Get Yoked With Mike “The Machine” Bruce! (World’s Strongest Neck)

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Today, Phil from FitWorldExposed and Alex from AlphaDestiny have the great pleasure of interviewing Mike the Machine Bruce, who is known to have one of the strongest necks in the world. He is here to share his wisdom and advice regarding strength training and neck development strategies.

Some of his best strength feats include a 1500lb rack pull, 90lb neck curl for 300 reps, a 300lb neck extension for 3 reps, and bending seven 5/8-inch steel bars across his throat in less than 60 seconds. It was an honor having him here and if you wish to contact him you can check out his youtube channel and website.



  1. Alexander Leonidas November 6, 2016
  2. Quintus Hallgren May 28, 2017

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