smith machine, are you serious? I know the smith machine limits free motion and it is no different then using a machine, but quit doing them all together? Damn lmao.
Even on the smith machine I’ve had really good gains I used to have no ass, skinny legs. I have been following your program for 10 weeks now and the only gym that isn’t an hour away is planet fitness, and they only have smith machines, not much of a selection of equipment, I have seriously been thinking of sucking it up and driving the hour, because the place is truly awful.
Hi Alex,
You made this program in 2015, is there anything you would change now, or should we still run as it’s written? Thanks.
Hey Alex, in addition to the minimum weight for 5 reps of the big three you claim should be the goal of this novice program, what would you say is a good goal for the overhead press? Thanks!
Hey Alex,
Is it okay if I do 5×3 if I’m stalling with 3×5? Thank you!
I have a home gym and my power rack is not wide enough for me to able to use the proper stance on box squats. Should I do box squats with a slightly narrower stance or should I just stick with regular squats? Of course I could squat outside of the power rack but that would be unadvised right?
Hi Alex, Ive hit a 200kg deadlift for 1 rep, 100kg bench for 5 reps, and a 150kg squat for 1 rep. But I’ve never hit a 180kg deadlift for 5 reps or a 140kg squat for 5 reps. Am I still a novice? Thanks.
In your recent Q & A, you stated that you would sub stiff-leg deadlifts/good mornings for reverse hypers and face pulls. What is the reasoning for this? Also if we do not have a reverse hyper machine can we do regular hypers or glute ham raises?
Hey Alex ! The program looks great the only thing that i don’t understand is this . Do i have to increase weight with evry set or no ?
I recently saw your video with Phil from FitWorldExposed on rear delt training.Should I add exercises such as meadow rows or just stick to face pulls/flyes?
Hey Alex,
I’m cutting while using your program. Is it better to go 3x/wk with minimum volume (3 sets on the big lifts) or 2x/wk with regular volume (5 sets)?
program is great guys İts been 4 months I hit the numbers I I coulnt before.
Hello Alex,
I’ve recently purchased your naturally enhanced program and also noticed this free novice program, in this post you mentioned not being able to bench 225×5, squat 315×5, and deadlift 405×5 than you’re still a novice. I’m 16 years old and I’ve been training for a year using the Arnie split 5 day a week training program, which has gotten me decent strength and size gains, as i can’t lift these novice numbers yet would you recommend me using this program until i can lift these numbers or going straight onto naturally enhanced, or what that be too advanced for me?
Hey Alex, I plan to purchase Naturally Enhanced within the coming weeks as I’ve become incredibly lazy and bored with the novice program after about 6 months (great program, I just can’t stand doing the same movements anymore). I’m 18, 160 lbs, and 6’0 with hyper-mobile elbows. My current lifts are 225×5 squat, 315×5 conventional deadlift, and a 115×6 OHP (didn’t test my bench, yet). The question I have for you, is whether or not I should run NE in 3 week blocks with these numbers? If so, how and when will I know to start rotating exercises weekly? If this is disclosed in NE, great, if not I’d appreciate a reply. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work, please, keep it up!
Hi you Italian beast!
My problem is plateauing on the CGBP 🙁 I’ve been training for one year (20kg gains from a very skinny state) and now i’ve been stuck at 83 pounds x 6,6,6 for like a straight month. I´m definitely in a caloric surplus cause i’m maintaining a small belly for the hell of it (3000kcal per day and protein is fine as well). I havent cut the weight yet for 10% though. I find it hard to believe the cutting of 2 miniplates will make any difference in my CGBP…
Thanks, you’re my mentor
I’ve only been on this program for about 3 months though!
Hey Alex,
I can’t do any sort of squatting for the moment due to a nagging pain on the right lower back just above the glutes, when I deadlift it’s fine but seems to aggravate when I squat so I want to lay off them for a little while see if it helps.
What do you reckon I could do for the time being as a substitute for legs and to ensure my deadlift still goes up while skipping the squats?… Thanks man.
Hi Alex. Can I run your Novice/ Naturally enhanced program and at the same time do MMA or will it screw up my recovery?
i want to make strength gains, should i follow this program considering that im only 15 years old?
If i can’t lift these weights should i do this program or go straight to Naturally Enhanced?
do i do warmup sets on each of the exercises? can i add a Shoulder isolation day on saturday just to get a bit wider and round shoulders?
How do you warm up for these sets? I assume you don’t just jump into your working weight.
I’ve been following your novice program for 3 months and i have been making good gains so far, all of my lifts have gone up, however my OHP has plateaud at 45 kg (100 lbs) even though my bench and overhead extension has gone up and my weight has gone up steadily. I know youve said that pressing exercises go up as your weight goes up. I’ve done everything to break this plateau including increasing my calorie intake, increasing my sleep, reducing the weight by 10 %.I dont know what else to do.
Any help would be much appreciated
I’ve been running your program now for 3.5 months and my gains have been quite slow. Me bench has only increased from 55 kg*5 to 70*5. I know you emphasize the importance of increasing the weight everytime you complete the reps. But at the bench for example. If I complete 70*5 and go up to 72.5 kg I can never complete the reps and i end up doing the same weight for about a month before I can go up in weight and completibg the desired sets and reps. Also Im 16 which might play a role as to how slow my bench has increased.
My bench has gone down for doing this program for 3 weeks. Why?
Im around 5’11 – 6’0, 174 lbs, should I do caloric deficit, maintenance, or surplus? Thanks!
If I increase the weight but can only do 2 of the 3 sets, should I then drop it back to what I had before and finish out the last set?
What would be a good standard for OHP at the end of the novice phase, made massive gains after only 2 weeks and didn’t see this question answered anywhere
Alpha, can I replace the standard paused OHP with a neutral grip, paused OHP? It feels better on my wrists and I think it’s better for my shoulders, too.
Hello Alex, I am an avid watcher of your videos and I want to thank you for the great content.
And here is a question: Could I move weighted chin ups to the day A? Due to the fact that my lats are really tired after deadlift as I experienced in the past and doing chins after that is really miserable.
can i do weighted dips instead of CGBP?
can i do weighted dips instead of Close Grip Bench Press ? Because i really feel it in my triceps
If I am cutting while running this program will I still gain mass and strength?
Hi Alex,
Ive been following a typical bro split for arouns 3 weeks, But now that I’ve come across your youtube vids, I want to start your program. Problem is, you dont perform demonstrations of the floor press, overhead barbell extension, or stiff leg deadlift on your youtube channel. I’m not sure the difference between overhead press, and overhead barbell extension.
Hey Alex,
I’m currently running this program using mainly dumbbells at home (and a barbell for deadlifts) . I plan I running this program for ~6 monthes which is when I’ll have access to an actual gym and will then switch to your intermediate program (assuming I hit the intermediate lifts by then).
Anyways, my only problem is squats. I do have a barbel at home, but I do not have a way of using it to squat real weight, so I’m stuck with dumbbells which go up to 120 pounds. I was wondering would a dumbbell split squat be a decent replacement for actual squats? Also would split squatting two 60 lb dumbbells be similar to squatting 240 lb with a barbel since it’s 120 lb per leg with dumbbells?
Thank you!
Hey Alex
You said that if doing 3 sets then you should complete 15 to 18 reps or if doing 5 sets you should complete 25-30 reps. Only once I hit those reps within those sets do I add more weight.
How does this work? Am I supposed to do 3 sets or 5 sets with the same weight throughout? Or do I increase weight each set and then peak on the last set?
yo man i am follow your novice program when box squatting should i use flat shoes or shoes with a heel? before your program i used the adipowers and highbar squat because iam very tall 6,6 feet so with the adipowers i can stay more upright.
If i follow this program would it bring my posture to perfect level?
Hey im looking for a good program for off season wrestlers. Is this a good program to follow for wrestlers????
Hello Alex… where is your neck workout in this routine. I want to get a big neck like yours.
Hey Alex how do you progress with the isolation movements? Ex: chin-ups 3-5 reps. Do you only add weight when you can hit the 5 reps? You have other exercises that say 6-10 reps too. Again, start at six and when I hit 10 move up in weight. Is this known as linear progression? You talk about progression with compiliund movements but couldn’t find anything about the the accessory stuff. Thanks brother love you Work. It’s really changing my exercise life!
Hi Alex , I’m 15 been lifting for 6 months. Been doing this program for 2 to 3 weeks now and i wondered would the strength standards of the novice program still be doable in 6 to 12 months considering my age. So far it seems to be working I have increased my lifts quite a bit. Thanks Sam
Hi Alex, I was wondering are the strength standards realistic if I’m only 15. I have been lifting for 5 months and been doing this program for 2 weeks. So far everything is going good my progress is great , most of my lifts have gone up 10 pound already. However I was wondering do you think it is still possible to hit those set numbers in a year.
Do I increase the weight within the set? For example if I do the boxsquat for 3 sets, will the first set be 50kg, the secound 60kg and the third set 70 kg? Or do I just do 3 sets with 70kg?
I was wondering if I could add some extra accessory work to the bicep and fore arms/wrist as I’ve been arm wrestling for two years. My strength in these areas is much more developed and the tendons are crazy strong in comparison to everything else.
Does the pendlay row has to be strict form or can I “cheat” to keep adding weight?
is every session meant to be about intensity, so for example the A,B,A week, would you go for intensity or would you do more volume on the second A session and intense on the first A. I’m not sure i just need clarification. What i’m trying to say is do i just focus on reps and forget about hypertrophy or do i change it up between strength and hypertrophy?
How much weight I should start those exercises
can i do my press before box squat?
Hi, Alex. The bars at my gym is really bad and tends to roll out of my hand. I was wondering if I could use lifting straps to combat this.
Also if I do use the lifting straps should I add additional grip work.
Yo, Alex do we do warm up sets before are heavy compound lifts? Also this might be a dumbass question but would stretching after the workout is complete would be a necessity correct? Or would the mobility work on off days be enough?
Hey Alex, so I started to see my gains and so did my parents, and now they are telling me that I should not be doing this and things like: “you are going to hurt yourself”, “you dont know what you are doing in the gym”, “you are lifting too heavy”… basically they are just flooding me with these negative comments and when I try to explain them that they are wrong, and I do respect opinion from my parents, I just dont like that they dont listen to me when I try to explain them wrong… (..note that I do know what I am doing in the gym, I am training with your novice program and I did not get hurt a single time. I am also progressively increasing the weights not doing big jumps with weight to minimize the chance of getting hurt.) And if comments like this are not allowed, as its not about training just delete it.. But I still wanted to leave it here because hearing this from your own parents takes your motivation away for quite a bit..
Can I group some exercises in supersets? Like Bench and Row, OHP and Chin Up, Curls and Extensions.
Hi Alex, hope you’re doing well.
I currently find it difficult making progress on the Floor Press, Close-Grip Bench Press, Paused OHP & Overhead BB Extension since my gym no longer has 2.5 lbs plates (total of 5 lbs). Although there are 5 lbs plates (total of 10 lbs), I think it would be very difficult making progress on the aforementioned movements.
Is there any way around this ? I’ve been thinking about performing the Paused OHP in lieu of the Floor Press/Paused Bench (hence working it on both Workout A & B) & replacing the Close-Grip Bench Press with the DB Bench Press since it would be easier for me to progress on this movement as compared to the former. My reasoning for performing more of the Paused OHP is because I deem it as an essential exercise although it isn’t a competition movement like the Big 3 & I’m very close to reaching a plate on each side as I did 120 lbs for 3 reps a while ago (although it may be difficult to improve further as a result of the lack of 2.5 lbs plates).
Any recommendations ?
I’m sorry for such a bother but I forgot to specify in my previous comment that I cannot change gyms currently so I have to work with what I’ve got currently.
Hey there Alex, could I do the 20 rep squat for a couple of weeks before i start box squatting, for a better strenght foundation? The thing is my legs are my weekest(especially my quads) and they don’t seem to respond to clasic rep ranges like 10×3 or 5×5 . It’s so bad that i actually failed a 143 lbs squat on my second rep. And i do have a couple of years experience lifting weights on and off.
Hey Alex, I’ve been doing your novice program for about 3 months and have made some nice gains. Now I know you made it very clear to train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But If I wanted to train 5x per week and just do A B A B A and switch, would I make more gains or less?
Hey Alex, really like your program and has been following it for 2 months. Not sure if you still reply to comment but I have some questions along the way.
1) My gym doesn’t has the “box” for box squat and I’ve been doing it with bench instead. Do you recommend me continue doing it off a bench or it will be better to switch to normal squat?
2) I really want to grow some gorilla glutes, can I add hip thrust end of workout B?
Thank you!
What do you think if i’m following your program with the minimum sets and also adding the big 3 lifts as the first exercise on each day,ofcourse 1 day-1 big lift,but in the 5/3/1 fashion.It sounds crazy,but in this manner just 1 set is actually a working set so i can easily continue with your exercices.
5/3/1 wendler style*
Can I add in some rear dealt work or any direct neck work? I am following the novice program but have been training for two years.
Hey Alex on your program it says train on Monday Wednesday and Friday. Can I do it on other days? Like Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, etc, leaving a day between workouts to recover.
Can i do goblet squats or leg press instead of squats?
Hey Alex,
Can I add Turkish Get Ups at the end of this program?
Thank you and greetings from Germany,
Can I manual leg curls?
Jo Alex,
I want to get better at armwrestling so am I allowed to throw some sparring in somewhere or maybe switch it out for something?
And are the preacher curls to be done armwrestling style or regular with the full range of motion?
Thanks a lot!
If it doesn’t matter whether you hit 15 reps total or 30 reps total… why would someone choose to do the higher rep option? 3×5 would be quicker and easier than 5×5. If you say it doesn’t matter, are you also saying the higher volume will not yield any more gains than the lower? Also, if my ONE rep max is like 225 bench, 365 dl, 335 squat, you’d still recommend the novice program correct? Thanks.
If you’re saying it doesn’t matter whether you do 15 reps total or 30 reps total, why would someone do the higher volume over the lower? 3×5 is quicker and easier than 5×6. If it doesn’t matter, does that mean you’re saying the higher volume won’t yield any more gains than the lower? Just curious. Also if my ONE rep max is like 235 bench, 365 squat, 405 conventional dl, you still recommend the novice program correct? Cause I cant really do the numbers you mention for reps.. maybe like 2 or 3 on a good day, but not 5, and i’ve been plateaued for a longgg time on a regular basic powerlifting split. Thanks.
if I can bench 175 squat 265 and deadlift 350 how long will it take me to reach 225 315 405 on this program?
Hey Alex, I have a few questions.
1. Wouldn’t pulling before pushing be better for the joints? Like swapping the order of the Floor Press and the Pendlay Row, as well as doing the Weighted Chin Up before the OHP?
2. I can deadlift and squat with no problem, but the SLDL and the Pendlay Rows are killing my lower back. I have already started stretching everyday, but what can I do while I’m still not flexible enough?
Thanks for the program, I am having incredible results in less than a month! I started doing it after I saw your video on why beginners should not make their own programs. Thx for everything man.
I’m plateauing on the weighted chin ups. I’m 18, Weigh 63kg and I use 8kg of added weight. Should I drop it down and work my way up or should I rotate the grip and/or rep ranges to break my plateau? Love your vids!
Hey Alex. So, I was interested in doing Underhand Barbell Rows rather than Pendlay Rows to maximize my biceps and the Pendlay just looks… weird, and as far as I know, you don’t focus on the eccentric so I don’t really see the benefit. Besides that, I train at home and the stand I place the barbell in is in a weird, uncomfortable position to grab and then press. As such, I’ve resorted to dumbbell bench presses. Planned on doing dumbbell floor press, but you say it’s too advanced in the comments. Would I be better doing Dumbbell Pause Press or Dumbbell Floor Press then?
hi Alex, I’m fairly shit at weighted pull ups, do you think doing a set of lat pulldown as well as the pull ups would do me good
Hey Alex, What do you recommend in terms of weight each set, should I do the same weight each set or ramp it up 5-10 pounds depending on if I hit the reps needed?
Could I do boxing circuit training on a Tuesday for cardio/conditioning or will this interfere with recovery?
How often should neck and calves be trained if following this program? After each session (3x week) or just 1x week?
Do we include the weight of the bar when achieving max goal weights?
How often should neck and calves be trained if following this program? After each session (3x week) or just 1x week?
Do we include the weight of the bar when achieving max goal weights?
Hello sir.
May I ask your opinion on my setup I want to do…:
Monday- Workout A
Wednesday- GPP/Condtioning
Friday- Workout B
Will this be ok to do? Because I want to improve my conditioning as well as strength. Thank you.
Hey Alex, I’ve been following your program for like 2 months already. Recently I’ve gotten sick and didn’t train for 3 sessions, how do I get back to the program?
You have not written here in a while, and I feel dumb for asking this… but the progression part confuses me. I need to both use a weight that allows me to be within the rep ranges listed, but then I’m also supposed to up the weight when I hit that rep range?! And in previous comment replies you said up the weight EVERY SESSION? How is that possible and/or sustainable? /confused…
Hey Alex – Respect for this Novice program amigo, back 2 Basics for me. Wasted 2 years of my life following short cut to size and kino body Greek god program. Shredded myself down to my natural default bodyweight and looking to do things the best way possible following your full body workout plan. big shout out from London, England.
Hey Alex
What do you think about doing reverse lunges(knee touches floor) instead of the box squat?
Also, what do you think about front box squats instead of normal box squats to avoid the biological law of accomodation?
Hello there,
As I have never done any of the above work-outs. How do I know at what weight to start for each work-out?
And how will my “linear-progression” work?
Hey Alex,
Big fan of your channel and I have been enjoying the gains from the novice program so far. I have been following this program for 2 months now. My box squat has increased from 145×5 to 225×5, OHP from 75×5 to 115×5, Deadlift from 225×5 to 300×5, floor press from 135×5 to 185×5. Although i have had pretty nice gains in such a small amount of time in these lifts my close- bench press has not increased quite as much, I went from 135×5 to 165X5 only. Is this what I should be expecting at 2 months of linear progression? I feel like as soon as I load more weight on the bar I start stalling after 4 reps since the last week or so. My floor press is still getting better, but it seems like the close grip is lagging. Could it be form issues, recovery, or is it just too soon to tell?
I’ve been running PPL for over a year now, made some decent gains but I’m going to use your program to get my general strength up & see if I can pack on more muscle. As I am used to going 6x a week to the gym the days off are going to feel weird to me as I actually enjoy going, are they any exercises I can go and perform that will not hinder my progress or even benefit me? Facepulls maybe? Cardio?
hey Alex I’ve been following your program for quite sometime and I’ve come through some issues. When it comes to pushing exercises like floor press and OHP I can handle more weight compared to my pulling exercises(excluding deadlift). My floor press is 52,5 kg 3X5 and my OHP is 30 kgx5. And when it comes to weighted chin ups I’m still not able to even rep out 5 reps of bodyweight. How can I constantly add weight in pendlay row and how can I go from barely being able to do bodyweight chin ups to weighted chins ups. Should I do chin ups every single day or what should I do?
I currently weight 70,5 kg around 15-16% bodyfat and I’m 178 cm tall.
I forgot to mention that my pendlay row is around 40 kg x 3 sets.
My nutrition is also on point I eat around 300 kcal surplus and I sleep around 8 h sometimes even more.
Hey man, when you say “Once you hit the desired total amount of reps (15-18 or 25-30) you will increase weight.” so should i do an exercise say “box squat” with the same weight from 1st set to the 5th set ?and only then when i’m able to perform 25 – 30 reps with 60 kg, then i should increase 5- 10 lbs???….
example : 1 set = 60
2 set = 60
3 set = 60
4 set = 60
5 set = 60.
Hi Alpha Destiny!
I recently found out this novice program from one your video description. I was intrigued by this program… but only problem i have is how I should start it? Like how much weight I should put on the bar when starting this program. Here is my current stats from:
Squat 40kg // 88 lbs + bar weight (4×10)
Bench press 30kg // 66 lbs (3×8)
Overheard press 15kg // 33 lbs (4×6)
barbell row 40kg // 88 lbs (4×10)
Deadlift 50kg // 110 lbs (5×5)
My weight is approximately: 80kg // 176,36 lbs
So yeah I’m weak af even though I have lifted nearly 2 years.
Thanks for reading this I appreciate for your time I know might get dozens of these type of emails from fans so yeah 😛 Also sorry for bad grammar English isn’t my native language but I try my best at fixing it. (PS deepest apologies for accidently contacting via email instead from here so sorry again.)
Also Greetings from Finland!
Coming from a 30-year-old novice lifter: I have been cutting so far from 15% to 12% body fat percentage. I’ve been on your novice program for a long time now. I recently hit a big plateau on the bench stalling at 170lbs for reps. Right now, feel like I want to get into a lean bulk now that I’m in 12% BF. Now my belly has a little bulge but nothing crazy like I had the last time. Would you say that it’s time to switch to caloric maintenance now in order to slowly transition myself to a lean bulk? Or is it best to cut a little more? Thank you sir and wish you the best of success!
Hey Alex, idk if you still reply to this page or not however I would like to start this program soon and had a couple questions. How do you warm up for the work sets? How long is the program, is it up until we reach those standards? Thank you
Hey Alex, I sadly don’t have a box to squat on so I’ve been doing raw high bar squats. Now, considering the benefits of the box squat, I suddenly have my doubts whether I should do a regular squat or pause squat (as I believe the whole point is to develop explosiveness). Which one should I go for?
I’m 15, weigh 150lbs, and my 1rm deadlift and squat are around 300 my bench is around 185. I know you reccomend that people of my strength follow this program but I’ve pretty much mexed our 5×5 linear progression and the strength you say I need to go to a more advanced program is enough to go to Canadian Powerliting Union nationals 2 weight classes up from me as a sub junior competing against 17 and 18 year olds. This seems like a crazy amount of time to be expected to follow liniar progression.
Hi Alex,
I’m about to start your novice program, and I’m wondering how you minimized lower back pain. I’ve been having muscle strain on my lower back which affects my lifting (I took a break from deadlift for half a year) and I’m not sure how to fix it.
Hey Alex,
Will the Novice Program work for me? Am i too old, or too tall?
I’m 37 years old, and 6’4″ 220# semi-athletic, but a novice lifter.
Looking to seriously commit to something for a whole year, and build a rock-solid foundation to keep building on well into my 40s.
Is it okay if I do low bar squats instead of box squats?
jo alex nice video I am currently running your novice programm and I have now reached a 270 Jefferson Deadlift but my double overhand grip gives out. Should I switch to mixed grip or should I do some exta grip work?
Yo Alex, I have 2 questions:
1) Should you warm up on every exercise? For example, on day B you start off with a squat, so you warm up with the bar and weights leading up to your worksets(doing 135 before your 185 worksets for instance), so should you be doing that on every exercise? (OHP, Deadlift, etc)
2) it says that for 3 sets reps should add up to 15-18, on one workout I got 15 and the next one I did 3 sets of 4, hence 12, what do I do then? Should I do more reps with the same weight until I get to 15-18?
It says that my comment awaits moderation, so I will just ask this- what happens if I add weight to the bar and because of that now I am not in the rep range- for example one week I did 16 reps and next workout 13, should I reset? Do more reps with the same weight until I get to the rep range?
Just checking
Yo Alex could a Novice make Great gains with Lunges instead of Squats ?
Hello . Wanted some of your insight on Barbell Overhead press .
Umm.. The problem is that i’m hitting the ceiling of my gym if i’m doing it while standing since i’m 6’6, so i changed that to seated one , but i’m not really sure if that’s the best option since i myself feel that the seated overhead press is really uncomfortable for me . Should i switch barbell for dumbbells or you have any other options ? And yes , i’m running your novice program at the moment 🙂 Thank you in advance.
Hey Alex you may have gotten this question before but when do you consider a weight mastered.
Hello i read both comments about skiping legs, i have similar problem as you – my legs are really big (stores fat also) and after training them just getting bigger, so i am thinking about skiping them or replacing with pistol squats at least on A or B day. Second: Can I increase upper back, maybe extra set or extra excercise. I started workout 5 months ago. Thanks for your help, greetings from europe
Hey Alex my
Box squat is at 360ibs x6
However conventional deadlift is at 315ibs x1
Then my pause bench is 160ibs x3
Any advice should I continue doing the box squats entil progress stops really enjoying them , never stalling probably due to my history of soccer for years
Hey Alex, i have a big question does this program also give you a good physic (like a greek good) or is just a program to get stronger, and then change to isolation? BIG THANKS
Hey Alex I am from greece my name is christopher and I woild like to ask whether i should add more exercises cause i felel the progranm is incomplete i am on my 1 year of trainig and i have muscle imbalances and i need to isolate muscles too what do i do?
Hey man,
With the floor press or paused bench, I keep seeing videos where it looks like you don’t have the option to do paused bench, did you add it in recently in the last year or do you just mean to do the floor press more than the paused bench? If that makes sense what I said haha. Good job with this program, my strength has sky rocketed so much.
Yo Alex,I have a question for ya.
Can I do ya program If I am 16 years old?
If not,what you recomend?😐
I recently got a 300 lbs barbell set and am starting your program. I realized that i cant overhead press because i hit the ceiling. Could I do it from a lower posture or is there a good barbell substitute.?
Alex, my rack doesn’t allow me to adjust the pins low enough to do floor press, you did say bench press if I can’t do floor press. Can a pin press be used?
Alex, another thing, the box in my gym is not low enough for me to go below parallel, it makes me hit parallel, so should I stick to this or should I move over to the regular squat and ditch the box squat.
Hey Alex,
I’m moving on to one of ur workouts from a push pull legs 6 times a week split. At 20 years old I’m 5’5 and 57kg I’m doing an 80kg squat one rep max, 60kg bench for reps, and 120 deadlift one rep max. I am looking to do this program but wanted ur opinion if there are any other ones I should follow.
Last thing is I’ve had thumb and wrist tendonitis so should I be pushing on the days when this is a problem. Started watching u recently, u and Jeff Nippard are my top 4 fave youtubers
Oh yh forgot to mention, should I run this program if I’m fasting in Ramadan or does it not matter.
Is this program suitable fr me?
Age 16
Bench 1rm 55kg
Ohp 1rm 37.5kg
Squat 1rm 75kg
Deadlift 1 rm 105kg
Hi Alex!
2 questions:
1. My gracilis/leg muscles, and where it attaches by the balls (maybe even the bone), has been hurting from the wide stance in the box squat. Almost as though I need to use those before I can even lift myself up. Suggestions?
2. For various reasons I HATE deadlifts (long arms, but long legs). Is there any workout I can substitute for deadlifts a leg or the like workout? The bar is pushing against my long legs and knees out as I try to pull up.
Thanks for your answer ahead.
Hi Alex, couple of questions here:
1. Should I or can I add lower back excercises at the end of this workouts? Since you say isolating lower back and abs is essential to stay injury free.
2. My gym doesn’t have a straight pull up bar for chin ups. Will neutral grip work as well?
3. It’s hard to progress on pendlay rows with a very strict form. Can I cheat a little bit?
Straight to the point.
I’m managing an inguinal hernia (both sides) and have been managing it pretty well for over 2 years with specific stretching and core strengthening exercises. One thing I’ve had to remove from my regime is exercises that cause a high pressure build up within my core such as heavy squats and Deadlifts.
All my lifts, strength and size have regressed since I did a natural bodybuilding contest 2 years ago on 09/04/16 which is roughly where I noticed the bumps although I only discovered it was a hernia later that year, my overall regression began from that point due to multiple factors. I’ve regressed to the point of my first couple years of lifting which is why I have decided to start at the beginning and build back up. I’ve been lifting since October 2012 and have been as high as 89kgs during my biggest dirty bulk in mid 2014. I now sit around 63/64kgs and long story short the aim is to grow.
I will have to avoid heavy rack pulls and “heavy” squats from the programme as that’s how I’ve been able to manage my semi-injury although there’s a lot of exercises I’ve been able to reintroduce. I am primarily a Bodybuilder and wish to focus primarily on hypertrophy so will following this programme progressively lead to hypertrophic gains as strength grows?
Realise that I’ve got a long story and have broken it down as simply as possible, if you require any more information, ask if you have the time that is
My previous proud lifts were:
Back Squat – 135kg x1
Flat BB bench – 105kg x1
BB OHP – 60kg x3
Sorry if this question was asked before, but shoe i still do it if i want to cut about 6-10? Ive read all the article and about the cut too but im cutting probably more than usual so im just wondering. I dont meet the requirments so im still a novice… thanks!!!
Some words are missing so, im talking about 6-10 killograms cut.. thanks again
What are the weight equivalents for the bench to floor press and the squat to floor squat since they are not in the program? Should we test every few months or so on the bench press and squat to see if we are at the intermediate stage? Thanks.
I am 16 years of age, and I would like to ask two questions,
1) Should I continue to do this program? and if so,
2) Should I expect similar gains?
Hey Alex
Do you still recommend starting strength over your program for 15 year old lifters? I hope to go into Olympic style lifting soon, if that is relevant.
Hey Alex,would this program be ok to use along track and field training or will it be too much to recover from, i train 4-5 times a week at the track
Hey alex, thanks for sharing all your knowledge, im thinking about running this program
I can bench 3×5 105kg
Deadlift 140kg 3×4
OHP 55KG 3×5
and squat only 100 3×5 ATG :/
Would you still recommend me doing this program to increase my squat? Thanks!
Hi Alex I have been a recreational lifter for 15+ years and it is really embarrassing to think of myself as a novice but as I don’t get the numbers you speak of in any of my lifts then I guess I am.
I have a rack in the house with a standard barbell not Olympic I can probably bench 70kg for 5×5 my squats are pathetic not afraid to admit it I’m now 47 and I have always kind of struggled with a dodgy back from my early teens I’m guilty of neglecting my legs over the years and just building the upper body I guess I thought if I build the upper the legs would have to get stronger stupid concept and I know this now but my back problems have hindered me over the years.
So I guess below the waist it is all weak, weak hips weak glutes weak back I want to do your program but how do I build a strong base functional strength how can I strengthen my lower back and why is my bench never gotten any better over the years I should be benching nearly 1 1/2 times my weight but I’m not BTW I’m 150lbs 5 foot 7 for reference why is my bench stuck the strength is just not there if you can’t push any heavier than you are trying to then where do you go from there also over the years the joints have got weaker Eg wrists shoulders so it gets harder I’m not trying to make excuses I love weight lifting and I wouldn’t have it any other way I just want to get stronger and progress I would appreciate any advice thanks.
Hey Alex, is it ok to use dumbells for benching instead of the barbell?
I’ve got a muscular imbalance of the forearms. My right forearm is smaller but stronger than my left side. Is there a way to fix the imbalance in size?
Hey Alex, i am running you Novice Program and it is really awesome, thanks for all your hard work and dedication for us, BTW i have a problem, my gym only has 2.5KGs minimum plates, and on your program progressing with those where really easy during earlier phase, but now it’s really tough, as adding those add up to 5KGs added in total on the bar, and 5KG jump is really taxing for Squats and Bench, managing Dead lift some though, i can’t get MICRO PLATES here, any suggestion on how to progress with such situation, as this situation causes to have stalls every time i add up weight on the bar(that is the 2.5kgs plates making up to total 5kgs added as stated earlier), i can’t even change my gym, what can i do, Thanks Alex.
Yo, whatsup sir. Been making great progress with this program so far. Ive added 30kg (in 2 months) on My box squat aswell as pendlay row (both 90kg now). I actually got a little sore Back from Bad form on The pendlay row. I fixed My form and it doesnt Hurt there anymore yet I feel The pain when Im trapbar deadlifting. Im thinking about discarding trapbar for a week or 2 replacing it with mid/low traps exercises considering The rehabilitation of My posture. (Im too much upper traps dominant) Does this sound rational to you, and If not – what should I go with? Sorry for The autocorrect btw.
*sore lower back
Yes this will work fine as a 16 year old.
Provided that correct form is used, there should not be any issues. That said this is not a weightlifting program.
Should work fine for track however I’d recommend using the lowest volume while eliminating the accessories completely.
Excellent to hear Tristan!
Should work perfect for your age! You will build your base with this no problem, just pay attention to recovery.
You can, but I prefer high bar free squat as opposed to low bar (for novices).
Please see my injury prevention playlist
Perfect for those numbers
1) Narrow the stance a bit
2) Have you tried the block pulls? You may prefer that.
1) Reverse hypers or sled pulls may be added
2) Neutral grip is fine
3) Just a little bit, but keep the form tight overall
Absolutely, this will bring those numbers up fast
I understand, no need to beat yourself up. I say run the program exactly as written and eat in a calorie surplus. You should add strength fairly easily even at your age. Best of luck brother.
I’d prefer that you use a barbell, db is last resort
Continue to use the program as prescribed, the imbalance will correct itself over time. When you’re more advanced you may isolate the weaker area more.
Simple, buy ankle weights and put them on the bar. Or get some micro plates off amazon, they aren’t that expensive.
Hey Alex,
can I do Hip Thrusts at the end of the Program?
Hi Alex, I’m 17 and weigh 130lbs about 18-20% BF…I’ve hit a plateau for 2 months now my Box Squats are stuck at 165lbs, floor press 135, OHP 85lbs…
My nutrition is in check (I even started counting macros lately) and I sleep for 8-9 hours a night.
Most of the times I’m recovered but sometimes my lower back is a bit sore from squats (my form is good)
My numbers are too little to hop on an intermediate program yet I’m platueing which is killing my confidence it sucks :/
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hey alex
imma start following this program on monday
and i was thinking of doing dips 3x-5-10
and ab pulldowns 4×12-15 in addition to the program
is this okay? or will it hinder my novice gains?
Can I Jump Rope on off days? or would that be to much on recovery?
My gym doesnt have a proper box, it only has too low boxes, and a bench is too high. So i can’t do box squats. Normal back squats cause me tailbone pain when i go to parallel. What can i do?
Hello,I discovered your great channel a few months ago.Allow me a small CV.42 yo,started bodybuilding at 17 until 26,doing mostly the popular splits( tried Dorian Yates HIT as well),I quit due to a severe shoulder injury-my own fault.My best old lifts before I quit: bench press 255 lb,barbell rows 225,squat smith machine( i’m ashamed)320,deadlift 375, I can’t recall the reps I’m afraid.I started lifting again a year ago,and since December after some research,I decided to try the most polular program I found: SL 5×5. Dropped it a months ago for Greyskull LP.My progression since January is so-so.Started BB 110( now 176) x5,military press 88( now 115) x5,squat 154-242 x5,b rows 110-175 x5, deadlift 175-300.
I feel I’m not progressing as good as I wish I would.I’m trying to milk out any novice gain I can make,because my numbers don’t fit for intermediate.On the other hand,I’m not getting constant linear progression-I have deloaded 2 times, and really stuck in squat and military you think I’m a good candidate for your novice program?if not, which one would you recommend?I’m trying to get back to my 20’s numbers slowly.
I found that squatting 3 times a week hurt my recovery,is it ok to squat twice?I ‘m too weak at chinups as well,barely 2 reps,a bit overweight( 91 kilos)
I’m not in calorie deficit, I need to lose about 20 pounds of fat actually.
I’d appreciate your recommendation, cheers from Greece.
Hey Alex, I’ve been running the novice program for a few months now and have reached intermediate status on my box squat but my floor press is around 185 x 5 and my deadlift is around 315 x 5. Is it ok if I just drop the box squats completely and deadlift 3 times a week in their place? I’m pretty sick of squatting at this point and don’t plan on squatting during Naturally enhanced.
hey Alex , should i do a seated over head extention or a standing overhead extention?
and do i increase weight every other workout day or every other set?
Hello i wanna ask two questions:
1) I dont really get what weights should i start. Like if my max is 85kg bench press i should do weight that i can do 4-6x and after getting to 15 reps I put more weight and repeat and same with other exercises?
2) We dont have boxes in my gym can i sit on bench for squats?
Im sorry i wrote it bad In my first comment with putting more weight i meant i put like +2,5 / 5kg plate every week and do it again for 4-6 reps in every exercise is that right?
I have hip pain when I squat parallel. Slightly above parallel is fine. Can I box squat slightly above parallel?
Hey Alex, I’ve only came across your channel a month ago and I was desperately in search of a way to increase my very low lifts. I’ve been stuck below a 150lb squat, 135lb bench, and a 225lb deadlift for the longest time (more than a year). I even struggled doing 10 body weight chin ups for 3 sets 🙁 . I’ve tried anything from changing my diet to sleeping more but I never considered that it was my biggest mistake to make my own program without knowing very much. I hopped into this program hoping for the best since this is the very first program I took that was made by a professional. I did not know that it’ll be the most had in the gym in the longest time! I come out of the gym every session so happy because of a new PR! I followed everything this program instructed and I want you to know that it’s been working out wonderfully in this past month. I’ve only been on it for a little more than a month and now my box squat has reached 200, my bench is now 145 and going up, and I could do chin ups with 35lbs! (among other improvements) Just wanted to let you know that you’ve made my journey better and that I recommend this program. Thanks Alex!
Hi Alex, is it okay to add 3 sets of neck curls (plate on face) and 2 sets of neck extensions (harness working back of neck) at the end of each workout?
Hi Alex, is it okay to add 3 sets of neck curls (plate on face) and 2 sets of neck extensions (harness working back of neck) onto the end of every workout?
HI! Will this make my chest lag if Im clearly limb dominant?
HI Alex, Im 15 and I am a beginner I want to do your program but can i do pause bench,overhead press with dumbbells and do I have to do squats or can I do squat press. I wont have a spotter many times, my gym doesn’t have racks, has only 1 squat rack which people do curls in and the benches dont have safety bars.
Hi Alex, i’ve doing your program for a while now but i’ve come to an obstacle having weak forearms. On workout B after heavy deadlifts when it comes to doing chin ups my hands give up too quickly. How can i overcome this issue i want to be able to do high weighted pull ups now i can barely do with my bodyweight.
Hey Alex, is it possible to change the overhead barbell tricep extension into the overhead rope tricep extension instead? Been having issues with wrists and elbows recently.
I am doing the preacher curls with an EZ bar, do you recommend a close or wide grip?
Hey Alex Im still decently new to lifting and have been at if for about a year total, my brother has been running your program in the last few months and ive grown tired of the combination split I was running, I like your program but Im going to miss doing some calisthenics movements such as weighted dips and pullups, pushups and handstands. Can I do these on my off days as I will do your program 3 days, one day on, one off, on, off, on and then 2 rest days. Would it be ok to do a few sets on off days?
I have a trap bar at home but I workout at the gym, and it takes me about 30 minutes to get home from the gym. can I run the workout routine at the gym and wait 30 minutes to do deadlifts or should I just do conventional deadlifts while I’m at the gym?
Hey Alex greetings from Greece,
I’ve been working out using the regular brosplit routine with 6 day/week hard training for the past 8 months. The last 2 months I have seen no progress so I resorted to using your program. So, I have some questions. Every time I hit a weight I have to progress even if it’s in the same week? Also, I’ve tried hitting 3 sets for every exercise and I still feel exhausted after it, out of breath etc. Should I still increase it to 5 sets since I’m a bit over the maintenance calories?
Hey Alex,
Just curious about box squats. The only thing in my gym I can use for box squats is a bench, but I find that I can’t get to parallel and that I’m 1 or 2 inches above. Is this acceptable or would I be better of doing regular back squats?
Thank you for the help.
After reading Naturally Enhanced, can I order your novice program exercise selection like you do in NE, like this?
Day 1
Floor press
Tricep extensions
Box squat
Pendlay row
Stiff legged deadlift
Band face pulls
Bicep curls
Weighted plank
Day 2
Overhead press
Box squat
Weighted chin up
Trap bar deadlift
Band face pulls
Weighted plank
*I also found that doing the main press first leaves me fairly fresh and having heavy pulls is very draining.
Hey Alex I am from Greece huge huge fan like many people in Greece…I am 14 yo and My focus is getting bigger however I am following split programms which I dont see quite effective I have a really lean body for my age but I am in need of some help should I try your programm?(novice)
Hi alex, Can i do hyperextensions instead of SLDL?
Hey Alex. Due to a diagnosed posterior pelvic tilt back squats and back box squats cause me tremendous discomfort in the lower back. I can still perform front squats. What can I do to run your program?
Hi alex, saw from one of your videos that doing high reps like 15 to 20 reps are key to build muscles but in this workout it is all short rep ranges. So will still be able to build resonable amount of muscles throught this programme?
Hey Alex,
how should I progress at exercises which are not squats, deadlift or floor press.
And is it possible to close-grip floor press?
Hey just wondering why do 1×5 if doing conventional deadlift? havent seen that anywhere before so im intrested
Hex alex,
I have three questions.
1m How shouöd I progress st exercises which are not floor press, squats or deadlift.( it is not mentioned in the FAQ)
2. What is the difference between accessory work and compound work?
3. Is it okay to do close grip floor press, because i hurt myself and cannnot do close grip bench press?
I’d prefer if you didn’t, but if so replace the good morning/SLD for them.
Pretty tough to say. I’d say free squat or don’t do anything at all. Maybe do lunges or leg press.
Cheers Nikos,
Some of your numbers are intermediate while other are not. I say you can milk a bit more novice gains but if you find you’re not making progress off simple linear progression then simply move into a more periodized system. I think you would benefit greatly from concurrent periodization, but feel free to use novice-style progressions for now.
Hey James,
If you’re going to do that, then deadlift 2x a week. 3x is overkill in my opinion.
Doesn’t matter, and you increase the weight once you can hit all the sets/reps.
1) Correct
2) If the bench is low enough for your height, sure. Otherwise do free squats
You can but IMO you’re masking the greater issue. I say work on your mobility/form more and seek to correct the root cause.
Fantastic news Vince!!
Yes neck work can be added
You’ll be fine. In your case though, do pause bench instead of floor press
Are you using chalk? Make sure you do, it might not be a grip issue.
Switching to rope extension is fine
Whatever you prefer, does not matter too much. I like somewhere in the middle
It will likely impede recovery if you do that. I can’t see this being a good idea unless you completely remove a weight training day in favor of this. So 2x weights, 1x weighted calisthenics.
Hey what’s up leoinadas I have been running your novice intermediate upper lower programme but ammended a few things to make it more effective to address my weaknesses that is I weigh around 75kg my weaknesses are weak as fuck Squat around 85-90kg 1rm and my deadlift last time I maxed out was 180kg bench is approx 80- 85kg and ohp weak asf 55kg how can I programme this better to adress my weaknesses (I don’t have a box in my gym to do box squat hence why I changed from box squatting from a bench for 1 year to now free weighted)
Week 1)
Workout A (Monday)
Squats 5 reps 3sets
Floor Press 5 reps 3sets
Pendlay Row 6reps 3sets
Weighed Dips 5 rep 3sets
Barbell Preacher Curl 10 reps 3sets
Standing Cable Crunch 20reps 3sets
Workout B (Wednesday)
Front Box Squat 5 reps 3sets
Seated Dumbell presses 5 reps 3sets
Weighted Chinups 5-3 reps 3sets
Close Grip Bench Press 5-8 reps 3sets
Reverse Hypers 3-5×10
Standing Cable Crunch 3×10-20
Workout C (Friday)
Squats 5 reps 3sets
Floor Press 5 reps 3sets
Conventional Deadlift 5 reps 3sets
Weighted Dips 5 reps 3sets
Dumbbell Preacher Curl 10 reps 3sers
Reverse Hyperextension 3×20
Standing Cable Crunch 3×10-20
Week 2)
Workout A (Monday)
Squats 5 reps 3sets
Dumbell presses 5 reps 3sets
Pendlay Row 6reps 3sets
Weighted Dips 5 reps 3sets
Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Standing Cable Crunch 3×10-20
Workout B (Wednesday)
Front Squat 5 reps 3sets
Dumbell presses 5 reps 3sets
Weighted Chinup 3×3
Closer Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Glute Ham Raise/Reverse Hyperextension 3-5×10
Standing Cable Crunch 3×10-20
Workout C (Friday)
Squats 5 reps 3sets
Dumbell presses 5 reps 3sets
Conventianal Deadlift 5 reps 3sets
Weighted Dips 5 reps 3sets
Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Reverse Hyperextension 3×20
Standing Cable Crunch 3×10-20
Hey alex.
Due to a posterior pelvic tilt i cannot do pendlays from the floor, or squats with the bar loaded on my back of any sort without emense lower back discomfort. My question is. For the rows would it be ok to just elevate the bar enough so it would be just below my kneecap?
Hey alex I caught a look of myself in the mirror the other day and surprised myself with how jacked and well I looked my jaw almost dropped. So my question is what should I do to maintain my progress, how much work should I do to maintain myself? Thanks. (ps I have a chin up bar in the garden currently trying to do one arm chin ups – will that do?)
1) What are your strength standards for behind the back deadlifts and jeffersons?
2) You say you shouldn’t deadlift more than once a week when doing conventional. What about jeffersons, sumos, trap bar deads, and BTB deadlifts? Can we do them twice on BAB weeks or do we cut them out in the second workout?
Hey bro im currently recovering froma slight inflamaition in the shoulder tendons. What type of excersises would you recomend me doing first before going in to your program and not getting injured again .
I would like to follow this program but i have a few questions , i apologize if the questions are stupid.
1 ) – I notice only one movement it’s for the trap , or maybe i’m wrong . I’m talking about deadlift , only deadlift can do for the traps? Why not rack pull ?
2 ) – Until now , i’ve been running a program based on ‘splits routine” , i have 3 months of gym , my question is i have follow certain weights for squats , deadlift and bench press or can i use those i’ve use so far ?
Until now i have this : Bench Press – 114 lbs ,
Squat : 110 lbs.
Deadlift : 185 lbs .
I will continue with these weights and every week i will add weights to the bar ?
3 ) – I can choose my training day for calves and neck ?
Those are my questions . I apologize if there are stupid questions .
Hey Alex,
Since I have no trap-bar, I am doing 1×5 conventional. Do I do my true 5RM, which is 380lbs for 5 reps?
Hi Alex, I will be running your novice program and see how it goes. I already did Workout A day for the first time. I’m 36 years old. Just started lifting a couple of years ago on my own but haven’t had much success gaining muscle mass or increasing strength. I’ll be training 2x per week because of my busy schedule.
I have some questions:
1. On Workout B day can I Deadlift towards the end, before planking (like in Workout A day)?
2. I’ll be using dumbbells for the Floor Press, Rows, Bicep Curls and Triceps Extensions. I hope that’s alright. I am trying to correct imbalances in strength. My left side is always weaker than my right side.
3. Will this program also work for females?
4. Will this work for seniors? People over 60 years old?
Hello Alex thank you for this workout. You are one of the best people out there giving this great, well programmed workout for free while other fake natties try to sell their bullshit programs for a ridiculous price. However due to my circumstances and available equipment I would be very honored if you could answer these 5 questions.
1. I don’t have a trap bar so can I do conventional instead for the same amount of sets/reps?
2. Can I do normal barbell curls instead of preacher curls?
3. Can I alternate between weighted pull-ups and weighted chin-ups?
4. Instead of weighted planks can I do dragonflags/hanging knee raise/reverse crunch/cable crunches?
5. How close should I grip on the close grip benchpress?
6. Can I add in other additional core exercises for obliques and serratus-anterior?
7. Can I do additional rotator cuff exercises like the face-pull?
Again, thank you for the workout and your channel, I greatly appreciate your kindness^^
Hi Alex,
I did mostly basic calisthenics movements (pushups, pullups,dips,rows,assisted pistols) in my first month back from a workout hiatus . I went to the gym after that month. I noticed big carryovers to the big lifts and was able to lift weight I was never able to . For the past 3 weeks, I have been following your routine and content. I’ve been having great success and have been am able to add about 10 pounds per week on my squat, deadlift and bench.
My question:
After every workout, I feel like I still have some in the tank to keep working out. I don’t experience much soreness or fatigue 24-48 hours post-workout. Is this normal? Do you think I should up the intensity? As for the weight, I really feel like I’m going close to failure in every set (leaving about 1-2 reps in the tank). I’m still a novice, so maybe I don’t have a good gauge for that and should be upping the weight more.
Alex I’ve modified the program a bit
Squats 3×4-6
Floor Press 5×4-6
Pendlay Row 5×4-6
Barbell Overhead Extensions 3×8-10
Pull-ups 5×3-5
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3×8-10
Lying Leg Raises 5×25-30
Weighted Crunches 5×50
Neck Curls 4×20-30
As you can see I swapped out Box Squats with Squats and removed weighted planks. Is this fine or should I dump it and go with the default ones? Workout B is as it is. Only thing I’ve changed are the Abs Exercises. I do have someone to put weight on me for planks but I don’t think they are that effective. If I’m wrong PLEASE PLEASE correct me.
Hello Colton,
That is your choice to make. Best results will be running the program as written, but if this makes more sense due to schedule I would say it’s doable. At any rate, you will make progress so it’s still all good.
Hello Orestis,
Correct! If you hit the desired sets/reps, you may add weight even if the same week. Now feeling exhausted is also very normal, and to answer your question yes you may add the extra two sets if recovery is on point. If in a calorie surplus this should work quite well. Hope this helps brother.
Hello Benjamin,
Oh definitely! That would be a fine way to train for Naturally Enhanced. Excellent idea my friend, just make sure to correctly manage volume/intensity and to rotate specific movements. Also, don’t go crazy with exercise selection! The more basic the better 🙂
Hello Chris,
Yes, try this program! Eat a lot of food and run it as written using good form. You will gain size no problem.
Hey Adrian,
Yes, you can do that.
Hey Ste,
Sounds like you know what to do. Front squats only! And keep rehabbing
Hey Karthik,
Don’t worry about it, you will gain a ton of size on this program. Reps are not the answer, you got this brother.
Same as the other movements, basic linear progression my friend. And yes you may close grip floor press if you desire.
Hello Ilias,
1) Same as everything else. Standard linear progression my friend.
2) Some of the accessories are also compounds, some aren’t. Compound exercises are multi joint exercises that involve different muscle groups.
3) You may floor press with a close grip, yes.
Hey Ismail,
Try this out for now, see if it works out for ya. This is quite different from my novice program so it’s hard for me to comment on all these factors.
Hello Anonymous,
Yes you may elevate the bar a bit if lower back issues are present. That is a smart decision.
Hello Johnn,
Are you still a novice lifter? If so feel free to run this program.
That said though, I have no idea what you’re looking for or how you got jacked. Maintaining a body is pretty easy, just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t regress.
1) I’ll say same as conventional/sumo, or when linear progression ceases.
2) In this program it’s A,B,A,B,A,etc so eventually you’ll hit 2x a week. Nothing to worry.
Hello Gabriel,
1) This is a basic novice program designed to get you strong at full range of motion exercises. Rack pulls are recommended for late novices/early intermediates and up.
2) Use the weights that you can lift so far for sure
3) Absolutely, whenever you want.
Hello Mike,
Yes. However you likely won’t benefit from this program that long. In 1-2 months you’ll likely stall as 380×5 is getting up there.
Hello Ricardo,
1) I would not recommend that since the heavy pull is already very draining. You may, however, do simple hyperextensions, reverse hypers, or band pull throughs. Should be good recovery-wise.
2) That is fine however the imbalance can probably be corrected without dumbbells. Do this if you choose to, or consider using a lighter weight but really using great form. That said you’ll be fine.
3) It will definitely work for females
4) 100% yes, but this wouldn’t be my first program to recommend. I would actually prefer something more basic or even a system that emphasizes calisthenics. If the senior has little training experience these movements might be aggressive especially if the form isn’t down or body dysfunctions are present.
Hope this helps!
Hello Peter,
I will do my best to help.
1) Conventional 1×5
2) You most certainly can
3) Alternating is fine
4) No problem!
5) Shoulder width apart, 1 finger in smooth is close enough
6) You can but don’t overdo the volume, and if it interferes with recovery stop.
7) Yes, at the very end of the workout.
Best of gains brother!
Hello David,
I am happy to hear that! Now to answer your question, if you’re recovering fine that’s an amazing sign! As long as you’re making progress there is nothing to worry about. This is what you want. That said, if you want to make this program as hard as possible simply use the highest volume listed. If still recovering perfect, then that’s even better!
Hello SamBread,
Definitely fine! Lots of people have used the novice program in this fashion. Nothing to worry about 🙂
Hey Alex, I’m thinking about incorporating reverse hyperextensions as a replacement for stiff leg dead lifts/Good mornings and would like to know how i would go about overloading this exercise? Thanks
Woah, still answering questions about this free program years later. Not the easiest way to digest information but really appreciate all of it, thanks Alex!
In the double interest of wanting to workout more often for the stress-relieving affects throughout the day and of course to make more gains, I’d like to do this program 4x a week. Given the fact that I’m on a very lose dose of oral steroids, am in deep ketosis and a calorie surplus, practice time restricted eating, do lots of high temperature sauna, consistently get amazing sleep and recover rapidly, and am otherwise maxing out my health and natural GH production from many different angles… is it possible that I could make progress faster doing these workouts 4x a week?
Using reverse hypers as a replacement is perfect. A simple 3×10-20 works very well.
Much love Cody!
Sometimes the bench I use for box squats is being used so I do free squats instead. Should I do box squats when I can and free squats when I can’t, or should I only do free squats so I don’t have to keep switching back and forth.
Hey Alex, loving the gains from the novice program but I have a problem with my coventional deadlift progression (120kg).
My grip is the main problem now that I fixed my technique a bit. Should I do mixed grip and alternating the hands every time I deadlift so I don’t get imbalances? For example in a B, A, B week I do same weight monday and friday but alternate the hand placement, or just go with the stronger hand placement (right handed so right hand “leading hand”)? My gym doesn’t allow using chalk which affects a little. Also any opinion on using hook grip, maybe in stiff legged deadlift?
Hello, I have been working out with this program now for 3 months 3 times a week no stop total training 1 year on and off.
I close bench around 42.5kg for 5 reps deadlift around 75kg and box squat around 62-65kg pendlay row 55kg tho I dropped back to 45kg cuz I felt like I was doing something bad. Plank 50 sec x 3 no weight. Overhead press 33kg.
Biceps with ezbar I used to do the easy bar +15kg but then I noticed I was using my shoulders so I took my shoulders back and dropped to +5kg. I floor press 30-35kg. i can do chinup 5×3 no weight no problem. I weight 62kg and 179cm long. Alex what should I do my lifting is this bad after 1 year. I try to eat healthy without bread/not so much pasta and stuff and I am stuck at 62kg also.
My lifting goes up and down in periods. I have no building base and somedays I lift more somedays my bench, for example, is like 37.5kg instead of 42.5kg so I never get this tempo to get stronger because I always fall down again. Right now I do 3 sets of all was thinking of going 5 sets. I have seen some change with my body over the year but probably not near as much as I could have. I mean my lifting weights are pathetic. Would appreciate any tip, Alex .
Hey Alex i have three questions and if you could answer them it would be highly apperciated
1. what should I do if i dont have a box for box squats?
2. I find that i have stalled heavily on my OHP and my stiff legged deadlift. I eat plenty and i get good sleep do you think a lot of life stress could be damaging my gains?
3.When i do deadlifts or pendaly row my lower back experinces some pain is there any lower back movements you can recoomand to make this area stronger? I have a home gym and i dont have a reverse hyper machine
Hey Alex. This is a great program so far, I’m really enjoying it. I just have one question. Can I add hang cleans? I like the exercise a lot but i feel like it will impact recovery. And if it’s okay to add them which day do I do it on and what rep scheme should I use?
Any replacements for pendlay rows? Nowhere they can be performed in my gym
Hey Alex, I’ve been watching a lot of Brian Alsruhe’s stuff and he’s gotten me into doing a lot of conditioning work as well as heavy lifting. But I noticed you said to not do any GPP/Conditioning because the volume of the program is high already. Would doing Monday: Workout A, Wednesday: Conditioning, Friday: Workout B be wise? Much appreciated brother.
Hey alex, Im currently running this novice program and I have a few problems/Questions
1: I have always suffered from very very thight hamstrings since I was a kid. Vistided many pt’s and did many many streches. Unfortuantly my hamstrings are still very thight:( because of this Iam unable to perform the sldl and the pendlay row. Do you have any suggestions on switching this up. I personally thougt off hamstring curls and tbar row/ barbell rows . What do you think?
2: can I do seated dumbell overhead extention instead of barbell? It feels much better on my shoulders. Greetings from the Netherlands thanks alex.
Hey alex I was planning on following your novice program, I have 1 problem tho. I have always had very tight hamstrings since I was like 10 yo (17yo now) I did a million of streches but It never really helped. Iam having trouble performing the pendlay row and stiff legged deadlift because of this. What now?
Hey Alex. Can i do the strict curl as a replacement for the preacher curl?
Hey Alex, thanks for the free content you share with us. I have a few questions:
1) What weightlifting program would you recommend for a 15 year old? I already did Calisthenics for over 1 1/2 year and would like to get stronger and bigger and start with weight training (So I already have experience and knowledge). Is your novice program the right place? (Starting Strengh seems boring and I don’t like it)
2) Are the strengh standarts for being intermediate the same for teenagers? No, right?
3) You always talk about the biological law of acommodation ,which I understand, but wouldn’t you Plateau in this novice Program? And specifically for me, since I have already milked my beginner gains, should I consider another program?
Thankss in advance! Much Love and Respect to you! You inspire so many people
Hey Alex, thanks for the free content you share with us. I have a few questions:
1) What weightlifting program would you recommend for a 15 year old? I already did Calisthenics for over 1 1/2 year and would like to get stronger and bigger and start with weight training (So I already have experience and knowledge). Is your novice program the right place? (Starting Strengh seems boring and I don’t like it)
2) Are the strengh standarts for being intermediate the same for teenagers? No, right?
3) You always talk about the biological law of acommodation ,which I understand, but wouldn’t you Plateau in this novice Program? And specifically for me, since I have already milked my beginner gains, should I consider another program?
Thanks in advance! Much Love and Respect to you! You inspire so many people
Hi Alex
I want to build muscle but I also play soccer 2x a week on Mondays and Fridays. These are intense one hour games so I guess they come under high intensity cardio which you don’t recommend for this programme. How can I do both? Is it best to perform this workout 2x a week, play soccer 2x a week and do low intensity cardio on another day?
Monday – soccer
Tuesday – rest
Wednesday – workout
Thursday – low intensity cardio
Friday – soccer
Saturday – rest
Sunday – workout
In your situation you can quite possibly run this program 4x a week. Given the extra recovery it would probably work very well.
Would this program work, if done twice a week? Monday A and Thursday B? Of course it would be slower, but would I get stronger?
Hi Alex,
I have worked out on & off for the past year now. I am still technically at beginner standards in terms of weight on each of the compound movements. I currently took a 2 month break from lifting. My numbers on the major lifts were pretty much crap. I want to start back again soon but I was unsure about what weight I should put on each of the compound lifts? Do you think I should start each of the compound movements with these weights -> Empty bar: OHP, Bench, Close grip bench and Squat; 1 plate on Trap bar DL; 10 lbs plate on Pendlay row (65lbs).
Hope to hear from you soon, if you need any other info about me let me know. Thanks for the great information you provide in your videos.
Hey Alex, I plan on using this program for the next couple of months until my swim season. I am busy in high school and once swim season starts, I won’t have time to run the novice program. That’s why I’m thinking of doing calisthenics at home in addition to swimming. My questions for you are:
1) Should I rely on swimming alone to get stronger?
2) If I were to implement calisthenics, how many times a week should I do my workouts?
3) If calisthenics are the right move, then do you recommend doing them before school and swim practice or after school and swim practice?
Hey Alex, I am running the novice program, but will be unable to continue with it once I start swimming for my team. Being only 16, do you recommend I:
1) Do calisthenics in addition to swimming? I am hoping to retain my existing strength and maybe even have some carryovers after swim season in the gym.
2) Forget about calisthenics if swimming is sufficient on its own..
3) If calisthenics are the way to go, should I do them before school and swim practice, or after school and swim practice?
Thank you for all your work, you’re one of the few fitness youtubers who I religiously watch and benefit from.
Hey Alex, I am running the novice program, but will be unable to continue with it once I start swimming for my team. Being only 16, do you recommend I:
1) Do calisthenics in addition to swimming? I am hoping to retain my existing strength and maybe even have some carryovers after swim season in the gym.
2) Forget about calisthenics if swimming is sufficient on its own..
3) If calisthenics are the way to go, should I do them before school and swim practice, or after school and swim practice?
Thank you for all your work, you’re one of the few fitness youtubers who I religiously watch and benefit from.
~I’m sorry if this comment is a repeated one. I sent two comments in before but they didn’t go through~
Hi Alex, I can’t seem to grasp the Pendlay Row properly, I’m struggling to progress on increasing the weight for it and this has been ongoing for several weeks, all other lifts are seeing progression.
Would it be okay switching to Dumbbell Row to try and increase the weight and then see if the Pendlay Row increases?
If not, what other suggestions are there?
How do you know what amount of weight to start out with? Should you be barely be able to get the weight up the last couple of reps the first couple of days doing this program or should we start it off semi light to make it easier to add weight with each workout later on.
Thanks Alex
Hello Alex,
Do you recommend running this program if you are trying to become more athletic and jump higher. I was thinking this would help me develop overall strength and help me in my athletic career correct?
hey Alex
i do boxing 6 times a week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday
do you reckon i should still stick to the program
Hi Alex,
Long time lurker here, I’ve been taking a lot of good advice from your videos, especially the QnAs which I love. Thank you very much for providing so much insight and wisdom.
I’ve been running your program for a little over 2 months now and I’ve had awesome gains in Box Squat (went from 85kg -> 130kg X 6 reps), but I’m progressing much more slowly in Pause Bench and OHP. I feel like I’ve stalled at Pause Bench especially, because I’ve been stuck on 70kg for a few workouts now. I’m making very, very tiny progress in the number of reps I perform, so I haven’t really done the 10% weight reduction yet, but would you advise doing that? Whenever I can’t add weight for a few workouts, would you recommend that I stay with the weight to try and increase volume or just straight away do the 10% weight reduction? Your answer would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Alex I’ve just started running your novice program and play basketball everyday at a relatively high intensity for 1-2 hours sometimes more and this is something me and my friends do together so it has a social aspect as well will this hinder my progression assuming I’m eating in a caloric surplus and getting enough sleep.
hi alex, can i do neck work on each session?
Hey Alex, is there any replacements for the Pendley row I can’t do it.
Hi Alex
I’m one week into the novice program; I have a really tight lower back and feel a strain when back squatting. Is there any merit in doing box squats in a front rack position? Or should I work on my lower back mobility before continuing? Thank you!!!
What do i do if i cant do preacher curls and what exercisers activates the rear delts and one more thing
how much reps and sets should i be doing as a 15 year old
Hey Alex, I’m running your novice program two weeks now. The only issue i have is that my legs get very sore the days after doing the box squat. Then when the next workout day comes, i’m still very sore – painfully sore. Squatting has been my weakest point. Should i workout through the soreness? Will it go away since im just starting to squat?
Hello Alpha and anyone reading this,
I watch Alpha’s videos when I have the time. I am not new to lifting but have been going to the gym on and off like a real bro science douche for couple of years. Hardly ever saw results while yoyo dieting. I have lost around 40lbs over a couple of years by intermediate fasting. I am 187 lbs but feel and look weak. I am looking to get a good body, Alpha’s body composition looks mint and it something I would like to achieve long term. My question is I have been looking at heaps of body types and found 3 day spilts, upper lower, ppl, and other SS training types, which are simiiliar to these but people have stated that these do not create a good bodybuilding body. I am going to be commited for 9 weeks to training as I will be doing my internship and want to see some bogus or newb gains and wondering If I should do this program or if another program would be better. Cheers
Hey Alex, paused bench or floor press which one do you find more efficient for your novice program?
Whats the best way to plan out my sets? Should I do 3 sets 1 week then the next week do 5 sets with less weight and do you start at a lower weight for your first set then on your next set, you add on more weight? or is it for all of your sets you stick to 1 weight then the next time you do that exercise you increase it?
Being a canadian do you have your programme in French as well?
Hi Alex. 🙂
Usually, if I increase the weight on the floorpress by 2.5kgs I can’t pull off 5 reps on the first workout session. The next session I floorpress, I always make the 5 reps goal, further increasing it once again by 2.5kgs and then starting from scratch: 4×3.
How would you solve this, if viewed as a problem? I mean I’m not stalling, as I make linear progression every sesh, just not as much as you would want me to (either increasing the rep amount from 12 to 15, or increasing the weight by 2.5kgs).
Background info: 19 years of age, 185cm. Weight gain since June: about 13kgs. Current weight: around 73kgs. Currently in a caloric surplus.
Massive thank you!
On your novice program it says to follow it around 6-15 months, but I always thought you needed to change programs about every 6-8 weeks to stop the body getting used to the same stimulation. Is this true or should I continue on your novice program? I have been doing it for 12 weeks.
Any advice would be great.
Thanks you….
I’ve accomplished a 100kg weighted plank for 60 seconds on this novice program. I’m still trying to progress on my other lifts. The limiting factor is now becoming balancing that amount of plates on my back. Is this normal? and would dragon flags be an ideal substitute?
Hi Alex,
1. I’m currently cutting due to high body fat. I am also only really able to do twice a week. Should I still use the lowest reps that you recommend for when cutting?
2. My girlfriend is doing this program. Firstly is this good for women and would you change anything in terms of perhaps focusing more on the hips for a feminine physique?
Cheers Alex.
Hi Alex,
I having mandatory military service in the airforce in around 8 months. I have until now just trained calisthenics and gained some strength and mass mainly in my chest and back. All other parts is lacking. I am worried that my push up, pull up numbers and running will be affected and I will not achive my goals in the PT-test. How will the program affect this, and how can I run with this program? I am aiming for a fast 3 km run.
Do you increase every time you go in exercises that you do in both workouts? For example in box squats do increase every time or just once a week.
Hey alex its written for the major movement 4-6 reps
What about doing 3 sets and reps add up to 12
Should i increase weights next workout
Hey Alex how would I warm up before performing my working sets and how much warm up sets should I perform before and my second question is that while performing sets does the weight has to be same for e.g if i do 3 sets and I start of with doing first set with 65 kg 6 reps and second set with 70 kg 5 reps and last set with 4 reps 70 kg,can that be done?
Hey Alex How I Would Warm Up Before Perfoming Working Sets And How Much Warm Up Sets Shall I Do Before It And SecondQuestion Is Should I Keep The same weight while doing working sets for e.g if i do 3 sets on box squats and start with 65 kg on first set for 6 reps and second for 5 reps with 70 kg and last set for 4 reps with 70kg,can you tell me if this can be done this way I won’t limit my self with staying on same weight even thou I could have increased the weight on the second set during the workout.
Thanks for putting out thus program for free btw!
Will I also hit mid delt in this workout?
Hey Alex
for the Exercises, how much weight (percentage wise) should novice lifters be working with? enough to complete the necessary sets and reps for each workout?
I do not have the strength to overhead press or bench press the empty barbell; since there are no lighter bars in my gym, should I just do overhead press and bench press with dumbbells? Second, I also can’t row the bar, so should I just do inverted bodyweight rows on the smith machine? Third, I am preparing for the military, so should I do my running and calisthenics on off days?
Is it possible to split the program up so that each workout takes only one hour?
I cannot overhead press or bench press the empty barbell, and there are no light bars in my gym, so should I use dumbbells instead.
I cannot row the barbell either, are inverted body weight rows on the smith machine fine?
I am preparing for the military, so can I do running and calisthenics on off days without hindering recovery?
Hi Alex,
Love your content! To build huge back and arm, why not choose a bodybuilding style? I would prefer to do Pendlay Row 3/5×10-12 and Chin-up 3/5×10-12? Is there any downside? Thanks.
Hey Alex, this question might be annoying but I just want to make sure, in ur novice program how we should pick the weight for the exercises? for e.x for box squat should we only pick one weight and do 5 sets of 4 and increase the repetitions every sets each workout until hit 15-18 reps and then increase the weight next workout OR should we start with the heaviest weight for 4 reps and decrease the weight set by set and do more reps on next sets like 5 or 6?? And also what about accessories work such as preacher curls, it says 3 sets of 6-10!! Do we should do 3 sets of 6,8,10 (decreasing weight set by set and do more volume) or same weight for 6,6,6 ??l’m kinda confused!!I appreciate you if u could help me out and clarify things for me brother tnx
Alex, this question might be annoying but I just want to make sure, in ur novice program how we should pick the weight for the exercises? for e.x for box squat should we only pick one weight and do 5 sets of 4 and increase the repetitions every sets each workout until hit 15-18 reps and then increase the weight next workout OR should we start with the heaviest weight for 4 reps and decrease the weight set by set and do more reps on next sets like 5 or 6?? And also what about accessories work such as preacher curls, it says 3 sets of 6-10!! Do we should do 3 sets of 6,8,10 (decreasing weight set by set and do more volume) or same weight for 6,6,6 ??l’m kinda confused!!I appreciate you if u could help me out and clarify things for me brother tnx
If I cannot do Trap-Bar deadlift should I add a quad-dominant movement. If yes, what movement should I include(and how many reps and sets)?
Hey Alex, i have a big issue with hip impingement, i tried everything mobility drills form checks it does not work for me somehow , i can’t do box squats nor free squats low bar or high bar , whenever i start descending i feel a terrible pinch, and im having this problem even in walking or siting in everyday activity.
The question is , should i rest , should i continue training and replace the squat with sumo deadlifts couse you said they work the same muscles or some other exercise , some advice would be great.
Loving the program so far.
Hey man, decided to go for this program. Got a few questions:
1.) How long should I pause during the pause bench and paused OHP?
2.) Can you clarify on ‘Box Squat 3/5×4-6’? Is this a volume vs intensity thing in terms of sets? If so is there any periodization involved?
3.) In terms of rep ranges should I start at the bottom and max out the range before adding more weight?
4.) In your BW neck curls video you mentioned doing 3×100 curls for 30 days every day. Currently doing max effort until I can get there, and then I will do the month of 3×100. Afterwards, what do you recommend? Something like 3×20 with weight? Will I be fine just doing curls forever or does NE incorporate other neck work? I’d rather stay away from bridges since it could possibly damage spinal vertebrae.
I cant back squat 215 yet but i really want to do front squat. Is it fine ?
Alex, do we work up to a working set or go straight to it and simply add weight every session?
Hey Alex, I have been following your programme for around 8 weeks and im not very tall 5 foot 9 however have very long arms and legs (as long as people who are 6 foot 3), my problem is my legs and arms just wont grow. My torso has become very strong and large 185lb bench, 250lb squat, 280lb deadlift. However my arms still look thin especially my forarms, is there any exercises I can supplement to add to the novice programme. Also is gaining 1.5lbs a week okay as ive gained around 12lbs in 8 weeks. Thank you for the programme its been very effective and once i reach intermediate i cant wait to follow naturally enhanced.
Hey Alex, im working out for about a year and a half and i have been running this program for a month now and really loving it. Its really enjoyable but i have a question on progression. My gym has lowest plates 2,5kg so each week im adding 5kg to deadlifts but for squat and bench i feel like its too fast. How should i do it ? Should i increase weight every 2 weeks for these moves or just keep going with the 5kg every week? Im bulking with around 200 cal surplus i dont want to have surplus too big because im about 20% bf, planning to do slow cut after i get some good gains from this program. Big thanks for answering.
Hey Alex, im working out for a year and a half now and i have been running this program for a month and really loving it. Its really enjoyable but i have a question on progression. My gym has lowest plates 2,5kg so each week im adding 5kg to deadlifts but for squat and bench i feel like its too fast. How should i do it ? Should i increase weight every 2 weeks for these moves or just keep going with the 5kg every week? Im bulking with around 200 cal surplus i dont want to have too big surplus, because im about 20% bf, planning to do slow cut after i get some good gains from this program. Thanks for answering.
Hey Alex, im working out for a year and a half now and i have been running this program for a month and really loving it. Its really enjoyable but i have a question on progression. My gym has lowest plates 2,5kg so each week im adding 5kg to deadlifts but for squat and bench i feel like its too fast. How should i do it ? Should i increase weight every 2 weeks for these moves or just keep going with the 5kg every week? Im bulking with around 200 cal surplus i dont want to have too big surplus, because im about 20% bf, planning to do slow cut after i get some good gains from this program. Thanks for answering.
Hi, I wanted to know if there’s a difference if I do close grip or shoulder grip for the barbell preacher curl ?
Hi Alex, I have been lifting for a year now and i found this program and started doing it. Right now im doing it for a month in small cal surplus, but i have definitely more than 20% bf and i saw your video where u say fat guys could do cal surplus on workout days and cal deficit on off days or just be at maintance. Can i still make gains from this program if i wanna drop some fat by recomping / maintance?
Can I do weighted decline sit-ups instead of planks? Also I can’t do hanging leg raises
Can I add extra work for biceps and triceps in this program ?
Can you do the overhead extensions with a cable? Set it to the lowest setting near the floor and using a rope attachment?
Workout A takes much longer than workout B for me, can I switch conventional deadlift to workout A and stiff leg to workout B?
Please help, I have spine compression pain from box squats. It hurts when I do spine extension. What am I doing wrong?
can I do quarter squats or high box squats for vertical jump and sprinting reasons?
im 34 yo can i run this program? fat af.
Hey Alex,
I just recently started running your program over a month ago and am loving it so far. I do have a query regarding pec development. Like most guys one of the things I want most is a fully defined chest but I feel like my lower pecs are lagging behind my mid and upper chest on the program. Will my lower chest simply even out over time with the program or is this something I should worry about once I reach the intermediate phase. Thanks
Hey, I was just wondering about what I should do with the amount of weight I should do each set? Should I start lighter and keeping adding on set after set or should I do all my sets with the same weight and increase it the next week? I also have been dieting constantly and I’ve lost about 45kg so far but I am having a bit of a plateau with a few things because of eating less calories everyday, is there anything that you know of that may help with that? I’m almost at my goal just 10-15kg left I’m trying to get to 70-75kg then i want to start bulking properly. Also about the bench press, I only have one in my gym and it is always taken, is it possible to use dumbells in your program instead of the paused bench?
Alex, I’m going to give your programme a try.
a)For the basic compound movements you say we make progression after we hit 15-18 reps (for 3 sets). For the Preacher Curls and Overhead Extensions which are in the 6-10 reps range, how do we progress?
b)Can I replace weighted chinups (I’m too weak at the moment), with assisted chinups 3x 8-10 reps?
c)If I combine it with a 500+ calories surplus, is it a good programme for hypertrophy purposes?
d)Will you release the alternative novice programme which is based on non-linear progression, as you mentioned in a previous video?
Than you very much!
Hey Alex, I’m currently using your novice program and was wondering if it is possible to one full-body session a week alongside calisthenics for the remaining days in the week. If it is possible, should I rotate between workout A and B or just stick to one. Also if I can, who would be more suited to this kind of training i.e getting better at body weight excercises doing callisthenics whilst increasing overall strength through the gym weight training.
Hey Alex, I’m currently using your novice program and was wondering if it is possible to one full-body session a week alongside calisthenics for the remaining days in the week. If it is possible, should I rotate between workout A and B or just stick to one. Also if I can, who would be more suited to this kind of training i.e getting better at body weight excercises doing callisthenics whilst increasing overall strength through the gym weight training.
Hey Alex, I’m currently using your novice program and was wondering if it is possible to one full-body session a week alongside calisthenics for the remaining days in the week. If it is possible, should I rotate between workout A and B or just stick to one. Also if I can, who would be more suited to this kind of training i.e getting better at body weight excercises doing callisthenics whilst increasing overall strength through the gym weight training.
1. Would you recommend doing 3 sets of box squat on workout A and 5 sets of box squats in workout B ?
2. Is determening 3/5 sets a question about recovery or personal prefference?
3. let’s say you did 3 sets 6 on pause bench. Would it make sense to switch to 5 sets with the same weight and build it back up?
4. when would it make sense to change between the amount of sets?
What do you think about using straps and/or lifting belt?
Hi Alex. Would you recommend the Greyskull progression model for people who are struggling to add 2.5kg every workout. e.g. 4×5 with an AMRAP 5th set, increse the weight by 2.5kg (5lbs) once you get 7 reps on the last set.
Hey alex…can i do hyperextentions instead of stiff leg deadlifts/ good mornings ….and how to many sets/reps should i use on them ?
Yes, do something like 3×8-15
I would not add extra work
Yes you can use a cable
I don’t recommend it but you can try it out
not on this program
Yes, it’s appropriate for all ages.
Yes you can weighted decline situps
Hey alex
what about box squats…my gym doesnt have a box and the bench is too high for me and i cant do full squats cuz it cause a lot of pain in my knees…are there any substitutions that wont hinder my progress …i want to get as big and strong as possible
And can i substitute stiff leg deadlift/good mornings with hyperextentions instead of reverse hypers?
Anf what do you think about this westside modified version for beginners :
No volume training for this program?
Is there enough ab workout on this program or should i do ab workouts at home? And what about training calves at home?
Workout looks awesome, Alex. No neck training in the main program, though? You had me scared of being stuck with a pencil neck for up to 15 more months, but phew, you saved me at the very end of the FAQ.
hi i would like to ask i have started gymming since 2 year plus, i have taken off inbetween about a year due to personal reason now i am back into training and i dont seem to able to hit the squat bench ohp deadlift requirement for the novice. Does it means i have wasted alot of time not improving my strength and muscle mass? Tbh theres some change to my body but still not to ideal. Since i have some training background due to following many types of program, can i still follow ur novice program and continue to get gains? i afraid the beginner gains maybe over for me
Hi can i ask once i have hit the target u have set for bench, squat and deadlift, which program do i follow next?
Is Novice/Intermediate Hybrid Program is the next program to follow or it is just a program to hit those bench squat deadlift goals?
Alpha Body or Naturally Enhanced should be the next program to follow?
Mate, this program is fire. I’ve made mad gains on it for the past few months and I plan to stick with it until things stall. Good shit.
Hello Shane, I would recommend the Naturally Enhanced program since it’s 2019 updated and contains the best information for unlocking your potential. The novice/intermediate hybrid is for those who are proportionately stronger in upper or lower body, and in your case hitting intermediate in the big 3 would make that program not suitable. Wishing you the best of gains.
Hello, you don’t have to worry about wasted time. This program will take care of your needs irrespective of your training background. Cheers, amazing gains await you.
That’s what’s up Troy!
Hey Alex, I was looking at both your program and the fake mercs novice program and was wondering which you think I should follow. I am aware that he is not the type of guy to normally listen to but his novice program is generally known to be good for novice lifters. I am turning 16 next month and my goals are to put on as much muscle size and hypertrophy as I can without impeding recovery while obtaining the basic strength standards on the main conventional lifts. The main thing that’s causing me to debate which one to follow is the idea that novice lifters should learn how to properly execute the big three conventional lifts.
Hey would you recommend this program if I’ve never lifted weights and switching from beginner- intermediate calisthenics to this program completely
Hey Alex, I have been on this program for about 4 months now and i have seen some amazing gains in pretty much everything except for my biceps. I have followed the program excactly as suggested except for that i’m doing preacher curls on both A and B days. Am i losing gains because of the extra bicep work or should i add more?
That’s up for you to decide, for closest comparison I think mine is better if using the classic lifts. Check out the FAQ section to learn how.
Yes I would recommend it
Hey Alex, grats on the gains! I don’t think you’d be losing bicep gains if curling twice a week, but perhaps you need more base strength which the chinups offer. Or if you really don’t want to do them, do the strict barbell curl instead. Keep crushing those gains
Hey Alex, I’m pretty convinced now that I’m a novice lifter and will follow your program very soon. I have a bench of 155lbs, squat of 221lbs, and deadlift of 276lbs. Assuming I eat at a slight caloric surplus and get enough rest, would it be alright to do some extra work on lagging body parts (neck, calves, arms, side delts, abs, etc.) during the off days assuming you don’t go go failure? Thanks!
Hi Alex I’ve just started the program now, my box squat is only 55 compared to my normal squat which is 132, is this normal. Yesterday was only my 2nd time ever doing box squats. Apart from that everything’s perfect
Yo Alex, I have winged scapular and anterior pelvic tilt. Was wondering if all of these exercises are still fine for me to do and if not what would you change? Main concern was the Stiff-legged deadlift and overheard barbell press.
Her Alex can i add face pulls to the end of workout B?
If I have been training on and off for 5 years and I have just got Naturally Enhanced 2019, but I I am far from reaching the max standard, should I start with this novice program or I should run the Naturally Enhanced program in ABA, BAB style? Notice in 2016 u said both doable but which one is optimal for ppl that has not reached the max lift standards to get as huge as possible?
Btw I think I have seen in a video that you said you would consider making a Hollywood Physique version of NE but I haven’t found it. Is there any adjustments you would make if we are aiming for aesthetics bodybuilding physique?
If I have both this program and NE, have been lifting for a few years but nowhere clost to bench 225×5, squat 315×5, and deadlift 405×5, would you recommend me to follow this or start with NE in order to maximise hypertrophy?
I aren’t interested with strength and prefer Hollywood physique instead of bear mode.
Hi Alex, should I change something out or leave 1 workout a week if I am also going climbing 2-3x a week ??
THE MAN! Question: Been doing linear progression with traditional compound exercises (squat, bench, deads, ohp, barbell row, curls, pullups and dips) for about 5 months until finally switching over to your novice program a week ago. I held off only because of the progress i’ve been making. just wondering about the exercises i was doing that the novice program doesn’t have (i.e. dips, conventional stuff). Should i stay strict to the program and abandon linear for missing exercises? Or should i do the program and add dips (or anything else) on top of the program. Apologies if you’ve answered this before (i’ve done my best to search the comments). Much RESPECT, Alex. I’m 40y.o. and never been in better shape, largely due to your motivation and advice. Consider me a guaranteed customer for NE.
Hey Alex, I recently started this program and I like it. Would you recommend this program for my bro who plays basketball at a high amateur level? I think he should only do strength training twice a week or it will interfere with his recovery since he’ll have a lot of practice. He needs to gain more strength and size but he should also improve his explosiveness, vertical etc.
Hi Alex,
just wanted to confirm the way I’m reading the progression and stalling protocol is correct.
15-18 reps is obviously when we increase the weight. But since 4 reps per set is allowed on this program:
1)I’m assuming if we hit 12 reps (4,4,4 ) it’s not necessarily considered failure, we just don’t increase the weight and try it again next workout, and if we fail we follow the 10% decrease protocol?
2) if we don’t hit a minimum of 4 reps in a set, is that an automatic decrease in 10%?
I’m currently using your novice progam. Would it be wise to replace the box squat at friday for high volume leg press?
Hi Alex!
I’m a 16 year old boy. I weigh 130 lbs (58 kg). My current max in bench is 60 kg. I’ve only dead-lifted once and then I took 100 kg. My Squat max is 60 kg for 4 reps. I’ve been working out for 2.5 years. Although I’ve recently injured my shoulder and I believe I have shoulder impingement. I’m currently working on a routine to strengthen the rotator cuff etc. and hoping my shoulder will heal.
My questions are: Am I at the right age to follow this program? Should I follow the program while my shoulder isn’t fully healed? (I still have some pain). If not, when should I be able to follow the program. I think those are the only questions I’ve got so far.
Hey Alex, if already doing the conventional bench press instead of the floor press, would it be a good idea to substitute close grip bench with dips to avoid benching 3x a week?
Hey, I don’t really care about bench, I just want to have a strong OHP, chinup and deadlift, but do you think I should still do floor press and close grip bench for this workout? Will that increase my OHP significantly?
Hey Alex, I have a pretty major muscle imbalance in my chest, my left is bigger than my right, will this program eventually fix this or should i add extra work for my right pecs?
Hey alex!
I just wanted to ask that can i do the floor press with the dumbells or is it necessary to do it with a barbell?
hey Alexx have you tried blood flow restriction training…if not then give a shot.. if you want…share your opinion.. love from India
When it comes to progression, what happens if I add weight to the bar, but because of that I couldn’t stay in the rep range? For example, one week I did 15 reps and the next workout 13, should I reset or do more sessions with the same weight until I get back to the rep range so I can increase again?
When it comes to progression, what happens if I add weight to the bar, but because of the new weight I couldn’t stay in the rep range? For example, one week I did 15 reps and the next workout 14, should I reset or do more sessions with the same weight until I get back to the rep range so I can increase again?
If I’m a 16 year old teen, 175-180lbs and am around 20% BF, should I still do a lean bulk or try and recomp at maintenance?
Hi Alex, I read an article by Greg Nuckols: that suggested adding a different rep scheme after failing a 5×5 to add a set or change the rep scheme. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the study he linked and also about his overall philosophy? I love your videos and respect your opinion and am still gonna follow your program as described, but wonder if his findings are founded.
Hey Alex, is this program for building myofibrilar hypertrophy?
I have a fairly simple question. Can you spell out what the recommended workouts mean? I know the difference between a rep and a set, and I see that you suggest 3 or 5 sets. But how much weight should I start with? And what should we do for cardio?
Hi Alex I’ve been loving your novice program and have been having success with it. But recently I’ve been having hard time getting to the required volume and not recovering enough so I changed the variation a little and dropped the load and upped the volume. Can you tell me if it looks appropriate?
A’ conventional squat 5×5 bench press 5×5 cable row 3×10 reverse hyper on bench body weight 3×10 skull crusher 3×10 barbell curl 3×10 cable face pull 3×12 kneeling cable crunch 3×12
B’ sumo dl x5 z press 5×5 front squat 3×8 dip 3x failure chin-up 3x failure cable face pull 3×12 kneeling cable crunch 3×12
And when is it appropriate to add weight to dip/chinup?
Hey Alex,I am 21year old, 5’7 guy with 173 lbs bodyweight(almost 23% body fat) who never lift in life.I can’t even do more than 4 bodyweight pushups ,i can do 5×10 bodyweight squat & 3 bodyweight planks for 30 secs right now.I seriously want to hit the gym soon n loose some body fat and increase my basically I just want to ask you that should I start my journey with your program or any other program?if I can’t use your program then please recommend me any other program which will be suitable for me.
Sir can i do your novice program if i am training Karate once a week high intensity and can i do some farmers carry and boxing rounds medium intensity after the workout? will it interfere with the adaptations of strength training? can i do wenning warm up with this program? can i do stiff legged dead lift for 3 sets of 5? huge fan from india
Hi Alex, I’ve been lifting for 15 years but never got to the numbers your referring to for an intermediate (I am close on legs but not upper). I was running a 5 day program for the past years with around 20 sets per body part. I saw good gains in size and strength but had some set-backs caused by shoulder pain I was am dealing with. What’s your take on giving your novice program a shoot? I have been training for 5 days a week for the past years so not sure if this will be to little volume for my body or if I have been actually missing out on gains from doing to much.
Thank you, keep up the good work!
hey alex, 8 weeks into novice program can i squat atg every other friday to get form down somewhat .
thanks for the content , you and eric booges are my fav
Hey Alex,
I’ve been lifting for about 4 years, some with more consistency than others. I was put under strenuous physical conditions in military training over the summer and lost strength on my lifts. Bench is 205, Back Squat is 225×10, Trap deadlift is 330×10 (haven’t trained conventional in a few months), weighted pull-up is 55lbsx5. I have hit a 315 squat and 420 deadlift in the past (almost 2 years ago). I know my lifts are currently novice, but I’m interested to know if I should still run your novice program granted I’ve been lifting for 4 years and already used up my noobie gains?
Hey alex, for the exercises thats say 3/5 reps do you have to stay consistent with which one you chose. Or could i alternate between doing 3 sets one week and 5 sets the next week. Also could i for example keep the squats at 3 reps and then do 5 reps for the pendlay row. Also why could i not do 4 sets on those exercises
Can I do cardio and calisthenics on the rest days? Will this program aid in fat loss? That’s the goal I’m aiming for.
I have been religious to this program and the hybrid program as it has continually shown me amazing progression, and I have finally reached intermediate status in all aspects of lifting. I absolutely recommend this to anyone starting out, its a god-tier novice program. My question is, what is the next step from this? There doesn’t seem to be an entirely intermediate regime and i really wanna keep following your regimes, no others have worked for me like your’s have.
I only have a Smith machine to do squats can i do sumo deadlift or Jefferson
Yoooo Alex it’s crazy to see uve been answering these questions on this section for over 4 yrs now. Mad dedication man respect. I got a question bro. I been training properly recently and I’m getting to a mid-late novice stage. I’m tryna bring my strength up so would u still recommend doing the naturally enhanced program in 3 week blocs or should I do ur novice program until my novice stage is fully over then go onto NE? Love and appreciate ur work man keep it up
Hey, i’m just beginning to do your novice program and i have a few questions:
1: will it give me a big back(upside down triangle shaped body)
2: if i use the proper diet how long will it take me to get a six pack approximately
3: can i add more cardio
4: can i add more ab workouts like a hanging leg raise
5: lastly will this workout be good for a mma fighter and also parkour
Is there a way to substitute calisthenics exercises into this routine like for example substitute handstand pushups in for overhead press? Just curious because I like doing calisthenics and I like this program and your videos and how you go about training and stuff.
Hey Alex, don’t know if you’ve answered this one before, but I recently watched a video on you saying you should deload when you hit plateaues, does this also include your novice program?
Hi Alex may I switch the barbell curl to a cable curl? I found that I can feel more on my bicep and get a much better pump when I try the cable variation.
I am new to this and I do not understand the terminology. What does 1-5RM mean? How many set and how many repetitions should I do when it indicates 1-5RM?
Do you warm up at all, is that included in the sets you recommend, or are they all working weight?
Hi Alex, hope you are well.
I have been running push/pull 5-6 days per week for over a year now. I’ve made good gains & put on over 15kg/33lb I’ve started to experience some plateaus and have overcame them thanks to you. However, I haven’t got your standard of strength yet. I love going to the gym regularly as I feel it helps my mind as well as body. I feel like I am going to get a “missing out” feeling by following this, but you obviously know your shit, so I am going to follow it anyway.
-Would you suggest doing the program on alternate days (3-4 times per week)
-Is there anything I could do on the rest days that’s less taxing but still fulfilling.
Is gpp work fine on this program? I was thinking of of doing it on my rest days (Tuesday and Thursday) and it would be kettle bell work for 20-30 mins. Could I also do it on Saturday and Sunday, or would this be too much and impede recovery?
Hey Alex, love the program. Just one question tho, does this approach help you build your back???
Glute ham raises instead of SLDL? I always warm up my posterior chain with some body weight reps. Sometimes if there’s no bench or rack free I’ll use dumbells for chest or shoulders, is this hindering? Do the rear and side delts need addressing?
Yo Alex, from London ON! I’m 30 years old and have just completed my first year of consistent weight training. I was doing Mon.-Chest+Shoulders, Wed.-Legs, Fri.-Back+Biceps. I gained about 30lbs. of fat and 4lbs. of muscle. I am no where near your Squat/Bench/Deadlift 1RM, did I blow my first year? Will this novice program still work for me? It does seem like I have plateaued on a lot of muscle groups, except legs my squat has been consistently improving.
I’m doing 1×5 conventional so my quads aren’t focused and my brachialis isn’t being worked much either on this program.
?can i do parkour or climb bars or run, on tuesday and thrusday. And is this program good for 15 yo, i am training for 2 and half months?And will lifting heavy deadlifts stunt my growth
my gym doesn’t have a squat rack 🙁 , i used to snatch the bar from the ground and squat, but as i progressed it started getting heavier and heavier, now i can squat 50kg (3 weeks ago was 10kg) not counting the weight of the bar and I can’t snatch it anymore. we have a smithmachine but you said you rather have us quit squatting than to resort to that style, i’ll be very grateful if you could share your opinion on what would be a good replacement 🙂 .
Respect for the program, bro! Quick question. I want to add weighted dips and push ups to this program or better substitute some of the exercises with those two. Can you give some advice for which ones will that be a good idea? Thanks a lot in advance!
Yo Alpha, I visited a chiropractor recently. I described to her that I have a short history of safe and cautious deadlifting. She immediately stated “deadlifts are bad for your back”, without further elaboration. She also noticed I have a tiny sideways curve in my upper spine (No “body” is perfect). She said it’s far from what her team diagnoses as scoliosis. Is what she said just bro-science? Would you advise that I stop or continue with the Trap Bar Deadlifts in the Novice Program and the other deadlift variations detailed in Naturally Enhanced? Thanks.
Hey Alex, are there any deloads in your program or just the 10% weight decrease when stalling? I’m used to mesocycles and 1 week deloads like some guys preach, that’s why I ask. I’m training seriously for about 4 months, thanks!
Hey Alex, other than decreased workout capacity would there be any onter drawback if I split the workouts in half so I can go to the gym 6x/week? (Monday Squat-Bench-Ov.Ext, Tuesday Deadlift-Weighted Chins, Wednesday Squat-OHP-Cl.Grip Bench, Thursday Pend. Row-StiffLegged Deads-Preacher Curls, and recycling this 4day split w/Sundays off.) It makes sense to me , same volume, wdu think? Thanks !
How many calories get burned in both of these workouts?
hey Alex, can i do this 5 times a week? 3 times a week is a too little for me because i like gyming a lot and i make it occupy my free time
If i work out 2 times a week, should i do 3 or 5 sets?
What do you think about a pin press from a dead stop (waiting a few seconds, letting stretch reflex subside between reps) just off the chest instead of floor press? I’m weakest off the chest, or a few inches above, but my triceps are strong and lockout isn’t a problem.
Hello Alex,
What reps and sets would you recommend if I were to do weighted crunches instead of weighted planks?
what if you dont have a squat rack what i do zercher squat zercher box squat or leg press and can i replace preasher curl with basic barbell strict curl and some long head work
Hell, I would like to ask if can do it twice a week instead of 3 times. I work as a chef long hours and moving all the time I am not sure if I can eat and sleep enough to recover properly. I think I can add bjj or muay thai instead of 3rd day do one of them twice a week ass gpp ?