The Struggle to Eat Clean

   You must change your unhealthy habits as soon as possible, for the food that you currently consume is shortening your lifespan and contributing to various diseases that could have been prevented in the first place. Many will exclaim that they enjoy eating this way, or that they’re here “for a good time, not a long time”. This is delusional thinking, fueled by short term gratification.  You may be having fun now, but if you continue down this path much unnecessary suffering awaits you and your loved ones. Stop trying to justify bad eating habits and take control of your health destiny. If you struggle to eat clean, read on.

   My number one advice is to become obsessed with health and nutrition. You must read books on a daily basis and consistently strive to acquire new knowledge. Instead of wasting time on mindless drama or entertainment, use that opportunity to enhance your understanding of healthy eating. Treat this as a formal course, by which you will watch seminars, informative videos, go through studies, etc. The issue now is that you don’t fully realize how detrimental these foods are, hence why education is key. As a wise man once said, the truth will set you free. Would you still eat certain foods if you knew with 100% certainty that they contributed to heart disease or cancer? It was the same with cigarettes decades ago, where most people smoked. Upon learning the association with lung cancer, global consumption significantly reduced. Of course, there will always be smokers, but the point remains that you must learn the facts in order to make smart buying choices. Long-term success begins with awareness, so make nutrition your new obsession.

   Secondly, you must develop the habit of eating healthfully. This will take you around 21-30 days, although for some it may be longer. Clean eating MUST become the default, as this is the only way to succeed. In other words, if you currently follow the Standard American Diet, you will never eat that way ever again! Once in a blue moon/moderation is fine, but never frequently. Get focused on building this habit, such as not eating any junk food for an entire month. Willpower and discipline is essential, which is why I’ll also advise not having any cheat meals (temporarily). Indulging in junk will strengthen the neural pathways associated with unhealthy eating, which may cause you to binge or return to your previous ways. Furthermore, as you do your research you’ll know exactly what these cheat meals are doing to you in the first place, making it easier to stop eating them. An extra-large pizza, candy, or hot dog is not a reward, it’s garbage that destroys the human body. If anything, you should view these foods with disgust, since they literally kill you. This viewpoint may not come right away, but with time you will see these foods for what they really are. Cravings will subside, and your own meals will be preferred.

   This brings me on to my next point, which is the fact that you must learn how to cook and make tasteful recipes. With the internet, this couldn’t be any easier. Thousands of cook-books are available, in addition to amazing online tutorials. Find out what foods you enjoy, and you’ll eventually end up with some staples. For carbs, you may enjoy oatmeal, sweet potato, brown rice, or couscous. For protein, you might include black beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. Perhaps fats will include a variety of nuts and seeds, or even avocados. Find out which foods/flavor profiles you prefer, and add them to your arsenal. On a side note, the substitution method may be incorporated, where junk food is replaced for a healthier alternative. An example is to favor sweet potato fries in the oven, instead of deep-fried French fries. Again, research some recipes and you’ll easily find replacements that taste incredible while having the optimal textures. There is simply no excuse not to eat well, given the abundance of information. You may not be a master chef, but good meals can surely be made. With a bit of experience, you’ll grow fond of this lifestyle.

   On a final note, I would encourage you to research the gut microbiome, as some of you may experience bloating or gas upon changing your eating habits. Do not be discouraged, for this is only temporary. An example would be including beans, where flatulence or bloating may occur. The reason this happens is due to the fact that you are not a regular bean eater. The bacteria in your gut will change as you introduce more beans into your diet, and the longer you do this the easier it is to digest. It takes about two weeks for most people, after which there are no more difficulties. The same may occur with nuts/seeds, there may be a short adaptation period so do not be alarmed. If this bothers you, have a small amount of such foods to slowly build your tolerance over time. I would also recommend eating “low fodmap foods” if this is problematic, while adding fermented foods. On a side note, recognize that what you’re currently experiencing is far worse than some minor bloating or gas. It’s real inflammation, and real damage to the artery walls. I promise that processed junk like croissants and donuts are not doing you any favors, so please do your research on the microbiome before saying that clean eating didn’t work for you. Get informed, build those healthy habits, and enjoy your new recipes. It’s time to improve your quality of life and longevity. This is the only body you got, so take care of it.

Wishing you the best of health,


One Response

  1. mohit November 16, 2018

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