Your “Natural Limit”

You did not hit your limit, the critics who say otherwise are wrong. The vast majority of naturals are nowhere their potential. They haven’t failed enough times to get back up, learn from their mistakes, and overcome the odds. They experienced few defeats and immediately threw in the towel, never unlocking what they were truly capable of. These limiting beliefs, instilled by the negative hive poisoned their mind which facilitated a nocebo effect. The delusion of “bad genetics” began to manifest, and a new message of negativity formed—take drugs or lose. What a shame that so many lifters subscribe to this false ideology.

The truth is that every lifter, including you, is capable of more. You can become very muscular and strong with the right training system, it will simply require consistency and patience on your end. Mathematically, it doesn’t add up that most lifters are still novices even after years of training. The plague of inferior genetics cannot exist among the general population. The actual cause of failure is improper nutrition and programming. In reality, if you do things right and never give up, you will 100% succeed in the end. You may not be the greatest of all time, but you will be the best version of you which is what this game is all about. Escape the ego contests of comparing yourself to other men, instead focus on yourself and know exactly what you want. Develop an effective plan and attack your goals head on. Once you’re past the novice stage, about 70-80% of your size/strength gains will be acquired, and after the 4-5 year mark gains begin to slow down. In no way is this a “limit”, since gains are still being made. To call it one would be wrong, it’s just slower gains.

These small differences really add up over the years. This is what the elite naturals have in common, they tend to peak later in life. The hypothetical 10lbs added to your bench press each year may not seem like much, but after 5-10 years the acquired numbers are remarkable. What we’re talking about here is long-term commitment, a true grind. Remember, small improvements does not equate to no improvements! It’s never been a physical limitation, only a lack of intestinal fortitude to persevere through this long journey! If you give yourself a chance, you’ll realize that you have much more inside of you. Stay committed to the natural game and you’ll see that these gains aren’t over. You don’t need drugs, that’s just a temporary fix. It’s short-term gratification, and you won’t maintain that physique when you get off. On the other hand, natural muscle is sustainable, and you know for a fact that you did all the work. This is where true achievement and pride comes from, taking the road less traveled.

Furthermore, please understand that physical excellence encompasses many forms. There is more to life than bodybuilding. Many sports and activities exist, which provide hundreds of opportunities to embark a new path. For example, most hardcore lifters never trained their neck. Why not attempt to max out that muscle group, or perhaps even the calves? What about transitioning to something new, like powerlifting, strongman, MMA, boxing, football, basketball, calisthenics/gymnastics, or even marathon running? Do you mean to tell me that each facet has been fully maximized in the majority of trainees? Not a chance! When you broaden your fitness options, you’ll begin to understand that there is no such thing as a limit. You already determined what that is! Broaden your horizons for maximum satisfaction and personal growth. Do not set labels or trap yourself in the small box of conventional thinking. Always be willing to try out new things.

On a final note, I shall ask you the following questions. Did you really give it your all when it came to strength training or muscle building? Can you confidently say that you’ve tried every effective program available, and exhausted all of your training options? Did you give in too soon, or were you a human experiment until the end? If you can say yes to all, congratulations. You won the mental battle and will never have to wonder “what if”. You did not settle for less, you grinded until the final moment and reaped exactly what you sowed. No regrets, and no pondering on what could’ve been achieved. But if that’s not you, this war ain’t over. Raise your head high and get back in the trenches. It’s time to become someone great.


  1. Saso March 15, 2019
  2. Alexander Leonidas March 19, 2019

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